Sen. John McCain to discontinue brain cancer treatment

Making sure that people have healthcare is "providing handouts to leeches"?'re what passes for a conservative...

First, I wasn't talking about healthcare. Handouts to those that won't support themselves come in all types of things. However, if you want to discuss healthcare as a handout, it is when the funding for it involves forcibly taking from those you bleeding hearts think have too much.

As for supporting the kids of those that refuse to support their own, it's a handout since the primary responsibility of a parent is to do that on THEIR kid's behalf.

I guess what passes for a bleeding heart Liberal is someone that claims to care, refuses to fund what they support with their own money, and calls anyone that calls them on it whatever the term of the day is.

If you want to make sure someone you believe should have healthcare gets it, pay for it yourself on their behalf. If you won't, STFU. If you can't, the same applies. The healthcare and support of someone and their kids is not the taxpayer's responsibility. We're not their fucking ATM.
who is politicizing? He's deadwood in the Senate. why didn't he resign?


Map: All the Countries John McCain Has Wanted to Attack
Syria, Iraq, Russia, North Korea, and nine other nations the Arizona senator has been eager to bomb, invade,
or destabilize.

and this is old. Mccain wants economic warfare with Russia as well

speculation is held on past a certain date where there would be an election. Now if he goes it would be an appointment by a gop gov.
on a personal level - sure.
McCain is a public figure by the fact he's still in the Senate. I criticize him as a public figure

You stupid shitstain. The second half of her post was about you, idiot. Sociopaths without even a molecule of empathy.
First, I wasn't talking about healthcare. Handouts to those that won't support themselves come in all types of things. However, if you want to discuss healthcare as a handout, it is when the funding for it involves forcibly taking from those you bleeding hearts think have too much.

As for supporting the kids of those that refuse to support their own, it's a handout since the primary responsibility of a parent is to do that on THEIR kid's behalf.

I guess what passes for a bleeding heart Liberal is someone that claims to care, refuses to fund what they support with their own money, and calls anyone that calls them on it whatever the term of the day is.

If you want to make sure someone you believe should have healthcare gets it, pay for it yourself on their behalf. If you won't, STFU. If you can't, the same applies. The healthcare and support of someone and their kids is not the taxpayer's responsibility. We're not their fucking ATM.

Talk outta both sides of your mouth much?

Yea...pretty much
LOL you voted for a white supremacist warmonger

McCain is a fuckin saint compared to the Nationalists who rule the country now
stupid even for you.
Trump tries to make a peace with NK and you call him a warmonger. white supreme,is your standard rhetoric *yawn*

when he destroys a country like Libya get back to me
This thread is such an embarrassment.

A principled man who dedicated his entire life to serving his country. Served in Vietnam with courage that most here can't even imagine. Spent the rest of his years working for his constituents and to improve life in America.

This is not your standard politician. This is a great man.

And we get a lame thread like this because he sang "bomb, bomb Iran" and doesn't support a clown show.
"I think that when statesmen forsake their own private conscience for the sake of their public duties, they lead their country by a short route, to chaos.” Paul Scofield as Thomas More in Robert Bolt's A Man For All Seasons
My thanks to Senator McCain for his life-long faithful service.
My sympathies to his family in these grim hours of a remarkable lifetime.
The idea that the "left" is pretending that McCain is their hero is ludicrous. Does anyone remember when the Democrats were anti-war? I do. Now we have one party; it is the war party.
"Does anyone remember when the Democrats were anti-war? I do." CO #74
Some of the most peace-loving, anti-war U.S. citizens are high-ranking Pentagon combat veteran officials.

Republicans like Bush (younger) & Cheney are chicken hawks. They're the ones the lied us into War, and killed off our countrymen by the thousands, for nothing.
"Now we have one party; it is the war party." CO #74
Now they have another party, the prosperity party. And they may just make good on candidate Trump's commitment to "drain the swamp".
Talk outta both sides of your mouth much?

Yea...pretty much

I didn't expect you could address the facts of my post.

If a parent won't do for him/herself or his/her own kids, that's on them not on anyone else to do it for them. I don't have a problem helping a true need, one I not you have identified but I have no problem letting a lazy person starve and go without something.
People who continue to support Donald Trump ARE SCUM.

I thank you for corroborating that YOU, in particular, ARE SCUM OF THE FIRST ORDER.

How can you stand to be in your skin?

What are you going to do about it Frank? Continue to post in bold and CAP whining like a little bitch that didn't get his way.
People who continue to support Donald Trump ARE SCUM.

I thank you for corroborating that YOU, in particular, ARE SCUM OF THE FIRST ORDER.

How can you stand to be in your skin?
fuck off with your moralism defending a warmonger.
If MaCain had his way Libya would just be another in a series of battlefield earth.. "bomb bomb bomb Iran"
fuck off with your moralism defending a warmonger.
If MaCain had his way Libya would just be another in a series of battlefield earth.. "bomb bomb bomb Iran"


...and for most of your posts here in JPP.

Fucking scum.