Should philosophy be a mandatory part of compulsory education?

The word "philosophy" is derived from two Greek words, "philia," meaning love, and "sophos," meaning wisdom. Simply put, philosophy is defined as the love of wisdom. Since philosophers are lovers of wisdom, it would be logical to assume that the purpose of philosophy must be to obtain wisdom...

Philosophy is not about manipulating the reality it exists within, as are the sciences. It is not a tool in any sense. Philosophy is about watching, interpreting, and understanding the world and the people living in it. In a commercialized, profit-driven, goal-oriented society, philosophy just doesn't seem to make sense. In spite of this, it may be the single most important task any person can ever undertake...

Philosophy is the father of all the sciences, as it was the first disciplined way to consider the natural world. The highly specific fields of science grew from this first, more general study of the world. Both philosophy and science are sparked by the action of wonder and the desire to destroy ignorance.

Philosophy is not about altering the present state of reality, only coming to understand it ("Leisure" 116-118). "Whenever we look at being philosophically, we discourse purely 'theoretically' about it, in a manner, that is to say, untouched in any way whatsoever…by the desire to change it" ("Leisure" 116). Once the desire to change reality takes over, a change happens. At the moment of manipulation, the study stops being philosophy and becomes something else entirely - that is, science.

Hmmm... the love of wisdom, seems counterproductive if you are a conservative doesn't it? Instead of destroying ignorance conservatives of today spread it.(hannity, Limbaugh,beck) You can't make a buck off of understanding others so what good is it? Science? We all know what conservatives think of science. Change? Hell no!

I say if you are a conservative then don't bother with philosophy, it will only muddle your brain with worthless 'love of wisdom.' Stick with the self centered greed of Ayn Rand.

yeah the kids are just too stupid to teach anything to.

That is how the right sees the world.

through a reverse magnifying glass

Everyone whos not them is small and they are really really big

They're not getting the quality education they need and deserve and thousands of them have no business being in college to begin with.

This country is too college this and college that and they come out dumber than they went in.

America needs a system of vocational technical training facilities in each state while academic standards must be raised beginning in the lower grade levels through college.

And getting the government out of education is essential.