Shocking video of NY Democrats sitting through the Pledge of Allegiance

Okay, I've gotta come clean: the shrug really bothers me.

Like, it REALLY bothers me.

Unless it's an autistic thing, like "time for Wapner"...if that's the case, then carry on...
[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - COWARDS: "HE KEPT US SAFE"[/ame]

rainman was a lot more complex than southernman.

Because it is JUST A FUCKING FLAG! I have no problem taking an oath promising to protect and defend the constitution, but I will not talk to a piece of cloth. I stand sometimes, but I don't talk or sing to a flag and it has zero to do with patriotism. I stood and took my oath to the constitution in the Army and don't need to do the same to a flag, a piece of cloth. And this outrage or shock by the right is pure senseless bullshit.

Thank you for the rational thoughts. This is a crock of shit. This is just another example of people trying to make a huge deal out of nothing.

A pledge to the flag is great. If you feel like pledging to the flag then do it. But don't start telling people that they hate the United States simply because they didn't stand and recite a pledge that they have said hundreds of times.

Maybe the person in question believes in the separation of church & state and chooses not to go against that by reciting the additional line that was added to fight the "red menace".
the righties are kinda like nazi's. If you don't follow thier simpletons routines you are to be attacked.
Its a choice, not a requirement, but if you refuse to make the choice, I am going to notice, and probably say to myself, "typical liberal, why am I not surprised."

At least Watermark is the one liberal here who is being honest...

Sorry, I've always been honest about my dislike for the pledge, and especially so after reading the history of it. Fortunately, the courts agree with me.

How do you know the person not pledging isn't a Jehovah's Witness?

I understand the Philippines have a kind of pledge but don't know of any other democratic countries that do.
Nah, it's a childish fit to show that they are upset over losing control of the gavel. It's been a running story for awhile. The Ds show up early and try to lock out the Rs entirely (actually locking the doors), they reject the President's taking the gavel (actually bodily attempting to stand at the podium), they petulantly will not participate in the government they were elected to participate in, all because they lost control of a gavel.

That may all be true but I was responding to the thread title.
Sorry, I've always been honest about my dislike for the pledge, and especially so after reading the history of it. Fortunately, the courts agree with me.

How do you know the person not pledging isn't a Jehovah's Witness?

I understand the Philippines have a kind of pledge but don't know of any other democratic countries that do.
The entire NY Delegation of Democrats are Jehovah's Witnesses?
The entire NY Delegation of Democrats are Jehovah's Witnesses?
I don't care what they are. It is only your side of the political aisle that puts this sort of symbolism over substance bullshit in the spotlight. Like the whole Obama didn't put his hand over his heart bullshit. It is a flag, I saluted it in the army because I had to. Not because it meant anything. I carried a pocket Constitution with me everyday I was in uniform too. THAT was what my service was about.
I don't care what they are. It is only your side of the political aisle that puts this sort of symbolism over substance bullshit in the spotlight. Like the whole Obama didn't put his hand over his heart bullshit. It is a flag, I saluted it in the army because I had to. Not because it meant anything. I carried a pocket Constitution with me everyday I was in uniform too. THAT was what my service was about.
Rubbish. If the entire NY delegation of Rs didn't stand because a D was leading the pledge it would definitely be on the news and spoken about on this website.

I don't care that they didn't stand for the pledge, but pretending this isn't petulant children acting out because things didn't go their way? Not playing. They aren't doing it because they don't like the pledge, or to make a point about how the flag is just a symbol, if it was a D at the podium they'd be standing and reciting the pledge. They aren't doing it for all the good reasons you have heretofore brought to bear, they aren't doing it because they are throwing a fit.