Settling the Biological Virus Debate

So you got nothing but a different conspiracy theory?

You might want to at least -attempt- to put some context in what you say. I could you ask you the same inane question, but I know it's inane, so I won't.

Why haven't those doctors performed the tests they demand others perform? Are they that incapable of conducting them?

As I alluded to previously, Dr. Sam Bailey has stated that tests have already been tried out to try to ferret out these alleged viruses and come up empty.

PCR tests having nothing to do with sequencing an entire genome.

The fact that PCR tests are apparently diagnosing fruits with Covid is strongly suggestive that the PCR tests are useless for diagnosing anything. As I've already mentioned previously, the notion that any virus has actually been sequenced is precisely what the group of doctors is challenging. If any lab wants to see if they can actually find a virus using the techniques outlined by the group of doctors, they're welcome to give it a go.
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You might want to at least -attempt- to put some context in what you say. I could you ask you the same inane question, but I know its know it's inane, so I won't.

As I alluded to previously, Dr. Sam Bailey has stated that tests have already been tried out to try to ferret out these alleged viruses and come up empty.

The fact that PCR tests are apparently diagnosing fruits with Covid is strongly suggestive that the PCR tests are useless for diagnosing anything. As I've already mentioned previously, the notion that any virus has actually been sequenced is precisely what the group of doctors is challenging. If any lab wants to see if they can actually find a virus using the techniques outlined by the group of doctors, they're welcome to give it a go.
You're wasting your time on a low IQ snitch. Quit acting like a noob. Dick is a troll.
You might want to at least -attempt- to put some context in what you say. I could you ask you the same inane question, but I know it's inane, so I won't.

As I alluded to previously, Dr. Sam Bailey has stated that tests have already been tried out to try to ferret out these alleged viruses and come up empty.

The fact that PCR tests are apparently diagnosing fruits with Covid is strongly suggestive that the PCR tests are useless for diagnosing anything. As I've already mentioned previously, the notion that any virus has actually been sequenced is precisely what the group of doctors is challenging. If any lab wants to see if they can actually find a virus using the techniques outlined by the group of doctors, they're welcome to give it a go.

So (No longer a Dr.) Sam Bailey has claimed to have done something but has provided no evidence in support of that claim. Your credulity continues. You can't tell fact from fiction.
Actually, they've suggested that they -have- been done, and those conducting the experiments failed to find anything.

Why do they have to suggest?

They do more than that, but I hadn't yet found where when I'd written the above. I decided to do a deeper dive into the material the signatories of the statement referenced in the opening post have in regards to viruses. Ended up reading a 67 page essay on the subject by one of the signatories of the statement Dr. Mark Bailey. Glad I did, but I understand if you might not be inclined to read the whole thing, given your beliefs on the issue. It's here at any rate:

A farewell to virology (Expert Edition) |

If you do plan on reading some or all of it, I recommend downloading the pdf version.

In any case, I'll quote the abstract below...

Virology invented the virus model but has consistently failed to fulfill its own requirements. It is claimed that viruses cause disease after transmitting between hosts such as humans and yet the scientific evidence for these claims is missing. One of virology’s greatest failures has been the inability to obtain any viral particles directly from the tissues of organisms said to have “viral” diseases. In order to obfuscate this state of affairs, virologists have resorted to creating their own pseudoscientific methods to replace the longstanding scientific method, as well as changing the dictionary meaning of words in order to support their anti-scientific practices. For instance, an “isolated” isolate does not require the physical existence of the particles in order to be afforded “isolation” status.

A viral particle must fulfill defined physical and biological properties including being a replication- competent intracellular parasite capable of causing disease in a host such as a human. However, “viruses” such as SARS-CoV-2 are nothing more than phantom constructs, existing only in imaginations and computer simulations. In this paradigm, cases of invented diseases like COVID-19 are nothing more than the detection of selected genetic sequences and proteins purported to be “viral.” The existence of a virus is not required in this loop of circular reasoning and thus entire “pandemics” can be built upon digital creations and falsely sustained through in vitro (“test tube”) molecular reactions.

This essay contains three parts.

Part One outlines some of the history of virology and the failures of the virologists to follow the scientific method. The many and far-reaching claims of the virologists can all be shown to be flawed due to: (a) the lack of direct evidence, and (b) the invalidation of indirect “evidence” due to the uncontrolled nature of the experiments. The examples provided cover all major aspects of the virological fraud including alleged isolation, cytopathic effects, genomics, antibodies, and animal pathogenicity studies.

