Should we get rid of Groans? Vote Now

What should we do with "Groans?"

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If the douchebag can't use them properly then we might as well get rid of them. He makes them and the thanks useless as he buries any signal with the noise.
listen retard.

remember why yurt left?

It was because he had a major disagreement with me and annoyed the piss out of me. You think I am just ready to defend yurt?

We just banned DY a few days ago for violating one of our most important rules. You think we just ban people for 4 months only to let them back the next day?

We aren't "getting our rocks off"

legion isn't doing anything against the rules. You are complaining about something not against the rules.

But I take peoples complaints seriously, which is why this thread and this poll exists.

You don't run the show here howey. We aren't going to ban people just because you say so. We don't make up the rules as we go along.

I thank the mods for their effort.

I will just ignore the groans and the poster.
well to be fair, nobody had a poll to talk about getting rid of groans when we complained about it sort of looks like you're making up rules as we go along......

we got more broad complaints, including from mott, darla (who is my favorite) and a few others. so it wasn't just conservative crocodile tears.
listen retard.

remember why yurt left?

It was because he had a major disagreement with me and annoyed the piss out of me. You think I am just ready to defend yurt?

We just banned DY a few days ago for violating one of our most important rules. You think we just ban people for 4 months only to let them back the next day?

We aren't "getting our rocks off"

legion isn't doing anything against the rules. You are complaining about something not against the rules.

But I take peoples complaints seriously, which is why this thread and this poll exists.

You don't run the show here howey. We aren't going to ban people just because you say so. We don't make up the rules as we go along.

I have been trying to tell people for months that Howey does think he runs the show, the man is a menace.
listen retard.

remember why yurt left?

It was because he had a major disagreement with me and annoyed the piss out of me. You think I am just ready to defend yurt?

We just banned DY a few days ago for violating one of our most important rules. You think we just ban people for 4 months only to let them back the next day?

We aren't "getting our rocks off"

legion isn't doing anything against the rules. You are complaining about something not against the rules.

But I take peoples complaints seriously, which is why this thread and this poll exists.

You don't run the show here howey. We aren't going to ban people just because you say so. We don't make up the rules as we go along.

i didn't leave because of you grind.

thanks for putting howey in his place, hopefully he will stop trying to run the board and stop the over zealous complaining.
Well geez.

You're the one masquerading as Angry McGroanypants, so maybe you can tell us how many times he said it.

Just go on one of your obsessive groanfests...

it cracks me up how you claim groans don't bother or effect you, constantly complain about groans.
i don't want to know

everyone knows howey the faggot is a liar

don't forget...howey is the one who said calling someone a faggot is ok, so SF, grind can stfu

Still just as incapable of speaking to others without resorting to the same tired insults and cowering behind the same pathetic excuses, eh Yurtsie?

Some things never change.
it cracks me up how you claim groans don't bother or effect you, constantly complain about groans.


I'd ask you to back up that nonsense with some proof...

But everyone learned a looooooong time ago...Yurt don't do proof.

You just have to take his word for it or go to hell.
Still just as incapable of speaking to others without resorting to the same tired insults and cowering behind the same pathetic excuses, eh Yurtsie?

Some things never change.

hilarious, you don't say boo about howey calling me a faggot

still the same dishonest jerk...yep...some things never change