Senate report confirms Bush lied; media shrugs

And the Democrats have proven to be productive ? You're funny. Congress has shitty ratings cause they all suck.

DUHHH, I am saying the dems have proven not to be productive. They do not hold enough of a majority to push anything down the repugs throats.
Of course...hes the driving force....well...his OPINIONS are anyway....

Come back when you get some P R O O F, Sonny....:321:

He was THERE, bravo; O'Reilly, who feeds you what to think, wasn't.

You're just sad, at this point. It must be terrible to watch everything you have defended for years crumble under the weight of truth.
DUHHH, I am saying the dems have proven not to be productive. They do not hold enough of a majority to push anything down the repugs throats.

Well welcome to the monkey house. We've gone through nearly 16 damn years of being at each others throats because of partisan politics. A giant waste of time if nothing else.
Well welcome to the monkey house. We've gone through nearly 16 damn years of being at each others throats because of partisan politics. A giant waste of time if nothing else.

Yes that is true, well mostly. Bad things (well worse than usual) happened when the republicans had control of both houses and the presidency.

Why are you still slinging partisan stuff out then ?
Yes that is true, well mostly. Bad things (well worse than usual) happened when the republicans had control of both houses and the presidency.

Why are you still slinging partisan stuff out then ?

Can't give up competing can you? I sling out stuff for balance. McCain and Obama have nothing new to offer anyone. They are both bought and paid for by the same people that brought us the last 16 years of nonsense. We gotta get our government outta the hands of this duopoly.
Check the report, you pathetic hack. It's not just a bunch of overblown Senators rendering opinion.

Oh, and did I mention Scott McClellan? You remember him, don't you?

McClellan is a TOOL. Don't you get it?
Seriously. The guy's IQ has to be sub-80.

He is a moron who sold out to the left. Simple as that.

A bunch of left-wing wackos paid him a million dollars to print libel.

It's all bullshit. None of it can be proven.

Of course, you're not really concerned about truth, are you.
McClellan is a TOOL. Don't you get it?
Seriously. The guy's IQ has to be sub-80.

He is a moron who sold out to the left. Simple as that.

A bunch of left-wing wackos paid him a million dollars to print libel.

It's all bullshit. None of it can be proven.

Of course, you're not really concerned about truth, are you.
The quote I have bolded is one of my favorite things said by my guilty clients. None of it can be proven. That is what the OJ jury decided too. None of it was proven. Keep saying that over and over. Eventually you will believe it.
By all that is decent and right, this should be an impeachable offense. Lying about a BJ and trying to cover it up, certainly was deemed by many to merit impeachment.

Everybody knows Bush lied, exaggerated, and misled us into war. The handful of Bush apologists who weakly cling to the exucse that, technically he didn't lie - he just exaggerated - hardly pass the laugh test anymore. I've yet to see a republican call for accountability; many of them still support the surge and the occupation of Iraq. And obviously they implicitly oppose any sanctions that would bring disrepute to their own party. Then you have people like Meme, Battleborne, and Disreputable who - when presented with irrefutable evidence that Bush lied - will just laugh, and cackle. Its just a big fucking joke and Bush got away with it. The media was complicit in selling this monostrous crime to the american people. You can bet your ass, they don't want this to see the light of day. McClathchy Newspapers - the only major media organization that got it right before the war - had a great editorial excoriating the MSM for their failure as the fourth estate. The Dems are either too cowardly to seek impeachment on grounds of treason and war crimes, or many of them were complicit in enabling Bush.

It comes to this: Americans know he lied. Americans are also up to their neck in scandal fatigue. The lies, incompetence, and treason of BushCo. are legion, and too many to even comprehend. Americans are also up to their necks with trying to cope with the disastorous economic and financial hardships imposed by republican policies and BushCo incompetence. People are beaten down, trod upon. Bush is the most unpopular president in history, and right track/wrong track polls are at historic lows. No one - the media, the democrats, many average americans - don't have the stomach or the fortitude to hold a demonstrable war criminal accountable. People are just marking off the days on the calender, until this clown is retired from the oval office. It's almost a malaise. People just want this nightmare to end.

Well said. And it's completely understandable that people feel this way. Unfortunetely, not having the strength to hold the people in this adminstration accountable, including this president, means that this will happen again. Somewhere down the road, it may be decades from now, it may be only 10 years from now, another president will want to go to war for their own reasons, and they will do it, because history and their advisors will tell them, you won't have to answer for it in court, where it matters. Only in polls. And that really sucks.
You know, if you read Bravo, dilldock and Thornicus enough, which I just did...your idea almost appears reasonable.

Yet these idiots will be the first one to claim they "support the troops" or fake outrage because someone posts a picture of a horribly burned, now dead, soldier.

And some here thought I was being too harsh whem I told WRL he should just go kill himself.

Justice would be to transport all these pussies to Iraq and have everyone of them suffer the same fate as that soldier.

Damo, I hope they make you proud.
Can't give up competing can you? I sling out stuff for balance. McCain and Obama have nothing new to offer anyone. They are both bought and paid for by the same people that brought us the last 16 years of nonsense. We gotta get our government outta the hands of this duopoly.

I heard that yesterday that Obama was not going to tke PAC and Lobbyist money.

Maybe, just maybe he is not as bad as the other side or as many on his side ?
Yet these idiots will be the first one to claim they "support the troops" or fake outrage because someone posts a picture of a horribly burned, now dead, soldier.

And some here thought I was being too harsh whem I told WRL he should just go kill himself.

Justice would be to transport all these pussies to Iraq and have everyone of them suffer the same fate as that soldier.

Damo, I hope they make you proud.

Actually that DOES sound like a Democrats concept of justice .
I heard that yesterday that Obama was not going to tke PAC and Lobbyist money.

Maybe, just maybe he is not as bad as the other side or as many on his side ?

Not taking PAC or lobbyist money doesn't release him from any pressure to act in a manner that they approve of but we shall see. So far he has no significant legislative accomplishments but maybe having a president who can't do anything is a plus.
Not taking PAC or lobbyist money doesn't release him from any pressure to act in a manner that they approve of but we shall see. So far he has no significant legislative accomplishments but maybe having a president who can't do anything is a plus.

Minimalization of the other sides accompolishments is very partisan of you.
The precedents that bush has set on presidential power gives the next pres lots more power :clink:

Of course the repugs will whine if the dem pres uses his power to the extent bush has...
But that is their way.
"It's all bullshit. None of it can be proven.

Of course, you're not really concerned about truth, are you."

Well, let's see; there are statements from Paul O'Neil, Paul Wolfowicz, Colin Powell's aide and Richard Clarke, among others. There is a documented lie from Bush about Curveball, the Iraqi spy who was completely discredited 2 days before Bush highlighted his claims in a State of the Union. There is the Downing Street memo, and another British report asserting that America was "fixing the intelligence around the policy." There is McClellan's book, and the Senate Report just released yesterday.

There is a mountain of evidence & "truth." You just can't recognize it when you have your eyes shut tight, your hands over your ears and you're yelling "Nyah, nyah, nyah" as loud as you can.
Minimalization of the other sides accompolishments is very partisan of you.
The precedents that bush has set on presidential power gives the next pres lots more power :clink:

Of course the repugs will whine if the dem pres uses his power to the extent bush has...
But that is their way.

sorry but Obama has little in the way of legislative accomplishments that he can point to verify his abilities. It's simpy the truth--no mininization necessary.