Part Two examines the fraud used to propagate the COVID-19 “pandemic.” A breakdown of the methodology relied upon by the original inventors Fan Wu et al., shows how the fictional SARS-CoV-2 was “created” through anti-scientific methods and linguistic sleights of hands. It is part of an ongoing deception where viruses are claimed to exist by templating them against previous “virus” templates. Using SARS-CoV-2 as an example, the trail of “coronavirus” genomic templates going back to the 1980s reveals that none of these genetic sequences have ever been shown to come from inside any viral particle — the phylogenetic trees are fantasies. The misapplication of the polymerase chain reaction has propagated this aspect of virology’s fraud and created the ‘cases’ to maintain the illusion of a pandemic.

Part Three provides an analysis of how some key participants, “health” institutions, and the mainstream media maintain the virus illusion through information control and narratives that parrot virology’s claims. By way of happenstance, the virological fraud now finds itself front and centre of the COVID-19 fraud. From here, however, it can be critically appraised by those outside virology and the pseudo- scientific paradigm virology has built around itself can finally be dismantled and laid to rest.

The aim of this essay is to provide refutations to various claims that pathogenic viruses exist and cause disease. SARS-CoV-2 has been used as the main example but the principles apply to all alleged viruses. What follows addresses virology’s often arcane literature on its own terms, which, it should be said, may make parts of this essay somewhat heavy reading. However, it is hoped that this contribution will fill a niche for the reader seeking a more technical understanding of the virus hypothesis as it seeks to expose the very foundation of purported pandemics and fraudulent medical practices. The threat of virology to humanity is increasing so it is time we bid farewell to these destructive pseudoscientific practices and free ourselves from unnecessary fears.
They do more than that, but I hadn't yet found where when I'd written the above. I decided to do a deeper dive into the material the signatories of the statement referenced in the opening post have in regards to viruses. Ended up reading a 67 page essay on the subject by one of the signatories of the statement Dr. Mark Bailey. Glad I did, but I understand if you might not be inclined to read the whole thing, given your beliefs on the issue. It's here at any rate:

A farewell to virology (Expert Edition) |

If you do plan on reading some or all of it, I recommend downloading the pdf version.

In any case, I'll quote the abstract below...

Virology invented the virus model but has consistently failed to fulfill its own requirements. It is claimed that viruses cause disease after transmitting between hosts such as humans and yet the scientific evidence for these claims is missing. One of virology’s greatest failures has been the inability to obtain any viral particles directly from the tissues of organisms said to have “viral” diseases. In order to obfuscate this state of affairs, virologists have resorted to creating their own pseudoscientific methods to replace the longstanding scientific method, as well as changing the dictionary meaning of words in order to support their anti-scientific practices. For instance, an “isolated” isolate does not require the physical existence of the particles in order to be afforded “isolation” status.

A viral particle must fulfill defined physical and biological properties including being a replication- competent intracellular parasite capable of causing disease in a host such as a human. However, “viruses” such as SARS-CoV-2 are nothing more than phantom constructs, existing only in imaginations and computer simulations. In this paradigm, cases of invented diseases like COVID-19 are nothing more than the detection of selected genetic sequences and proteins purported to be “viral.” The existence of a virus is not required in this loop of circular reasoning and thus entire “pandemics” can be built upon digital creations and falsely sustained through in vitro (“test tube”) molecular reactions.

This essay contains three parts.

Part One outlines some of the history of virology and the failures of the virologists to follow the scientific method. The many and far-reaching claims of the virologists can all be shown to be flawed due to: (a) the lack of direct evidence, and (b) the invalidation of indirect “evidence” due to the uncontrolled nature of the experiments. The examples provided cover all major aspects of the virological fraud including alleged isolation, cytopathic effects, genomics, antibodies, and animal pathogenicity studies.

Part Two examines the fraud used to propagate the COVID-19 “pandemic.” A breakdown of the methodology relied upon by the original inventors Fan Wu et al., shows how the fictional SARS-CoV-2 was “created” through anti-scientific methods and linguistic sleights of hands. It is part of an ongoing deception where viruses are claimed to exist by templating them against previous “virus” templates. Using SARS-CoV-2 as an example, the trail of “coronavirus” genomic templates going back to the 1980s reveals that none of these genetic sequences have ever been shown to come from inside any viral particle — the phylogenetic trees are fantasies. The misapplication of the polymerase chain reaction has propagated this aspect of virology’s fraud and created the ‘cases’ to maintain the illusion of a pandemic.

