Should we get rid of Groans? Vote Now

What should we do with "Groans?"

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First of all, anyone who thinks they are actually upsetting someone because they clicked a little button at the bottom of a post thousands of times is completely delusional.

I log in these days to find my usual compliment of groans from the YurTroll and I wonder just what he thinks he's accomplishing?

I click on "notifications", note how many times and how long the idiot spent searching the forums for posts to groan, chuckle to myself over his petty obsession and then...MOVE ON.

It doesn't affect my ability to ability to ridicule the little turd or any other function I enjoy here, so what's the big deal?

Let the baby highlight for everyone how he's incapable of anything other than hiding in the shadows behind his troll name, desperately spitting his impotent little groans that ultimately mean less than nothing.

The little chickenshit spent over an hour searching the forums for posts of mine to groan last night...HOW SAD IS THAT?

Zappa I love this post. You may have changed my mind.
I'm sick of this mod-approved trolling any more. Please join me. I'm done here until Legion Troll is gone.

How about Legion Troll quits groaning everyone or we all leave and go to my board?

It's hilarious that Legion Troll complains about fucking groans when he initiated the groan test by groaning live posts incessantly since day one. And yes, I've tried to reciprocate with groans but that's not me.



Know what? I'll be at my forum. See ya when he's permanent banned.

Anyone need the addy pm me.


for the love of god dude please take your meds.
For the love of Pete...

Do you think it makes ONE IOTA of difference to me if someone groans me? I couldn't care any less!

The amount of anxiety that some of you display because someone groans you is absolutely ridiculous.

Grow up... who cares...I dont groan anyone and never will. Those that have to show displeasure by using a groan button instead of actually engaging in a constructive debate are certainly not intellectual Giants.

Howey... Put on your big girl panties and deal with it.. You groaned plenty here.. over 1500 of them.

You are a prime offender... get a grip and grow up.. Correct your own behavior before you try and correct anyone else.

Maybe if you show some respect you'll get it in return.
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Why are you too scared to answer the questions? Why do you and Billy get your rocks off over Yurt, or DY, trolling the entire forum? Fuck you.

listen retard.

remember why yurt left?

It was because he had a major disagreement with me and annoyed the piss out of me. You think I am just ready to defend yurt?

We just banned DY a few days ago for violating one of our most important rules. You think we just ban people for 4 months only to let them back the next day?

We aren't "getting our rocks off"

legion isn't doing anything against the rules. You are complaining about something not against the rules.

But I take peoples complaints seriously, which is why this thread and this poll exists.

You don't run the show here howey. We aren't going to ban people just because you say so. We don't make up the rules as we go along.
how many times TODAY has homo howey posted that we was leaving and wouldn't come back unless i was banned?

Well geez.

You're the one masquerading as Angry McGroanypants, so maybe you can tell us how many times he said it.

Just go on one of your obsessive groanfests...
I guess we can just think of it as a playpin for the infantile.

they get to have a rattle to keep them busy.

yeah we hear the noise of the rattle but at least the baby isn't crying all the time

Are you calling Topspin/The Dude and Rune, infantile? :eek2: