
On March 29, 2016, the Ukrainian Rada finally approved the resignation of Ukraine’s disreputable Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin. He was voted out with an overwhelming majority of 289 votes, including 114 of the 134 deputies of the Poroshenko Bloc [Shokin was Poroshenko’s man from way back].

The amazing thing is not that he was sacked but that it had taken so long. President Poroshenko appointed Shokin to the role in February 2015. From the outset, he stood out by causing great damage even to Ukraine’s substandard legal system.

Shokin skillfully blocked reform. He was in charge of implementing the 2014 law on prosecution, which the European Union had insisted on for years. This involved a reevaluation of all prosecutors with the intention of weeding out corrupt and incompetent ones. Shokin manipulated the process so that the old prosecutors remained and minimal renewal occurred. Instead, he prosecuted reformers.

For these reasons, Shokin stood out as the greatest obstacle to judicial reform in Ukraine. US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt called for his ouster in a speech in September 2015, and Vice President Joe Biden did so explicitly during his visit in December 2015. The European Union and the International Monetary Fund also called for Shokin to go.

“I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that’s really unfair,” Trump told Zelensky in his famous ‘perfect’ phone call. He meant Shokin.

Another Kraken conspiracy theory goes down in flames.
You liberals are incapable of asking a direct question but go ahead.

What the fuck does your stupid deflection of Hunter and the Congo have to do with Shokin? This is exactly what I was talking about. You deflect. Are you saying you thought that response was pertinent? Do the Trump people have a school to teach deflection? You guys certainly rely on it.
Shokin was a known corrupt prosecutor. In short, a perfect partner for Trump. Biden and our allies were trying to help Ukraine.

Ukraine just recently admitted there was no proof he was corrupt, that's why they never fired him.

And what nation withholds a billion dollars in loans because of one corrupt civilian in a nation?

How do you fall for this shit?

Hey, America has some corrupt prosecutors so maybe you should ask Biden to send Harris here to stop funding the government until they are fired.

You idiot.
Ukraine just recently admitted there was no proof he was corrupt, that's why they never fired him.

And what nation withholds a billion dollars in loans because of one corrupt civilian in a nation?

How do you fall for this shit?

Hey, America has some corrupt prosecutors so maybe you should ask Biden to send Harris here to stop funding the government until they are fired.

You idiot.

Their Congress overwhelmingly voted to fire him later.

Ukraine admitted nothing. Merely the president, who appointed him, making that statement.

Wasn’t just one nation wanting his removal

Fucking moronic troll,
Their Congress overwhelmingly voted to fire him later.

Ukraine admitted nothing. Merely the president, who appointed him, making that statement.

Wasn’t just one nation wanting his removal

Fucking moronic troll,

Why did their congress need Biden to fire him?
Write them and ask them if you’re so fucking interested. They voted to approve his removal. Overwhelmingly.

So you can't answer it as I suspected.

The fact is they didn't and weren't going to because there was no proof of corruption until the US threatened to withhold a billion dollars in funding from them for a single guy.

This must have been the most corrupt guy in the history of the planet, he was probably Satan wasn't he?


This whole thing is a joke and you fall for it.
Obama’s ambassador calls for drastic reform in Ukraine

September 25, 2015
The U.S. ambassador to Ukraine has accused the country’s Prosecutor-General’s Office of obstructing efforts to combat corruption.

Western governments supporting Ukraine’s reform agenda have repeatedly stressed the need for Kyiv to tackle endemic corruption. But the comments by Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt were unusually blunt for a U.S. official speaking before the public.

“Rather than supporting Ukraine’s reforms and working to root out corruption, actors within the Prosecutor-General’s Office are making things worse by openly and aggressively undermining reform,” Pyatt said in the speech.

The following December Vice President Biden visited Ukraine and called for Prosecutor General Shokin to be removed from office. That’s what Trump seized on. He claimed, without evidence, that Biden himself had corrupt motives (but not Ambassador Pyatt or the EU or the IMF, as far as I know).