Part Three provides an analysis of how some key participants, “health” institutions, and the mainstream media maintain the virus illusion through information control and narratives that parrot virology’s claims. By way of happenstance, the virological fraud now finds itself front and centre of the COVID-19 fraud. From here, however, it can be critically appraised by those outside virology and the pseudo- scientific paradigm virology has built around itself can finally be dismantled and laid to rest.

The aim of this essay is to provide refutations to various claims that pathogenic viruses exist and cause disease. SARS-CoV-2 has been used as the main example but the principles apply to all alleged viruses. What follows addresses virology’s often arcane literature on its own terms, which, it should be said, may make parts of this essay somewhat heavy reading. However, it is hoped that this contribution will fill a niche for the reader seeking a more technical understanding of the virus hypothesis as it seeks to expose the very foundation of purported pandemics and fraudulent medical practices. The threat of virology to humanity is increasing so it is time we bid farewell to these destructive pseudoscientific practices and free ourselves from unnecessary fears.
It fails to address any of the questions I have raised already
Why and how are viruses sequenced if they don't exist? (Viruses are sequenced the same way any genome is.)
What causes the symptoms of the viral diseases if viruses don't exist?
How are they symptoms and disease spread if viruses don't exist?

If viruses don't exist then Sam Bailey and you need to come up with answers to those three questions and those answers have to make sense in the real world.
They haven't, but others have. The mainstream media passes it off as "faulty tests" when their ruse is exposed:

Faulty coronavirus kits suspected as goat and fruit test positive in Tanzania | New York Post

Quoting from the article:
Coronavirus test kits have aroused suspicions in Salaam, Tanzania after results taken from goats and fruit came back positive in what the country’s leader has dubbed a “technical error.” Tanzanian president John Magufuli memorably raised eyebrows earlier this week for touting an anti-COVID herbal tonic despite no scientific evidence that it cured the coronavirus.

Magufuli claimed he tried to vet the quality of the disease-detection equipment, which was reportedly imported from abroad, by having his security forces obtain random samples from goats, sheep and a local fruit called a pawpaw, Reuters reported. The sub-Saharan nation’s leader said he then assigned them human names and ages and delivered them to lab technicians who were purposefully unaware of their animal origins, in a bizarre blind test.

It was clear something was awry when both the goats and the pawpaw tested positive for the coronavirus. Currently Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report there’s no evidence that a fruit can contract COVID-19, although a variety of animals have recently been diagnosed with the disease, including cats, a dog and tigers at New York City’s Bronx Zoo.


Magufuli soon died under suspicious circumstances, so he won't be exposing the sham PCR tests anymore. Similarly, another African President, in this case the President of Burundi, also died under suspicious circumstances after showing WHO the door. Tebogo Brown, writing for South Africa's Independent Online, writes about these deaths in an informative article published last April...

There is more to John Magufuli’s demise than meets the eye

Published Apr 20, 2022

Tebogo Brown

Pretoria - Shortly after the death of Tanzanian president John Magufuli on March 17 last year, I wrote a tribute that was submitted to all local and national newspapers. In the same article, I paid tribute to the late president of Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza.

Unfortunately, the reader may not be aware of this article because it was never published.

Magufuli passed away under very suspicious circumstances, and so did Nkurunziza. Magufuli, an educated leader with a PhD in chemistry, used his knowledge and understanding of science to collapse the shaky structure of the Covid-19 pandemic. “The Bulldozer”, as he was known, kicked the World Health Organization (WHO) out of Tanzania after samples of pawpaw and a goat tested positive for Covid-19. Sensing fraud, lies and deceit, Magufuli suspended the head of Tanzania’s National Health Laboratory, Nyambura Moremi, and formed a 10-person investigative committee.

Just like Magufuli, Nkurunziza ordered WHO representatives to leave the country. He suddenly died and his replacement, Évariste Ndayishimiye, invited WHO back. It is worth pointing out that both leaders passed away eight months apart. But new information has emerged. Magufuli was not only hated for his position on lockdowns, masks, social distancing and the Covid-19 pandemic as a whole.

