Sex reassignment in minors may be medical history's 'greatest ethical scandal'

Sex and gender are two different things. Nobody claimed that you can switch biological sexes.

Wrong, they are NOT two different things.

Have you ever seen other "transgender" mammals? No, because it is made up based on feelings, not biological science.

Clownfish are not mammals. And they are NOT transgender.

Biological sex is chromosomes. Gender is in the brain.

Clownfish can change their sexes.

Repeatedly uttering the word, "wrong", will not make the reality go away.
Biological sex is chromosomes. Gender is in the brain.

Clownfish can change their sexes.

Repeatedly uttering the word, "wrong", will not make the reality go away.

So clownfish switch sexes ... NOT genders. :thup:

Saying it is "in the brain" does not make it true.
This is what the hate party thinks is the issue of the day. who cares. Its on the top of their list because like being a hate party member itself , you have to be hateful or stupid to consider this something to care about. Like I always say , maybe look into this before posting stupid crap like this. By the way Trump raped a 13year old and told her he would kill her if she talked. Epstein was murdered for a reason.
How stupid is the christian right, so stupid that they don't realize that the only God Trump will support is one he can control.
Biological sex is chromosomes. Gender is in the brain.

Clownfish can change their sexes.

Repeatedly uttering the word, "wrong", will not make the reality go away.

are humans clownfish?
