Should we get rid of Groans? Vote Now

What should we do with "Groans?"

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Mob law and lynching always went down well with the majority. Who cares about truth or sense, after all? - they are no fun compared with bullying.

If you are comparing the Groans here to mob law and lynching, you are an idiot. The Groans mean nothing. They have absolutely no effect on what anyone posts or on your time here. You can't say that about mob law and lynching, now can you?
If you are comparing the Groans here to mob law and lynching, you are an idiot. The Groans mean nothing. They have absolutely no effect on what anyone posts or on your time here. You can't say that about mob law and lynching, now can you?

What do they mean then? Intelligent criticism? Sensible argument? How many black Americans do you have on here, for instance? How many intelligent people? How many nutty bullies? A proper proportion of the population? Think it through.
What do they mean then? Intelligent criticism? Sensible argument? How many black Americans do you have on here, for instance? How many intelligent people? How many nutty bullies? A proper proportion of the population? Think it through.

We have an inordinate amount of assholes. But that has nothing to do with the groans. It has to do with the way the owner and mods allow more freedom here than on any message boards I have visited. The groans do nothing. They are not a factor. Consider that most threads are loaded with name-calling and derogatory remarks. Do you think those have no effect and the little groan is the problem?

I don't know how many blacks we have on here. And neither do you. They would have to choose to reveal they are black, and even then it is just their word. Do you actually think the groans repel blacks??
I used to enjoy the old Argue with Everyone site, and as far as I am concerned, anything goes if I am free to answer back. Groans, though, are institutionalised bullying. What on earth is the point of them? If people could kick me in the testicles or shoot me down with a machinegun, would that be some sort of argument for the kicks?
I used to enjoy the old Argue with Everyone site, and as far as I am concerned, anything goes if I am free to answer back. Groans, though, are institutionalised bullying. What on earth is the point of them? If people could kick me in the testicles or shoot me down with a machinegun, would that be some sort of argument for the kicks?

You are still comparing actions which cause physical pain or death with the simple posting of a groan. It is ridiculous. It is not bullying. It is virtually nothing.
If it is nothing, what is the use of it?

Absolutely no use whatsoever. Which is why it wouldn't matter if it were thrown away.

The worst that it does is show that someone doesn't like either you or your post. But it is not anonymous. Everyone can see who groaned you.
At their worst, when used as a way to troll by Yurt and Legion Troll Yurt, they were a pain in the ass. Nothing more.