He was hated more for his constant efforts towards nationalising Tanzania’s mineral wealth, which threatened to deprive the West of control over resources deemed essential to the fast-approaching new world order.

Throughout his presidency, Magufuli had locked horns with the most powerful multinational corporations. He kicked out Bill Gates-funded trials of genetically modified crops and opposed some of the most powerful mining companies in the West, which have strong ties with the World Economic Forum.


Full article:

There is more to John Magufuli’s demise than meets the eye | Independent Online

False positives is a problem with pretty much any test kit. So are false negatives.

I certainly agree with you on the false positives, but since I don't believe the Cov 2 virus (or any other biological virus) exists, I clearly don't agree with you on the false negatives.
You are ofcourse free to define science however you like. However, for the purposes of being able to agree on what a term means, I chose Wikipedia's definition. If you can find a well known source that has your definition, by all means present it.

False authority fallacy. Wikipedia defines no word except 'Wikipedia'.

No, it defines a whole lot more words than that. Now, you may not -agree- with their definitions, and that's fine, but if you and I can't agree on the definition of a word, we have a problem. This is why I suggested you find a well known source instead of apparently just defining the term yourself.
Merriam Webster defines mathematics as "the science of numbers and their operations (see OPERATION sense 5), interrelations, combinations, generalizations, and abstractions and of space (see SPACE entry 1 sense 7) configurations and their structure, measurement, transformations, and generalizations"


It also has many theories. Wikipedia has a list of them here:

Where did I allegedly claim this?

False authority fallacy. Mathematics is not science.

Based on Wikipedia's definition of the term, which defines mathematics as "the science of numbers and their operations...", it would seem to be a branch of science.

Dictionaries do not define any word. That is not their purpose.

Pretty sure most would disagree with you there. Wikipedia certainly does. From their entry on the term:

A dictionary is a listing of lexemes from the lexicon of one or more specific languages, often arranged alphabetically (or by radical and stroke for ideographic languages), which may include information on definitions, usage, etymologies, pronunciations, translation, etc.[1][2][3] It is a lexicographical reference that shows inter-relationships among the data.[4]


Mathematics is a closed functional system.

Perhaps, but it is also apparently a branch of science.

A theory is not science.

There we can agree.

Science is a set of falsifiable theories.

So you say, but I have yet to see a well known source claim the same.

There are plenty of nonscientific theories.

Agreed. I believe the theory of virology is a good example.
You might want to at least -attempt- to put some context in what you say. I could you ask you the same inane question, but I know it's inane, so I won't.

As I alluded to previously, Dr. Sam Bailey has stated that tests have already been tried out to try to ferret out these alleged viruses and come up empty.

The fact that PCR tests are apparently diagnosing fruits with Covid is strongly suggestive that the PCR tests are useless for diagnosing anything. As I've already mentioned previously, the notion that any virus has actually been sequenced is precisely what the group of doctors is challenging. If any lab wants to see if they can actually find a virus using the techniques outlined by the group of doctors, they're welcome to give it a go.

You're wasting your time on a low IQ snitch. Quit acting like a noob. Dick is a troll.

There are times when Richard has written some posts that I felt weren't responding to, but what I -like- about Richard is that he frequently does seem to put in a fair amount of time in his responses. A productive discussion requires both sides to put in a significant amount of effort in their posts. Failing that, the discussion tends to fizzle out.
They do more than that, but I hadn't yet found where when I'd written the above. I decided to do a deeper dive into the material the signatories of the statement referenced in the opening post have in regards to viruses. Ended up reading a 67 page essay on the subject by one of the signatories of the statement Dr. Mark Bailey. Glad I did, but I understand if you might not be inclined to read the whole thing, given your beliefs on the issue. It's here at any rate:

A farewell to virology (Expert Edition) |

If you do plan on reading some or all of it, I recommend downloading the pdf version.

In any case, I'll quote the abstract below...

Virology invented the virus model but has consistently failed to fulfill its own requirements. It is claimed that viruses cause disease after transmitting between hosts such as humans and yet the scientific evidence for these claims is missing. One of virology’s greatest failures has been the inability to obtain any viral particles directly from the tissues of organisms said to have “viral” diseases. In order to obfuscate this state of affairs, virologists have resorted to creating their own pseudoscientific methods to replace the longstanding scientific method, as well as changing the dictionary meaning of words in order to support their anti-scientific practices. For instance, an “isolated” isolate does not require the physical existence of the particles in order to be afforded “isolation” status.

