Should I make a new Forum Area in Political Arena for Not Safe For Work?

Should we have a Political NSFW forum?

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Staff member
I've noticed some racial (some would say racist) titles and racially charged posts. Should I create an area for NSFW posts for this kind of thing? Folks can post their racially charged posts and it can still be in the Political area, but it will be listed as "not safe for work" so that folks don't get it showing up in the titles at their work desktop...

Anyway: Yea or Nay?
Well, regardless of how this turns out, I made one and I'm going to stick with it for a bit. I can always make it go away.
I've noticed some racial (some would say racist) titles and racially charged posts. Should I create an area for NSFW posts for this kind of thing? Folks can post their racially charged posts and it can still be in the Political area, but it will be listed as "not safe for work" so that folks don't get it showing up in the titles at their work desktop...

Anyway: Yea or Nay?

I almost suggested that once. As far as I'm concerned the racist crap is as mature rated as pornographic stuff. It definitely has turned a few posters away.
I've noticed some racial (some would say racist) titles and racially charged posts. Should I create an area for NSFW posts for this kind of thing? Folks can post their racially charged posts and it can still be in the Political area, but it will be listed as "not safe for work" so that folks don't get it showing up in the titles at their work desktop...

Anyway: Yea or Nay?

I don't think threads that have the n*word or other clearly racist terms in the subject line should be allowed anywhere but putting them in a NSFW zone is better than leaving them in main areas where we post.
I don't think threads that have the n*word or other clearly racist terms in the subject line should be allowed anywhere but putting them in a NSFW zone is better than leaving them in main areas where we post.

N word is not allowed in thread titles regardless. I made that rule because the site tweets out the titles and I don't want to have to try to delete that crap before it goes viral...
I almost suggested that once. As far as I'm concerned the racist crap is as mature rated as pornographic stuff. It definitely has turned a few posters away.

We don't need any more Amazon arseholes like you and Joanie. I thought you were leaving anyway was that just more bullshit?
I've noticed some racial (some would say racist) titles and racially charged posts. Should I create an area for NSFW posts for this kind of thing? Folks can post their racially charged posts and it can still be in the Political area, but it will be listed as "not safe for work" so that folks don't get it showing up in the titles at their work desktop...

Anyway: Yea or Nay?

If the concern is about the 'reputation' of JPP, then that might be a good idea as far as 'Marketing the Brand' goes.
Will TDAK, CFM, Guno, TTQ, Vosrock be forced into this Forum by Moderators?
I've noticed some racial (some would say racist) titles and racially charged posts. Should I create an area for NSFW posts for this kind of thing? Folks can post their racially charged posts and it can still be in the Political area, but it will be listed as "not safe for work" so that folks don't get it showing up in the titles at their work desktop...

Anyway: Yea or Nay?

just delete the posts that use racially charged language.....we don't need it around here......
I've noticed some racial (some would say racist) titles and racially charged posts. Should I create an area for NSFW posts for this kind of thing? Folks can post their racially charged posts and it can still be in the Political area, but it will be listed as "not safe for work" so that folks don't get it showing up in the titles at their work desktop...

Anyway: Yea or Nay?
I understand what you’re trying to do, but it won’t work. Racial slurs will still permeate the forum. Now do one for misogynist terms :laugh:
Hello Damocles,

I've noticed some racial (some would say racist) titles and racially charged posts. Should I create an area for NSFW posts for this kind of thing? Folks can post their racially charged posts and it can still be in the Political area, but it will be listed as "not safe for work" so that folks don't get it showing up in the titles at their work desktop...

Anyway: Yea or Nay?

Yes. Excellent idea. Thank you.

I have no use for such garbage. Don't want to see it. I know it's out there, see no reason to give the hateful few more exposure of their downer negativity. Not going to read it. Anybody who would post such garbage is already on Ignore anyway.

Would be good if the threads of Ignored posters were all hidden from the view of the poster who has them on Ignore. That would make it easier to scroll past them while searching for quality posts.
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Hello Jack,

I was called a 'Poo Poo Head' once. How can we stop the micro-aggression?

That's totally up to you.

Adopt my PIP. Live by it. Enforce it to the letter, no exceptions. Either somebody is respecting you or they are not. If they are not, and you do nothing, then you become their enabler.

Make it clear what you will not stand for, put your foot down, draw a line, and don't back down. If you have to make an example out of a few wiseguys then so be it.

I think the problem most people have with taking a stand like I do is they wanna dish it out too sometimes if they feel like it.

But if you want your credibility to reflect high values then you have to walk the walk if you're gonna talk that talk.

It's a two way street. You don't want to be disrespected? Then you can not disrespect anybody else.

You have to ask yourself what you are here for. Are you here to talk about politics? - or other posters...