Should we get rid of Groans? Vote Now

What should we do with "Groans?"

  • Total voters


on indefiniate mod break
A lot of people have started to complain about groans and getting groan-spammed etc.

So we have decided to put this to a vote.

Note: we are talking about JUST groans. We will be keeping "thanks"

Here are the pros and cons as far as I see it.


  • Sometimes someone says something really stupid. It's very convenient to basically dismiss ones argument without having to bother responding to a mouth breather

  • Some people actually deserve being groaned for their idiotic opinions.

  • Sometimes Groans can be used for humor. I.E. watermark says something really optimistic and inspiring and I groan him.


  • People abuse the groan feature, and will mass groan the shit out of people, even without reading peoples posts
  • People are less likely to go out of their way to "mass thank" someone, as no one wants to be that positive.
  • It clogs up peoples notification inbox as it will bump thanks to the background
Here is how the voting will work.

Voting will only be open to regular active members. We aren't going to let people that barely post here to make decisions about JPP.

Here is the approved list of voters:

  • annie
  • aoxomoxoa
  • BAC
  • beefy
  • bfgrn
  • billy
  • boris the animal
  • callinectes
  • cawacko
  • charver
  • christiefan
  • classic liberal
  • crashk
  • damo
  • darla
  • disillusioned
  • don quixote
  • dungheap
  • evince
  • Grind
  • howey
  • I love america
  • iolo
  • leaningright
  • jarod
  • mott
  • nova
  • obfuscate
  • philly rabbit
  • postmodernprofit
  • professor baxter
  • racerx
  • rana
  • rationalist <-- Brent
  • rune
  • sedan
  • signalman
  • socratease
  • sjjrsjjs
  • smarterthanyou
  • steelplate
  • superfreak
  • susiecutzpah
  • taichiliberal
  • tekkychick
  • thing1
  • threedee
  • tinfoil
  • usfreedom
  • watermark
  • winterborn
  • yurt
  • zappasguitar

Some peoples "standard" name might have been used, so just check.

I went first through the people that have visited in the last 24 hours, and then added that together with all the top posters going down to people that have made around > 100 posts.

Soooooo chances are if you are not on this list you aren't very active here, or you are very new. There is easily a chance I missed someone, so if you think you should be counted just shoot me a pm.

  1. Anyone not on this masterlist will not have their vote counted.
  2. Trolls and duplicates will obviously have their vote thrown away. If you try double voting both your votes will be thrown out.
  3. Tie goes to keeping it.
  4. Need at least 20 votes to be valid. (this shouldn't be hard because again this list if of pretty active users. So spam your buddies walls and get them to vote).
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also I am not trying to be douchey by putting something like this to a vote, but a few people have complained, and I don't really want to stirp a feature if most people actually like it or dont mind it.
A lot of people have started to complain about groans and getting groan-spammed etc.

So we have decided to put this to a vote.

Note: we are talking about JUST groans. We will be keeping "thanks"

Here are the pros and cons as far as I see it.


  • Sometimes someone says something really stupid. It's very convenient to basically dismiss ones argument without having to bother responding to a mouth breather

  • Some people actually deserve being groaned for their idiotic opinions.

  • Sometimes Groans can be used for humor. I.E. watermark says something really optimistic and inspiring and I groan him.


  • People abuse the groan feature, and will mass groan the shit out of people, even without reading peoples posts
  • People are less likely to go out of their way to "mass thank" someone, as no one wants to be that positive.
  • It clogs up peoples notification inbox as it will bump thanks to the background
Here is how the voting will work.

Voting will only be open to regular active members. We aren't going to let people that barely post here to make decisions about JPP.

Here is the approved list of voters:

  • annie
  • aoxomoxoa
  • BAC
  • beefy
  • bfgrn
  • billy
  • boris the animal
  • callinectes
  • cawacko
  • charver
  • christiefan
  • classic liberal
  • crashk
  • damo
  • darla
  • disillusioned
  • don quixote
  • dungheap
  • evince
  • Grind
  • howey
  • I love america
  • iolo
  • leaningright
  • jarod
  • mott
  • nova
  • obfuscate
  • philly rabbit
  • postmodernprofit
  • professor baxter
  • racerx
  • rana
  • rationalist <-- Brent
  • rune
  • sedan
  • signalman
  • socratease
  • sjjrsjjs
  • smarterthanyou
  • steelplate
  • superfreak
  • susiecutzpah
  • taichiliberal
  • tekkychick
  • thing1
  • threedee
  • tinfoil
  • usfreedom
  • watermark
  • winterborn
  • yurt
  • zappasguitar

Some peoples "standard" name might have been used, so just check.

I went first through the people that have visited in the last 24 hours, and then added that together with all the top posters going down to people that have made around > 100 posts.

Soooooo chances are if you are not on this list you aren't very active here, or you are very new. There is easily a chance I missed someone, so if you think you should be counted just shoot me a pm.

  1. Anyone not on this masterlist will not have their vote counted.
  2. Trolls and duplicates will obviously have their vote thrown away. If you try double voting both your votes will be thrown out.
  3. Tie goes to keeping it.
  4. Need at least 20 votes to be valid. (this shouldn't be hard because again this list if of pretty active users. So spam your buddies walls and get them to vote).

I say keep them; because it gives posters like Rune, Topper/The Dude, etc something to do, besides roaming the streets and begging for spare change.
Plus reading all of Desh's comments about "bricks" was funny.
Since I don't see any rule against commenting I'll throw in my two cents. While there are times where people will auto groan eachother, that's generally their loss as their groans get less and less impactful on what others think. And occasionally there are times where there are no words to express your disgust with a post. Keep em on. If people groan too much, eventually others just stop caring when they do.
normally i do not care, however, some posters abuse the feature so i either put them on ignore or will be banning from my threads
seeings how I have never "groaned" anyone ever I would not miss them.

the groan spaming does keep the infants happy and that is something.

pressed to give a vote one way or the other I would say get rid of them.

some seem to use the groan feature instead of actually telling you WHAT about your post they disagree with and why.

its shorthand instead of discussion.

the thanks feature is handy and I actually don't use it enough.

I get to talking and forget to click the little button on many many a post.

too much groaning by some is dangerous for their health.

they may give themselves a hernia.
here is a thought.

if you can separate them out then maybe everyone can have a limmited supply of them.

then they would have to really think if their groans were worth giving or not.

a certain amount each time frame

a day

a week

a month

what ever.

I would hope no limits on the thanks though.
but dude I was planning on making a bundle selling my groans to people damn

how about if I give you a slice of the profits ?

will you ungroan me.

Oh yeah they are not worth money YET.

Imagine if you then owned the groans people gave to you and then you could turn and sell them to the people who need more groans than their allotment.

damn this could get really profitable
normally i do not care, however, some posters abuse the feature so i either put them on ignore or will be banning from my threads
won't help.....people you have on ignore can still groan you.....that was the only thing about groans that bugged me, as they don't show up under the notifications you get a message that you have notifications and go there, only to find its empty and you've wasted your time....
Imagine if you then owned the groans people gave to you and then you could turn and sell them to the people who need more groans than their allotment.

damn this could get really profitable

wtf.....I gave you my groans because you said they were going for a good charitable cause and now you're going to sell them?.......
I guess we can just think of it as a playpin for the infantile.

they get to have a rattle to keep them busy.

yeah we hear the noise of the rattle but at least the baby isn't crying all the time