Should we get rid of Groans? Vote Now

What should we do with "Groans?"

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I don't really care. I rarely look at the thanks/groans I get; thanks are nice, keep those, but the groans don't bother me if I get them. I like Evince's scheme of limits and selling them, but what's the currency? bitcoins? could get complicated...

I do rarely groan people; it is a way to tell them their post is stupid/awful/whatever without having to comment in the thread. (very useful if one is banned from the thread).

The only abuser of them that I know of is Legion Troll; and if he couldn't groan what would he do all day? But if there's a way to stop one user from hitting the groans button, stopping him would take care of the abuse.

Maybe we should start an educational campaign....
"Groan Abuse - next on Oprah!" "Save the Groan button - keep it from being abused!" "SPCG - Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Groans". "Hitting the Groan button makes hair grow on your hands!" "Groans: not just for breakfast anymore." oh wait, that last one won't work...

Keep them, toss them, I don't care. Now I'll go vote that way.
Is there a middle ground? Keep them but make notifications for only PMs

I don't care if people groan me or not but seeing 98 notifications offends my delicate sensibilities
how about making them count for more.

a limited supply of the groans will make them more meaningful.
Who gives a shit about pussys that don't like their well deserved groans?

I assume we are talking about Tom here, so all the more.

Groan on bitches.
I never groaned anyone. I feel it's better to use words...or if something is so over the just simply ignore the thread altogether. Also, because I almost exclusively use Tapatalk....I don't see my stats. I can see when I am thanked or when I thank someone in a given post...but I don't see groans, nor does it keep track of in my case...ignorance is bliss.

As an aside....people who get on here for the purpose of tearing others down are going to do it regardless of whether the board has the groan feature or not. So...on one hand....a simple groan may eliminate some douchebaggery inside of threads. On the other hand...gang groaning sucks, especially if there's a tally system that is applied to your "reputation". that I've flip-flopped....I say just get rid of them.
I still think a limited amount might be useful.

You really have to think about if the post is groanworthy.

I like you still will never use one for the same reasons
How about a time limit on groaning posts....prick spammers like the Dude and some others search back and groan posts that are 6-8-10 months old and more....
you can post 3 times in one day and have 50 to 100 groans for that day .... its crazy and they're unless.
Either debate or shut the fuck up.
What's the big deal? To me, the groan/thank thing just adds some interest to the board.

I have probably used groan about 10 times since it started. I used it twice on BAC the other day, and both he & Darla said I was "groaning every single one" of his posts.

So, that was entertaining. For that alone, I'd say keep it.
here is a thought.

if you can separate them out then maybe everyone can have a limmited supply of them.

then they would have to really think if their groans were worth giving or not.

a certain amount each time frame

a day

a week

a month

what ever.

I would hope no limits on the thanks though.

interesting idea but i dont think that's possible.
darla sucks at voting and voted to keep but she actually wants them gone. so mentally remove 1 vote from keep and add one vote to get rid of
First of all, anyone who thinks they are actually upsetting someone because they clicked a little button at the bottom of a post thousands of times is completely delusional.

I log in these days to find my usual compliment of groans from the YurTroll and I wonder just what he thinks he's accomplishing?

I click on "notifications", note how many times and how long the idiot spent searching the forums for posts to groan, chuckle to myself over his petty obsession and then...MOVE ON.

It doesn't affect my ability to ability to ridicule the little turd or any other function I enjoy here, so what's the big deal?

Let the baby highlight for everyone how he's incapable of anything other than hiding in the shadows behind his troll name, desperately spitting his impotent little groans that ultimately mean less than nothing.

The little chickenshit spent over an hour searching the forums for posts of mine to groan last night...HOW SAD IS THAT?
I guess we can just think of it as a playpin for the infantile.

they get to have a rattle to keep them busy.

yeah we hear the noise of the rattle but at least the baby isn't crying all the time

That's exactly what they are...a toy for the infantile.