Senate report confirms Bush lied; media shrugs

Can't give up competing can you? I sling out stuff for balance. McCain and Obama have nothing new to offer anyone. They are both bought and paid for by the same people that brought us the last 16 years of nonsense. We gotta get our government outta the hands of this duopoly.

And do what .. vote for Bob Barr?

The government isn't the problem, the problem is the American people.

You know like finding out the government lied its way into war and instead of taking that government to task, whining about "the duoploy."

And do what .. vote for Bob Barr?

The government isn't the problem, the problem is the American people.

You know like finding out the government lied its way into war and instead of taking that government to task, whining about "the duoploy."


Of course the problem is the American people---they continue to buy into the claims made by Democrats and Republicans--over and over and over.
Of course the problem is the American people---they continue to buy into the claims made by Democrats and Republicans--over and over and over.

Not really; polls show a level of cynicism & distrust in our gov't that is at pretty high levels.

People are too busy to start a revolution. By the time most have a chance to vote, it's down to a relatively few candidates, and only a small few who have the money to compete, all of whom I'm sure you would find distasteful.

So, we vote for the one that is going to take the country in a direction that aligns most closely with our own vision. Whether you like it or not, America under McCain looks a whole lot different than America under Obama.

Keep spewing your self-righteous "above the fray" BS, though, if it makes you feel a little better about the whole thing.
Of course the problem is the American people---they continue to buy into the claims made by Democrats and Republicans--over and over and over.

Irrespective of political party or even if there were a hundred parties, there is a guilty group that deserves condemnation, and in my opinion, excecution.

I fail to see the point of complaining about "we need more parties" at a time when guilt for needlessly sending Americans off to die should be determined.
What's "different" about Obama?

He wouldn't have falsefied "evidence" to send hundreds of thousands of innocent people to their deaths.

Is that significant?
Irrespective of political party or even if there were a hundred parties, there is a guilty group that deserves condemnation, and in my opinion, excecution.

I fail to see the point of complaining about "we need more parties" at a time when guilt for needlessly sending Americans off to die should be determined.

Oh, that’s easy. That’s what “independent” not a republican republicans- a new breed which sprang up and saw their numbers multiply as if they were f’ing like little fluffy bunnies when it became humiliating for one to admit they were a bush voter – say in a desperate attempt to save the Republican party from taking responsibility for anything that they did during the bush years. No no no, it’s all the fault of the “demopublican two party system”.
That’s the point of it.
Besides--It's embarrassing to continue to hear day after day how your party has been transformed into whining ninnies for seven years by someone you call "stupid" and trying to defend a Congress has an even lower rating than "stupid" takes a lot of energy.

Classic Bush apologist response.

I hammered congress in my post. Please try reading what someone writes, before doing a drive by post.
Well said. And it's completely understandable that people feel this way. Unfortunetely, not having the strength to hold the people in this adminstration accountable, including this president, means that this will happen again. Somewhere down the road, it may be decades from now, it may be only 10 years from now, another president will want to go to war for their own reasons, and they will do it, because history and their advisors will tell them, you won't have to answer for it in court, where it matters. Only in polls. And that really sucks.

I agree, your absolutely right -- and this is going to be one of the worst consequences of sweeping this under the rug.

On strictly theoretical grounds, what Bush did doesn't even merit impeachment, IMO. Impeachment is a political sanction with no criminal consequences. Have you heard of that book by Vincent Bugiliosi, the Trial of George Bush for Murder? I heard Vincent interviewed the other day. Apparently, his book is a legal strategy for prosecuting George Bush in criminal court for the murder of hundreds of thousands of people, under US criminal code, after he leaves office.

And Vincent wants Bush to be put on trial in a death penalty state. Which is cool. :cool:

Hey, I can dream can't I?
It comes to this: Americans know he lied. Americans are also up to their neck in scandal fatigue. The lies, incompetence, and treason of BushCo. are legion, and too many to even comprehend. Americans are also up to their necks with trying to cope with the disastorous economic and financial hardships imposed by republican policies and BushCo incompetence. People are beaten down, trod upon. Bush is the most unpopular president in history, and right track/wrong track polls are at historic lows. No one - the media, the democrats, many average americans - don't have the stomach or the fortitude to hold a demonstrable war criminal accountable. People are just marking off the days on the calender, until this clown is retired from the oval office. It's almost a malaise. People just want this nightmare to end.

I think that sums it up nicely.
Oh, that’s easy. That’s what “independent” not a republican republicans- a new breed which sprang up and saw their numbers multiply as if they were f’ing like little fluffy bunnies when it became humiliating for one to admit they were a bush voter – say in a desperate attempt to save the Republican party from taking responsibility for anything that they did during the bush years. No no no, it’s all the fault of the “demopublican two party system”.
That’s the point of it.

Good point.

They hide in plain sight.
Oh, that’s easy. That’s what “independent” not a republican republicans- a new breed which sprang up and saw their numbers multiply as if they were f’ing like little fluffy bunnies when it became humiliating for one to admit they were a bush voter – say in a desperate attempt to save the Republican party from taking responsibility for anything that they did during the bush years. No no no, it’s all the fault of the “demopublican two party system”.
That’s the point of it.

LOL this is funny.
sorry but Obama has little in the way of legislative accomplishments that he can point to verify his abilities. It's simpy the truth--no mininization necessary.

And McCain votes with the bush machine the wast majority of the time. so ?

How much legislative experience did Bush have ?

You are just an independent Republican it would seem.
Putting the war on all Bush is BULLSHIT.

The American people stood at attention, saluted, and hung flags on their motherfucking houses as Bush marched out stormtroopers off to Iraq to mass-murder countless innocent people.

His popularity soared as dumb motherfucking Americans fell for the most obvious lies ever told.

The weak as shit Democratic Party stood by and sat on their goddamn hands while we destroyed yet another innocent nation.

Still, we're too fucking dumb to recognize that ALL of it was a lie .. including 9/11.



George Bush didn't do this .. Americans did.