A viral particle must fulfill defined physical and biological properties including being a replication- competent intracellular parasite capable of causing disease in a host such as a human. However, “viruses” such as SARS-CoV-2 are nothing more than phantom constructs, existing only in imaginations and computer simulations. In this paradigm, cases of invented diseases like COVID-19 are nothing more than the detection of selected genetic sequences and proteins purported to be “viral.” The existence of a virus is not required in this loop of circular reasoning and thus entire “pandemics” can be built upon digital creations and falsely sustained through in vitro (“test tube”) molecular reactions.

This essay contains three parts.

Part One outlines some of the history of virology and the failures of the virologists to follow the scientific method. The many and far-reaching claims of the virologists can all be shown to be flawed due to: (a) the lack of direct evidence, and (b) the invalidation of indirect “evidence” due to the uncontrolled nature of the experiments. The examples provided cover all major aspects of the virological fraud including alleged isolation, cytopathic effects, genomics, antibodies, and animal pathogenicity studies.

Part Two examines the fraud used to propagate the COVID-19 “pandemic.” A breakdown of the methodology relied upon by the original inventors Fan Wu et al., shows how the fictional SARS-CoV-2 was “created” through anti-scientific methods and linguistic sleights of hands. It is part of an ongoing deception where viruses are claimed to exist by templating them against previous “virus” templates. Using SARS-CoV-2 as an example, the trail of “coronavirus” genomic templates going back to the 1980s reveals that none of these genetic sequences have ever been shown to come from inside any viral particle — the phylogenetic trees are fantasies. The misapplication of the polymerase chain reaction has propagated this aspect of virology’s fraud and created the ‘cases’ to maintain the illusion of a pandemic.

Part Three provides an analysis of how some key participants, “health” institutions, and the mainstream media maintain the virus illusion through information control and narratives that parrot virology’s claims. By way of happenstance, the virological fraud now finds itself front and centre of the COVID-19 fraud. From here, however, it can be critically appraised by those outside virology and the pseudo- scientific paradigm virology has built around itself can finally be dismantled and laid to rest.

The aim of this essay is to provide refutations to various claims that pathogenic viruses exist and cause disease. SARS-CoV-2 has been used as the main example but the principles apply to all alleged viruses. What follows addresses virology’s often arcane literature on its own terms, which, it should be said, may make parts of this essay somewhat heavy reading. However, it is hoped that this contribution will fill a niche for the reader seeking a more technical understanding of the virus hypothesis as it seeks to expose the very foundation of purported pandemics and fraudulent medical practices. The threat of virology to humanity is increasing so it is time we bid farewell to these destructive pseudoscientific practices and free ourselves from unnecessary fears.

It fails to address any of the questions I have raised already
Why and how are viruses sequenced if they don't exist? (Viruses are sequenced the same way any genome is.)

The abstract that I quoted above actually gets into that:

A viral particle must fulfill defined physical and biological properties including being a replication- competent intracellular parasite capable of causing disease in a host such as a human. However, “viruses” such as SARS-CoV-2 are nothing more than phantom constructs, existing only in imaginations and computer simulations. In this paradigm, cases of invented diseases like COVID-19 are nothing more than the detection of selected genetic sequences and proteins purported to be “viral.” The existence of a virus is not required in this loop of circular reasoning and thus entire “pandemics” can be built upon digital creations and falsely sustained through in vitro (“test tube”) molecular reactions.
The abstract that I quoted above actually gets into that:

A viral particle must fulfill defined physical and biological properties including being a replication- competent intracellular parasite capable of causing disease in a host such as a human. However, “viruses” such as SARS-CoV-2 are nothing more than phantom constructs, existing only in imaginations and computer simulations. In this paradigm, cases of invented diseases like COVID-19 are nothing more than the detection of selected genetic sequences and proteins purported to be “viral.” The existence of a virus is not required in this loop of circular reasoning and thus entire “pandemics” can be built upon digital creations and falsely sustained through in vitro (“test tube”) molecular reactions.

It doesn't address any of my questions.
Where does it tell us how why the symptoms of the disease occur if there is no virus?
Where does it tell us why the sequencing always results in a virus with known symptoms and known contact always result in the same sequence? It would be mathematically impossible for the sequences to occur the same unless there is something that is transferring that sequence from one host to another.
Where does it tell us how contact with someone with symptoms results in the same symptoms as if something is transferred that is causing the symptoms?