More than seven years later, Trump’s lackeys are trying to revive the story.

And, reform was putting a completely incompetent, vicious drunkard in place of Shokin as Ukraine's chief prosecutor and then the same people wanting Shokin gone do nothing about it?
Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired?

..."Ironically, Joe Biden asked Shokin to leave because the prosecutor failed [to pursue] the Burisma investigation, not because Shokin was tough and active with this case," Kaleniuk said.

Ukrainian prosecutors have described no evidence indicating that Biden sought to help his son by getting Shokin dismissed -- and have suggested that they have not discovered any such evidence.

But there is a long list of Western organizations, governments, and diplomats, as well as Ukrainian anti-corruption groups, that wanted to see Shokin fired.

They include the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, the U.S. government, foreign investors, and Ukrainian advocates of reform

... Anders Aslund, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council think tank in Washington, wrote that his dismissal came as no surprise.

"The amazing thing is not that he was sacked but that it has taken so long," Aslund said. "Petro Poroshenko appointed Shokin to the role in February 2015. From the outset, he stood out by causing great damage even to Ukraine's substandard legal system."...
Further, Burisma was supposed to be investigated for deeds that were done before Hunter was on their payroll.

Then there is the ousted politician Zlochevsky who owned Burisma while holding the office of Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources.

Before trump brought ExxonMobil into the U.S govt. via Tillerson, even the US was able to give the appearance of a buffer in the connections between govt. and energy. Lobbyists perpetrated the crimes before the Supreme Court made it perfectly legal for corporations to buy legislation in secret.

Ukraine had no such buffer.
And, reform was putting a completely incompetent, vicious drunkard in place of Shokin as Ukraine's chief prosecutor and then the same people wanting Shokin gone do nothing about it?
It took years to undo what trump's campaign manager did for Putin in Ukraine.

It was so bad, they eventually elected a comedian/actor to run the nation.

Ironically, at the same time the U.S elected an orange buffoon.
So you can't answer it as I suspected.

The fact is they didn't and weren't going to because there was no proof of corruption until the US threatened to withhold a billion dollars in funding from them for a single guy.

This must have been the most corrupt guy in the history of the planet, he was probably Satan wasn't he?


This whole thing is a joke and you fall for it.

Reading is fundamental
Their Congress overwhelmingly voted to fire him later.

Ukraine admitted nothing. Merely the president, who appointed him, making that statement.

Wasn’t just one nation wanting his removal

Fucking moronic troll,
Don't waste the keystrokes. This has been thoroughly covered long ago. During trump's first impeachment, actually. When everyone who wasn't paying attention until then learned that trump's campaign manager was a Russian operative.
Why don't you just read if you're that interested?

It's not hard to find, and in less than 15 minutes you will realize how moronic your posts on the topic are.

I did and I found they didn't.

They had no intention of it, they did it because Biden blackmailed them.
I did and I found they didn't.

They had no intention of it, they did it because Biden blackmailed them.

blackmailed? They refused to give huge loan guarantees if they kept a corrupt prosecutor, Shokin, in the deal. That is blackmail? Nope. The American partners would have gotten out of the deal too. Shokin was corrupt. But then you are fond of corrupt politicians.
blackmailed? They refused to give huge loan guarantees if they kept a corrupt prosecutor, Shokin, in the deal. That is blackmail? Nope. The American partners would have gotten out of the deal too. Shokin was corrupt. But then you are fond of corrupt politicians.

Many nations have corrupt people yet we still give them loans and don't withhold funds.

Ever heard of Mexico?
blackmailed? They refused to give huge loan guarantees if they kept a corrupt prosecutor, Shokin, in the deal. That is blackmail? Nope. The American partners would have gotten out of the deal too. Shokin was corrupt. But then you are fond of corrupt politicians.
Shokin was refusing to investigate Burisma and Zlochevsky. He had homes full of diamonds and cash. Kickbacks, no doubt.