Sex reassignment in minors may be medical history's 'greatest ethical scandal'

I can see a massive number of lawsuits coming down the track in future.

Jacqueline Eustache-Brinio, an LR senator who led the working group behind the report, concluded that “fashion plays a big role” in the rise of gender reassignment treatments.

If this factor and the risks involved are underestimated, she added, “the sexual transition of young people will be considered as one of the greatest ethical scandals in the history of medicine”."
I can see a massive number of lawsuits coming down the track in future.

Jacqueline Eustache-Brinio, an LR senator who led the working group behind the report, concluded that “fashion plays a big role” in the rise of gender reassignment treatments.

If this factor and the risks involved are underestimated, she added, “the sexual transition of young people will be considered as one of the greatest ethical scandals in the history of medicine”."
"Greatest"? :rofl2:

I can name a few that is 10000x worse than the rare mastectomy done on teenagers.

We don't know yet full extent of the malfeasance yet, remember Hitchen's Razor. What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence." be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence
We don't know yet full extent of the malfeasance yet, remember Hitchen's Razor. What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence."[FONT=&] be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence[/FONT]

There is scant evidence that HRT does irreversible damages to transgender children.

BTW, what is meant by "sex reassignment" anyway? No surgeries are being done on transgender children except mastectomy on 15-17 years old teenager girls, which shouldn't happen at all. More study is needed to treat their tendency to chest bind, which is a real thing and dangerous.
If I were uncomfortable with my gender assignment,
I's want to be euthanized, not disfigured by surgery.

Everybody is different, I suppose,
but we MUST legalize euthanasia in this country
if we really wish to deserve the moral high ground that we claim to have.
The Tuskeegee experiment was much worse . It was also worse because it was real.

Started in 1932 by the pro lynching socialist FDR, it affected 399 Black men.

The USA's $2 billion dollar socialist Transgender industry is very real.

Men and women can not switch genders. You are lying.
I wish you IDIOTS would find something to argue about!

I can assure you, there are no forum members here that would approve of children having sex change operations.

And, there is no one I know of in Congress on either side of the aisle that would approve of that either.

I see this thread subject as a total waste of time and space.

SO why start SHIT threads?

I hope Opey DOPEY has a power tool accident and gives himself a free sex operation!

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Started in 1932 by the pro lynching socialist FDR, it affected 399 Black men.

The USA's $2 billion dollar socialist Transgender industry is very real.

Men and women can not switch genders. You are lying.

nordberg loves sterilizing people in general.

he's a demented nazi.

Eunuchs in the Byzantine Empire: A Study in Byzantine Titulature and Prosopography

Eunuchs in the Byzantine Empire: A Study in Byzantine Titulature and Prosopography

Guilland, Rodolphe

English translation of a French article from: Études Byzantines


The present study cannot be exhaustive, for a number of reasons. It is part of a series of studies intended to contribute to the history of administration of the Byzantine Empire, which is still so poorly understood. It is conceived as an introduction to the study of the titles and dignities enjoyed by eunuchs in Byzantium. The information given about the persons is summary, because the complete notes will appear in the Byzantine Prosopography that is being prepared by my dear friend and knowledgeable colleague R.P.V. Laurent. The citations of Byzantine authors are made according to the Bonn Byzantine collection unless otherwise indicated.

Eunuchs (hoi eunouchoi) were very numerous in Byzantium. According to the very strong statement of Constantine VII, they swarmed around the Grand Palace like flies around a cow-shed in the summer (Theoph. Cont. 318). Eunuchs were always very sought after by the Byzantine emperors. Zonaras writes (III 250), “Romaioi peri tous ektomias eptoeemenoi aei [the Byzantines were always passionately excited for castrati]”. In the era of Irene (797-802) eunuchs formed a veritable swarm in the Grand Palace: ho polus toon eunouchoon esmos [the number of the eunuchs was as a swarm of bees] (Cedr. II 29). One could not give the emperor any more valuable gift than eunuchs. Among the rich presents given by Danielis to Basil I (867-886) were 300 young slaves, including one hundred eunuchs, because “he knew that there was always room for eunuchs in the imperial palace” (Theoph. Cont. 318). Liutprand relates that Theobald I, marquis of Spoleto (929-936), after having made prisoners of Greek soldiers, turned them into eunuchs and wrote to the general: “Quoniam vestro sancto imperatori spadonibus nil pretiosius esse cognovi, hos studui pauculos sibi verecunde transmittere, plures, Deo propitio, transmissurus.” [Since I know of nothing more valued by your holy emperor than eunuchs, I have taken pains humbly to send these few to him, and, God willing, I will send more].
Started in 1932 by the pro lynching socialist FDR, it affected 399 Black men.

The USA's $2 billion dollar socialist Transgender industry is very real.

Men and women can not switch genders. You are lying.

Sex and gender are two different things. Nobody claimed that you can switch biological sexes.