All you are doing is repeating denials on their part without ever showing why their hypothesis could possibly fit the known facts. Their idiotic claims can't begin to fit the facts since you can't answer my three questions.
The abstract that I quoted above actually gets into that:

A viral particle must fulfill defined physical and biological properties including being a replication- competent intracellular parasite capable of causing disease in a host such as a human. However, “viruses” such as SARS-CoV-2 are nothing more than phantom constructs, existing only in imaginations and computer simulations. In this paradigm, cases of invented diseases like COVID-19 are nothing more than the detection of selected genetic sequences and proteins purported to be “viral.” The existence of a virus is not required in this loop of circular reasoning and thus entire “pandemics” can be built upon digital creations and falsely sustained through in vitro (“test tube”) molecular reactions.

Let me poke a huge hole in that argument.
If Covid-19 is not real, provide us with a valid explanation for all the deaths that occurred because of Covid. The rate of death went up by 10% or more when Covid arrived. Until you can provide a valid explanation that matches the known facts, the argument is bullshit.

Fact - Covid was diagnosed and sequenced as a virus
Fact - people had similar symptoms that were diagnosed with having the virus. Some of those symptoms couldn't be from any other known disease such as losing smell and taste.
Fact - Death rate for those diagnosed with symptoms and testing positive for the virus was higher than the population at large.

There is no circular reasoning in those 3 facts. Explain them away if you can. The only phantom construct I see is (Not a Dr) Sam Bailey throwing out bullshit that can't begin to explain the reality.
They do more than that, but I hadn't yet found where when I'd written the above. I decided to do a deeper dive into the material the signatories of the statement referenced in the opening post have in regards to viruses. Ended up reading a 67 page essay on the subject by one of the signatories of the statement Dr. Mark Bailey. Glad I did, but I understand if you might not be inclined to read the whole thing, given your beliefs on the issue. It's here at any rate:

A farewell to virology (Expert Edition) |

If you do plan on reading some or all of it, I recommend downloading the pdf version.

In any case, I'll quote the abstract below...
Science is not a paper, book, magazine, or website. The existence of a paper is not a proof.
Virology invented the virus model but has consistently failed to fulfill its own requirements.
It doesn't have any requirements.
It is claimed that viruses cause disease after transmitting between hosts such as humans and yet the scientific evidence for these claims is missing.
No, it isn't. It exists.
One of virology’s greatest failures has been the inability to obtain any viral particles directly from the tissues of organisms said to have “viral” diseases.
In order to obfuscate this state of affairs, virologists have resorted to creating their own pseudoscientific methods to replace the longstanding scientific method,
Science is not a method or procedure.
as well as changing the dictionary meaning of words
Dictionaries don't define any word.
in order to support their anti-scientific practices.
Science is not a practice.
For instance, an “isolated” isolate does not require the physical existence of the particles in order to be afforded “isolation” status.
Try English. It works better.
A viral particle must fulfill defined physical and biological properties including being a replication- competent intracellular parasite capable of causing disease in a host such as a human.
Viruses do not replicate by themselves. They do cause disease.
However, “viruses” such as SARS-CoV-2 are nothing more than phantom constructs, existing only in imaginations and computer simulations.
Lie. This particular variant actually exists. There are even pictures of it taken with electron microscopes. This virus is a respiratory virus, causing mild to moderate symptoms including sore throat, possible pneumonia, temporary loss or reduction of the sense of smell, and some congestion. This virus does not kill.
In this paradigm, cases of invented diseases like COVID-19 are nothing more than the detection of selected genetic sequences and proteins purported to be “viral.”
Covid19 is a real virus. it is the colloquial name for SARS-Cov2, part of the SARS/Covid series of viruses (about a few dozen have been discovered so far). NONE of them kill.
The existence of a virus is not required in this loop of circular reasoning and thus entire “pandemics” can be built upon digital creations and falsely sustained through in vitro (“test tube”) molecular reactions.
If one calls covid19 a pandemic, than the common cold is a pandemic. Big hairy deal.
This essay contains three parts.

Part One outlines some of the history of virology and the failures of the virologists to follow the scientific method.
Science is not a method or procedure.
The many and far-reaching claims of the virologists can all be shown to be flawed due to: (a) the lack of direct evidence,
There is direct evidence. This statement is an outright lie.
and (b) the invalidation of indirect “evidence” due to the uncontrolled nature of the experiments.
Science does not use indirect evidence. Experiments and controls are not necessary in science.
The examples provided cover all major aspects of the virological fraud including alleged isolation, cytopathic effects, genomics, antibodies, and animal pathogenicity studies.

