Should philosophy be a mandatory part of compulsory education?

I'm Watermark

Should philosophy be a required part of compulsory education?

Should philosophy be a required part of compulsory education?
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I think education should be private within each state.

Maybe that way, students will actually learn something instead of pursuing social justice at the bequest of Marxist teachers and professors.
I’ll vote for the teaching of the strict interpretation of our Constitution! Oh! That’s right the left and the right would never stand for that, huh?
It is when you're not in the pursuit of knowledge instead which is what education is supposed to be all about.

Yes, that's what education is about. Empowering the individual, the family, the class.

Which is why it should be guaranteed to all - and reformed into a more holistic, individual centric process.
I’ll vote for the teaching of the strict interpretation of our Constitution! Oh! That’s right the left and the right would never stand for that, huh?
Who's doing the teaching? What do you mean by "strict" does that include extrapolation? Inference?

You'd have 10,000 different classes none of which said the same thing.
no, philosophy was the biggest joke of a class I ever took. it's all postmodern bullshit.

What do they do? Everyone I know took it and instead I took PoliSci, so I have no clue what a philosophy class is like. I'd hope you have a bunch of the Roman stuff, like Cicero, and the Greeks, Plato, Artistotle, Socrates, etc. And can't forget Hegel, Kant, and the Victorians era bunch. And then there are the slew of Enlightenment thinkers like Locke, Voltaire, Hobbes, etc.
You can always tell who hasn't gone to college.

The American educational system is the laughing stock of the world.

If you lived in another country like Greece, you wouldn't have gone to college either.

That's why foreign nationals have to be brought in to fill technical positions because the American kids are dummies and aren't qualified to fill them .. dummy.

That's why the finest educational facilities in the country are filled with foreign national students and the American dummies aren't qualified to get in them .. dummy.

Please don't try and flatter yourself because you managed to get into a university, I'd keep it to myself if I were you, in fact.
The American educational system is the laughing stock of the world.

If you lived in another country like Greece, you wouldn't have gone to college either.

That's why foreign nationals have to be brought in to fill technical positions because the American kids are dummies and aren't qualified to fill them .. dummy.

That's why the finest educational facilities in the country are filled with foreign national students and the American dummies aren't qualified to get in them .. dummy.

Please don't try and flatter yourself because you managed to get into a university, I'd keep it to myself if I were you, in fact.

You do realize the huge contradictions in this post don't you? How can our education system both suck horribly and yet only accept the best and brightest of foreign students?
those founders were such morons, weren't they?

No, they weren't morons. They were some of the most intelligent people of their AGE. The problem is, the information they held about the world around us at that time was probably the equivalent of what is learned by the time one hits fifth or sixth grade today.

The intelligent thing they did with the constitution was to NOT write it in stone. To make it open for interpretation and changes to be made.

It was never meant to be worshiped like the bible. It wasn't written by the hand of God.