

Ya i'm done with you.
Yeah, you're out of your league. You were stupid to make those absurd arguments in the first place. If you are too stupid to learn, don't jump into the arena looking to pick a fight. I think it will probably remain an eternal mystery as to why you felt compelled to weigh in on a discussion with violent opinions based solely on a chronic TDS-attack combined with overall general ignorance. You should have just rushed to your safe-space refuge and remained silent until your snowflake-attack had subsided. Get your disease under control.

You are completely ignorant of the US systems of laws and the Constitution.
You are projecting ... through a three-year-old's temper tantrum. You have no idea what you are babbling about, and I happen to be an authority on the matter. You are stupid to not take the opportunity to learn from me and you are even more stupid for insisting that you are some sort of expert. Here I am giving you free information and you would rather OBEY your slave-masters to the death. What a fucking idiot you are.

You are denying that no one gets denied Classification access,
Is English not your first language? Not only do you not know the correct vocabulary for the topic of discussion, but you don't even know how to use the word "deny." This sentence that you just vomitted onto the page shows very clearly that you haven't the vaguest clue about any of the subject matter.

Considering that you don't want to learn anything, and that you are just looking to flee from the corner into which you have backed yourself, I suggest you just hang it up while your hole is only "total idiot" deep.

People apply for and fail to get classification status all the time
Correct. I have not said otherwise. You are simply too stupid to correctly understand what others write ... in English anyway. I wish you would tell me what your native language is.

Pro Tip: The term for the vetting is "background investigation." The term for the granting decision is "adjudication." The term for the access is "clearance."

Anyone denied a clearance has the right to a trial to fight the negative adjudication in court. In such a trial, the adjudicator must clearly show (i.e. "prove") that the appellant should not be granted a position of trust. If the adjudicator's points can be explained/busted then the judge informs the government that it has not met its burden and awards the clearance for the position in question.

So go ahead an duck out. Everyone should thank you for the move.
