Sh*t is getting realz

How are the police going to capture a guy alive who's hell bent on shooting everyone in site until he is taken out or would probably kill himself first? I'm not seeing how they would do it.

Why not just surround the building and starve him out. From talks with the homeowners son, it was a cabin that gets rented out and probably didn't have much inside of it.
Turn off the electricity and he's going to get cold, real quick.
Why not just surround the building and starve him out. From talks with the homeowners son, it was a cabin that gets rented out and probably didn't have much inside of it.
Turn off the electricity and he's going to get cold, real quick.
you should know that answer to this. In cali, the government rules. the cops enforce that government rule. an assault against a cop is the same as an assault against the rulers of cali. killing one of them is the worst insult you could possibly come up with and they will damn sure make an example out of you to tell the public they will kill you if you lift a finger against their rule.
How do you take a guy alive who is firing at and killing your people and has no desired to be captured?

Well, it's highly unlikely sure, but knowing cops like I do, I doubt the possibility of such things entered their minds anyways.
You believe that!!
LAPD killed this guy days ago!
11 days ago probably.

Well, one way may be; is when he's trying to escape a burning building, you don't force him back inside by shooting at him.

Did he try to escape? (not a rhetorical question) I'm reading others saying he shot himself while in the house after it was set on fire.
Did he try to escape? (not a rhetorical question) I'm reading others saying he shot himself while in the house after it was set on fire.

It was reported that after they fired in the "hot teargas", which has been known to start fires in wood buildings (as opposed to "cold teargas", and the building began burning; he tried to leave out a back door and was forced back inside, by being fired on.
It was then reported that a single shot was heard from inside the building.
Yup, he shot himself!!
Show me the video and I might believe it!!
This guy was killed days ago by the LAPD!
I notice the dead silence from people concerning LAPD executing their plan to set the house on fire.

A local radio station just had a replay of talk between some of the LAPD officers, that were part of the group surrounding the house, and in the radio talk you can hear one of more of them saying "burn it down".
let it be known that Darla approves of the government burning people to death without knowing if any other hostages may be involved.

of course, she may not be smart enough to realize that after THREE documented fuckups of shooting innocent people, that now she's also greenlighting state sanctioned violence against everyone else.
this is a weird situation... I guarantee you that most of the LAPD were conservatives and this shooter was a liberal. Yet seems sides are criss-crossed this time.
Cops are also interesting in the sense that conservatives tend to trust them more and liberals are more skeptical of them (or flat out dislike them). Start talking about cops as public employees and pensions then you find the liberals backing the police and the conservatives often against them.
Cops are also interesting in the sense that conservatives tend to trust them more and liberals are more skeptical of them (or flat out dislike them). Start talking about cops as public employees and pensions then you find the liberals backing the police and the conservatives often against them.

I don't know anyone who trusts cops. Even other cops don't trust guys who aren't in their department.