Should JPP Make Howey A Mod?

Should Howey be a mod?

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no grind, you love stalkers like maineman

you enjoy allowing him back, you enjoy allowing someone who stalked me, posted my personal information on this board and threatened my family on this board

you are that fucked up

just because i twisted your nut

Don't let them goad you into saying something they can then use to ban you, without clarifing the why?
not back btw...not since i realized you guys let maineman back. i mean really, wtf. this guy was PERM banned for stalking me and posting my personal info on this very board.

We nailed that perv big time. He had to have "a little talk" with the head of his church board.
I predict it was a 3-1 decision, with the Ban Hammer voting no. Damo is uber forgiving, Soc is a civil libertarian and a lawyer, and Grind is a trouble maker. Billy has a low tolerance for BS when it comes to official duties and such.
I predict it was a 3-1 decision, with the Ban Hammer voting no. Damo is uber forgiving, Soc is a civil libertarian and a lawyer, and Grind is a trouble maker. Billy has a low tolerance for BS when it comes to official duties and such.

Lol, that was pretty good.
I voted against it mainly because Howey is on an ego trip most of the time anyway and I am worried that his head will explode.

Lol. I'm a passive mod. Ekg and the new mod, who's name I won't disclose (we made a deal)are in charge of the dirty work.
why would a loser who constantly tries to spam this board about his own forum....want to be a mod on another forum?

is it because his forum sucks so bad?

yes, yes it is.