Show Me The Crime

I have friends, lifelong friends that are Republicans. But, here of late, I feel very uncomfortable around them as they just can't STFU about politics. And I mean the nastiest most hateful politics that you can even imagine. I avoid them now, and feel a sense of relief, just staying away from them. I don't even miss them, as I always have better things to do than getting dragged into an argument with impossible and petty hypocrites that live in their own reality, and living every one of Donald Trump's lies.

I mean, I can't even honestly say, It's been nice knowing them anymore! Had, I even known they were going to end up like this as they got older, I would have skipped them altogether! JESUS CHRIST PEOPLE- LIFE IS SHORT!
So you hate being proven wrong and avoid social interaction where you are being proven to be an idiot. We got it!
So transactions with foreign businesses are illegal?

Only when it is unregistered, and government officials use their position to financially gain from their decisions. You're not very smart. Only a brain dead dumbass asks such stupid questions as if Biden is clean as the driven snow.

Since when?

Since the Constitution was signed.

Where are these "witnesses"?

Already given. But of course, having no defense of your moronic lies and attempts to defend the Bidens, repeating the same stupid thing is all you have.

No one can find them.

Another dumb lie. Already given to you brain dead wonder dunce. :palm:
How long have you felt bribery was legal?