Part Two examines the fraud used to propagate the COVID-19 “pandemic.” A breakdown of the methodology relied upon by the original inventors Fan Wu et al., shows how the fictional SARS-CoV-2 was “created” through anti-scientific methods
Science is not a method or procedure.
and linguistic sleights of hands.
The author is describing himself. Inversion fallacy.
It is part of an ongoing deception where viruses are claimed to exist by templating them against previous “virus” templates.
There is no such thing as a virus 'template'. Buzzword fallacy.
Using SARS-CoV-2 as an example, the trail of “coronavirus” genomic templates going back to the 1980s reveals that none of these genetic sequences have ever been shown to come from inside any viral particle
There is no such thing as a 'viral particle'. Buzzword fallacy.
— the phylogenetic trees are fantasies. The misapplication of the polymerase chain reaction has propagated this aspect of virology’s fraud and created the ‘cases’ to maintain the illusion of a pandemic.
The fraud with covid19 has nothing to do with the virus itself. It has to do with manufacturing 'deaths' from a virus that simply does not kill, to play upon people's fear and implement tyranny. Nations around the world have done this, including the United States.
Part Three provides an analysis of how some key participants, “health” institutions, and the mainstream media maintain the virus illusion through information control and narratives that parrot virology’s claims. By way of happenstance, the virological fraud now finds itself front and centre of the COVID-19 fraud. From here, however, it can be critically appraised by those outside virology and the pseudo- scientific paradigm virology has built around itself can finally be dismantled and laid to rest.
Covid19 exists. it really exists. It does not kill. It is the mildest variant of the Covid/SARS series of viruses so far discovered.
The aim of this essay is to provide refutations to various claims that pathogenic viruses exist and cause disease.
By making circular arguments and discarding science and using buzzwords. Meh.

As a peer reviewer, I would flunk this paper. It has nothing to do with science. It denies and discards science. It makes conflicting statements and uses numerous meaningless buzzwords. It fails to falsify any theory of science and simply discards them.
I would not include it in any publication of mine.
No, it defines a whole lot more words than that.
Wikipedia defines no word except 'Wikipedia'. False authority fallacy.
Now, you may not -agree- with their definitions, and that's fine, but if you and I can't agree on the definition of a word, we have a problem.
Wikipedia does not define any word except 'Wikipedia'. False authority fallacy. have a problem. You can't communicate because you don't know the meanings of words or even how they are defined.
This is why I suggested you find a well known source instead of apparently just defining the term yourself.
There is no single source. I am not defining anything here. YOU are using meaningless buzzwords. You have not defined any of them. YOU are trying to redefine 'science' by discarding philosophy.
Based on Wikipedia's definition of the term, which defines mathematics as "the science of numbers and their operations...", it would seem to be a branch of science.
False authority fallacy. Wikipedia does not define 'mathematics' nor 'science'.
Pretty sure most would disagree with you there. Wikipedia certainly does. From their entry on the term:
I really don't give a damn about Wikipedia. You cannot use it as a reference with me. Too many articles in it are incomplete, biased, or just plain wrong. Summarily dismissed.
A dictionary is a listing of lexemes from the lexicon of one or more specific languages, often arranged alphabetically (or by radical and stroke for ideographic languages), which may include information on definitions, usage, etymologies, pronunciations, translation, etc.[1][2][3] It is a lexicographical reference that shows inter-relationships among the data.[4]

False authority fallacy. No dictionary defines any word.
Perhaps, but it is also apparently a branch of science.
Mathematics is not a branch of science. Mathematics is a closed functional system. Science is an open functional system.
There we can agree.
So you say, but I have yet to see a well known source claim the same.
'Science is not defined by vote. There is no voting bloc in science. Populusim fallacy.
Agreed. I believe the theory of virology is a good example.
There is no 'Theory of virology'. Discard of science in an effort to prove science. Paradox. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism). Attempted proof by paradox. Irrational.
There are times when Richard has written some posts that I felt weren't responding to, but what I -like- about Richard is that he frequently does seem to put in a fair amount of time in his responses. A productive discussion requires both sides to put in a significant amount of effort in their posts. Failing that, the discussion tends to fizzle out.

