
Please provide any data you have that shows those who pushed for Shokin's removal (EU, IMF, US, etc) had any input in Lutsenko being chosen next and that was not in internal Ukraine choice?

Irrelevant red herring response on your part. He was replaced by Lutsenko and the same assholes that wanted Shokin gone had zero problem with Lutsenko replacing him. Ukraine's top prosecutor went for mediocre to horrifically terrible--the supposed reason Shokin needed to go--and the people demanding it were fine with a bigger, more corrupt, fuck up replacing him. I suppose that was because unlike Shokin, Lutsenko was their fuck up and they were fine with it so long as he did as he was told.
Irrelevant red herring response on your part. He was replaced by Lutsenko and the same assholes that wanted Shokin gone had zero problem with Lutsenko replacing him. Ukraine's top prosecutor went for mediocre to horrifically terrible--the supposed reason Shokin needed to go--and the people demanding it were fine with a bigger, more corrupt, fuck up replacing him. I suppose that was because unlike Shokin, Lutsenko was their fuck up and they were fine with it so long as he did as he was told.

It is not irrelevant but thank you as that exposes your answer. You have made up this narrative in your head.

The same you are pretending that if the US pushed to remove any middle East terrorist or Country Leader or South American leader that if what followed the person was worse you would then attach your false narrative.

So you have exposed everything you are saying it fabricated BS.

It would be like a Mayor firing a bad Police chief, elevating the #2, who ends up being worse, and you saying that was proof of your BS narrative. YOu still fire the KNOWN bad egg, even if you risk getting another worse one.

Your entire narrative is just garbage.
The Qpublicans in Congress are rehashing long ago debunked conspiracies. This thread has further debunked the ridiculous claims.

So you really don't know anything about the topic, save for the fact that you watch Fox News?

You claimed that someone had business dealings with Biden that needed to be investigated.
Prove it.
Why did Trump put in Jared Kushner when there was no chance he could get authorized for classifications?
This is yet another example of how you are too stupid to learn, and why everything you write can be immediately discarded.

The President determines the authorizations. If the President authorized Kushner, Kusher was authorized. There is no person or body that holds the Executive power besides the President, and you have been told this a dozen times, and you don't care because you refuse to learn. You insist on regurgitating the same ignorance over and over while insisting that others are somehow regurgitating the same ignorance over and over.

At least when your commentary is summarily dismissed and your ignorance becomes the topic of discussion, it won't come as any surprise.

You're a total moron.
It is not irrelevant but thank you as that exposes your answer. You have made up this narrative in your head.

The same you are pretending that if the US pushed to remove any middle East terrorist or Country Leader or South American leader that if what followed the person was worse you would then attach your false narrative.

So you have exposed everything you are saying it fabricated BS.

It would be like a Mayor firing a bad Police chief, elevating the #2, who ends up being worse, and you saying that was proof of your BS narrative. YOu still fire the KNOWN bad egg, even if you risk getting another worse one.

Your entire narrative is just garbage.
Correct. They ignore the fact that trump's campaign manager installed a pro Putin govt. in Ukraine. When many of them fled the nation with truckloads of cash during an uprising, an anti corruption govt. was initially elected. One who fled was the owner of Burisma, who also happened to be in a position to award them contracts.

All before anyone knew a guy named 'Hunter'.

Ukraine continued to have growing pains with respect to corruption, which is why Zelenskyy was eventually elected.

Giuliani actively sought out the corrupt Lutsenko because trump preferred the previous administration. No doubt because there was money in it for both him and Manafort.

And they were willing to concoct lies that would help trump, as revenge for being ousted as crooks.
So what? Why did Burisma need to be investigated? Be specific

Kulyk had sought to recover billions of dollars' worth of assets that former President Viktor Yanukovych and his inner circle, including Mykola Zlochevskiy, allegedly stole from the state.

Zlochevskiy is the owner of the Burisma Group, the nation’s largest privately-owned natural gas producer.

Burisma received many of its gas exploration and production licenses when Zlochevskiy headed the Ministry of Ecology in Yanukovych’s government.

