Should we get rid of Groans? Vote Now

What should we do with "Groans?"

  • Total voters
Actually, the first sentence of your reply was you whining about Howey's avatar.

zappas once again ignores a lefties action/avatar and only cries and moans about a "righties" avatar

your double standards are amusing and what is truly funny, is that you actually believe you don't have a double standard
zappas once again ignores a lefties action/avatar and only cries and moans about a "righties" avatar

your double standards are amusing and what is truly funny, is that you actually believe you don't have a double standard

I tried to find a pic of your mother in a bullseye but no luck. Yet.
and howey having an avatar with crosshairs isn't antagonizing? Deal with it, we have different points of view. You don't see me crying about howeys avatar.

I hadn't really noticed Howey's because it's much smaller than yours. Yours really stood out due to its large size.

But you're right, Howey should change his avatar as well.

I did the adblock on yours; good tip.
k poll is over.

Raw Totals:

Keep - 15
Lose - 10

voted4reagan voted to get rid of, but he's not on the master list so his vote doesn't count.

Keep - 15
Lose - 9

Darla meant to vote to lose them.

Keep - 14
Lose - 10

Keep wins.
A lot of people have started to complain about groans and getting groan-spammed etc.

So we have decided to put this to a vote.

Note: we are talking about JUST groans. We will be keeping "thanks"

Here are the pros and cons as far as I see it.


  • Sometimes someone says something really stupid. It's very convenient to basically dismiss ones argument without having to bother responding to a mouth breather

  • Some people actually deserve being groaned for their idiotic opinions.

  • Sometimes Groans can be used for humor. I.E. watermark says something really optimistic and inspiring and I groan him.


  • People abuse the groan feature, and will mass groan the shit out of people, even without reading peoples posts
  • People are less likely to go out of their way to "mass thank" someone, as no one wants to be that positive.
  • It clogs up peoples notification inbox as it will bump thanks to the background
Here is how the voting will work.

Voting will only be open to regular active members. We aren't going to let people that barely post here to make decisions about JPP.

Here is the approved list of voters:

  • annie
  • aoxomoxoa
  • BAC
  • beefy
  • bfgrn
  • billy
  • boris the animal
  • callinectes
  • cawacko
  • charver
  • christiefan
  • classic liberal
  • crashk
  • damo
  • darla
  • disillusioned
  • don quixote
  • dungheap
  • evince
  • Grind
  • howey
  • I love america
  • iolo
  • leaningright
  • jarod
  • mott
  • nova
  • obfuscate
  • philly rabbit
  • postmodernprofit
  • professor baxter
  • racerx
  • rana
  • rationalist <-- Brent
  • rune
  • sedan
  • signalman
  • socratease
  • sjjrsjjs
  • smarterthanyou
  • steelplate
  • superfreak
  • susiecutzpah
  • taichiliberal
  • tekkychick
  • thing1
  • threedee
  • tinfoil
  • usfreedom
  • watermark
  • winterborn
  • yurt
  • zappasguitar

Some peoples "standard" name might have been used, so just check.

I went first through the people that have visited in the last 24 hours, and then added that together with all the top posters going down to people that have made around > 100 posts.

Soooooo chances are if you are not on this list you aren't very active here, or you are very new. There is easily a chance I missed someone, so if you think you should be counted just shoot me a pm.

  1. Anyone not on this masterlist will not have their vote counted.
  2. Trolls and duplicates will obviously have their vote thrown away. If you try double voting both your votes will be thrown out.
  3. Tie goes to keeping it.
  4. Need at least 20 votes to be valid. (this shouldn't be hard because again this list if of pretty active users. So spam your buddies walls and get them to vote).
I think the "Groans" kind of show what side of the poltical "board" the Forum posters are from, so I vote to keep them. I had been away for a few years and after I came back, I hardly knew/remember who was whom politically, but after I posted something politically controversial, the Groans cleared up the "ID" of Libs and the Conserves. I get lots of "Groans", so I am a happy camper, knowing that I "touched" someone, no pun intended.
k poll is over.

Raw Totals:

Keep - 15
Lose - 10

voted4reagan voted to get rid of, but he's not on the master list so his vote doesn't count.

Keep - 15
Lose - 9

Darla meant to vote to lose them.

Keep - 14
Lose - 10

Keep wins.

Okay. Thanks for putting it to a vote.
Why doesn't my Vote Count?? just curious as it really doesn't matter.

Personally I think groaning a persons post is rather infantile. You can express displeasure with debate of the issue.

Something that is lacking in many areas here.
Why doesn't my Vote Count?? just curious as it really doesn't matter.

Personally I think groaning a persons post is rather infantile. You can express displeasure with debate of the issue.

Something that is lacking in many areas here.

I wouldn't have counted your vote because you've been here less than a month.......