Should JPP Make Howey A Mod?

Should Howey be a mod?

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Hey, Yurt. Why don't you tell us about your excursions in the South Pacific?

proof you're a troll and sock puppet.

i have not talked about that in YEARS....yet you know all about it and have been on this forum for less than a year.

poor howey the fag stalker. called me a fag first and proclaimed the word OK to use. deal with it perv.
proof you're a troll and sock puppet.

i have not talked about that in YEARS....yet you know all about it and have been on this forum for less than a year.

poor howey the fag stalker. called me a fag first and proclaimed the word OK to use. deal with it perv.
I like this guy already!
towards the end i wasn't adding much value because i was simply pissed at the world and most posters here didn't help matters.

at least you finally admit it. I don't quote this to rub it in, it's just good that you re-evaluated your posting towards the end. If you went back to normal yurt I would welcome you with open arms.

not back btw...not since i realized you guys let maineman back. i mean really, wtf. this guy was PERM banned for stalking me and posting my personal info on this very board.

I believe in peace to all, forgiveness, and moving forward. So I don't mind maineman getting a fresh start. Plus, it's so perfect to troll you ;)
this thread is proof howey is nothing but a boring attention whore with no life. he claims to have his own messageboard, yet, he frequents this board all the time because no one will join his loser board. and now....well...he wants to be a mod on this board?


get a life howey. seriously.
no grind, you love stalkers like maineman

you enjoy allowing him back, you enjoy allowing someone who stalked me, posted my personal information on this board and threatened my family on this board

you are that fucked up

just because i twisted your nut
hey retard, do you honestly think when we perma members that we just let one rando mod override the decision of everyone that voted for the ban in the first place? I wont discuss if it was unanimous or not but it wasn't just me. we don't make unilateral mod decisions for pretty much anything.
this is why damo is cool. he is honest.

of course grind groans this post.

no surprise, he can't handle someone giving damo a compliment.

grind...wake the fuck up

this board is an awesome board, but you don't realize it and your ego leash tied to darla is really screwing you. back up and think about it.
yurt once again, you really dont have any idea what you are talking about. you've made baseless assumptions that are completely wrong. you have all these theories that are completely irrelevant.
Yurt you are a sick idiot. I had as much to do with this as I did with formulating OBama's health care plan.

You have this sick fixation on my relationship with Grind. You have no idea what you are talking about, you make shit up out of whole cloth, and all you do is reveal that you sit around fantasizing some pretty weird shit about me and him. Go see a therapist.