Hunter Biden joined Burisma's board in April 2014 after Yanukovych and Zlochevskiy had fled the country. The state launched an investigation into the company that year.

Hunter was brought on board to end the investigations into Burisma which did happen.
Hunter was brought on board to end the investigations into Burisma which did happen.
I think you just saved the taxpayer millions of dollars in bogus House investigations.

If you admit (finally) that Burisma's corruption occurred long before Hunter was hired, then how could he possibly have been guilty of said corruption?

At least you were intelligent enough to cite my link
So what? Why did Burisma need to be investigated? Be specific

Don't know, don't care. My point in this is If Shokin needed to go, then why was he allowed to be replaced by someone far, far worse without anyone who was bitching about Shokin complaining about it?
That's glaringly evident by your nonsensical posts.

You aren't qualified to discuss this.

As such, you are summarily dismissed.

I'm the sole person that brought up the dichotomy between demands for Shokin's removal and the obvious incompetence and corruption of his replacement. Everyone else, including you have solely focused on Burisma and Shokin's removal. Why is that? Wouldn't it be important that Shokin's replacement be less corrupt and less incompetent? Why did none of the major actors in this complain about this obvious placement of someone who wouldn't do shit to anyone as a prosecutor? Doesn't that seem exceedingly strange to you?
I'm the sole person that brought up the dichotomy between demands for Shokin's removal and the obvious incompetence and corruption of his replacement. Everyone else, including you have solely focused on Burisma and Shokin's removal. Why is that? Wouldn't it be important that Shokin's replacement be less corrupt and less incompetent? Why did none of the major actors in this complain about this obvious placement of someone who wouldn't do shit to anyone as a prosecutor? Doesn't that seem exceedingly strange to you?
What makes you think that the U.S, as well as E.U has any right to install politicians? We were not going to hand a billion dollars over to a corrupt pro Putin govt. in order to fight against Putin.

Two corrupt Ukrainian politicans fled the nation with tons of cash and treasure. One was the owner of Burisma, and like trump et. al. it started to smell. We needed to know where our money was going to go.

It doesn't really get much more simple.
I think you just saved the taxpayer millions of dollars in bogus House investigations.

If you admit (finally) that Burisma's corruption occurred long before Hunter was hired, then how could he possibly have been guilty of said corruption?

At least you were intelligent enough to cite my link

Hunter wasn't part of the corruption that occurred, that happened before he got there, he was brought in and paid to get access to his father who ended the investigation so Burisma wouldn't be exposed.

Burisma was an energy company formed with many illegal dealings to get contracts and to make their founder's and top executives rich.

When it was exposed what was going on an investigation was launched into their dealings and the leaders fled with billions but Burisma was still a company with billions in contracts.

They needed the investigation to go away and that is where Hunter and Joe came in and they ended the investigations into the company by withholding 1 billion dollars in aid from the nation until they ended the investigations.

We know Hunter was paid 5 million for his role and I believe up to nine members of Biden's family were sent money also, we are still going through the tax records.
What makes you think that the U.S, as well as E.U has any right to install politicians? We were not going to hand a billion dollars over to a corrupt pro Putin govt. in order to fight against Putin.

Two corrupt Ukrainian politicans fled the nation with tons of cash and treasure. One was the owner of Burisma, and like trump et. al. it started to smell. We needed to know where our money was going to go.

It doesn't really get much more simple.

I don't think the US or EV had any right to tell Ukraine who they could elect or appoint to some position. My point was, and is, it is highly suspicious that the US in particular--and Joke Biden in specific--demanded this replacement holding a billion-dollar foreign aid package over Ukraine's head for it. It seems to me with Joke's kid Bagman involved, Burisma involved, and now that 1023 that shows it was potentially Joke forcing this on Ukraine as part of an extortion racket to shakedown Burisma for millions, that it kind of makes sense why they put what amounts to a legal retard in after firing Shokin.
Hunter wasn't part of the corruption that occurred, that happened before he got there, he was brought in and paid to get access to his father who ended the investigation so Burisma wouldn't be exposed.
Lie. You were so close to being able to have an intelligent discussion.

The world withheld $1 billion because Burisma was NOT being investigated.

Why can't you stop lying?