Sex reassignment in minors may be medical history's 'greatest ethical scandal'

that's a problem dumbass.

if a child wasn't going through puberty that would be considered a problem.

since when is puberty a disease condition to be thwarted?

since nazis took over your dumb fucking idiot mind?

When one identifies as an opposite gender, puberty becomes a problem.
When one identifies as an opposite gender, puberty becomes a problem.

that's a made up thing, made up by nazis, and encouraged by nazis at school.

you're sick and twisted.

what happened to you?

do you really need so bad to be in the cool kid group that you say the dumbest shit in the world?

guess so.

that's a made up thing, made up by nazis, and encouraged by nazis at school.

you're sick and twisted.

what happened to you?

do you really need so bad to be in the cool kid group that you say the dumbest shit in the world?

guess so.


We're you picked on when you were a kid? I guess so.
"Surgical sexual reassignment" are not being done on children.


it's a question. not an argument.

why not encourage full body tattoos for people who identify as black?

I guess the tattoo artists have not achieved state capture the way big pharma has.......