Attempted proof by patronizing.
Let me poke a huge hole in that argument.
If Covid-19 is not real, provide us with a valid explanation for all the deaths that occurred because of Covid. The rate of death went up by 10% or more when Covid arrived. Until you can provide a valid explanation that matches the known facts, the argument is bullshit.

Fact - Covid was diagnosed and sequenced as a virus
Fact - people had similar symptoms that were diagnosed with having the virus. Some of those symptoms couldn't be from any other known disease such as losing smell and taste.
Fact - Death rate for those diagnosed with symptoms and testing positive for the virus was higher than the population at large.

There is no circular reasoning in those 3 facts. Explain them away if you can. The only phantom construct I see is (Not a Dr) Sam Bailey throwing out bullshit that can't begin to explain the reality.

Covid19 does not kill. It caused no deaths. It is the mildest variant of the Covid/SARS series so far discovered.
The 'deaths' are manufactured numbers. Argument from randU fallacy.
It fails to address any of the questions I have raised already
Why and how are viruses sequenced if they don't exist? (Viruses are sequenced the same way any genome is.)

The abstract that I quoted above actually gets into that:

A viral particle must fulfill defined physical and biological properties including being a replication- competent intracellular parasite capable of causing disease in a host such as a human. However, “viruses” such as SARS-CoV-2 are nothing more than phantom constructs, existing only in imaginations and computer simulations. In this paradigm, cases of invented diseases like COVID-19 are nothing more than the detection of selected genetic sequences and proteins purported to be “viral.” The existence of a virus is not required in this loop of circular reasoning and thus entire “pandemics” can be built upon digital creations and falsely sustained through in vitro (“test tube”) molecular reactions.

It doesn't address any of my questions.

The question of yours which I quoted, was "how are viruses sequenced if they don't exist?". I believe that the above quote from Dr. Mark Bailey's abstract addresses your question.

Where does it tell us how why the symptoms of the disease occur if there is no virus?

Mark Bailey's essay was not designed to explain why any given disease occurs. It was designed to explain that there is no substantive evidence that viruses exist.

Where does it tell us why the sequencing always results in a virus with known symptoms and known contact always result in the same sequence?

There you go again with the sequences. I already quoted Dr. Mark Bailey's response to the alleged sequencing of viruses above, I'm sure you can scroll back up to see it again if you like. If you'd like a more in depth explanation as to the sequencing fraud, you're welcome to read Dr. Mark Bailey's essay in its entirety.
The abstract that I quoted above actually gets into that:

A viral particle must fulfill defined physical and biological properties including being a replication- competent intracellular parasite capable of causing disease in a host such as a human. However, “viruses” such as SARS-CoV-2 are nothing more than phantom constructs, existing only in imaginations and computer simulations. In this paradigm, cases of invented diseases like COVID-19 are nothing more than the detection of selected genetic sequences and proteins purported to be “viral.” The existence of a virus is not required in this loop of circular reasoning and thus entire “pandemics” can be built upon digital creations and falsely sustained through in vitro (“test tube”) molecular reactions.

Let me poke a huge hole in that argument.
If Covid-19 is not real, provide us with a valid explanation for all the deaths that occurred because of Covid.

Again, quoting from Dr. Mark Bailey's abstract:

In this paradigm, cases of invented diseases like COVID-19 are nothing more than the detection of selected genetic sequences and proteins purported to be “viral.”

People die every day for all sorts of reasons. Labelling some of those deaths to be caused by "Covid-19" does not mean that a virus had to have caused those deaths. Here's a snippet from Dr. Mark Bailey's essay that I think is quite apt in regards to this newly invented disease allegedly being caused by this alleged Cov 2 virus:

Despite the resources available to them, ESR apparently do not believe in the necessity to check for themselves whether SARS-CoV-2 can be shown to exist. On 19 July 2022, in response to an OIA request they stated that, “ESR has not performed any experiments to scientifically prove the existence of SARS-COV-2 virus and can therefore not provide you with any records.”70 On 17 August 2022 in response to another request, they admitted that, “ESR has not performed any experiments to scientifically prove that [the] SARS-COV-2 virus causes COVID-19 and can therefore not provide you with any records.”71 Nobody else has performed these required scientific experiments either.

The rate of death went up by 10% or more when Covid arrived.

Where are you getting this alleged statistic?