Show Me The Crime

Like the Hildabeast doing the same on an illegal quasi-secret personal server and never being charged. Or, like Biden with classified documents and the whole thing is dropped.


We are back you making the argument that Republicans are just hopelessly stupid and outmatched by much smarter Dems'. You can have a GOP POTUS, GOP AG, GOP SPecial Counsel or House or Senate and republican courts and yet Hilary and other Dems,m who get investigated and investigated and investigated just magically get off. They are guilty.. it is just Republicans are so stupid they cannot get them.

The Dems are so much smarter and better that even under POTUS Trump, with his hand picked AG, picking Republican Mueller, the Dems can get conviction after conviction after conviction.

It is not because the GOP makes up fake crimes they investigate for over 4 years (cough, Durham, cough) that leads to no charges, or Benghazi, endless investigations. NOpe. it is not because both McCarthy and Comer have admitted they do these investigations to try and hurt the opponent politically, not because they think the person is guilty. Nope that is not why Republicans can hold all the power and yet not indict or convict democrats.

It is, by your measure, Dems are just too smart and republicans too stupid. Checkmated.

I'll take it.
Like the Hildabeast doing the same on an illegal quasi-secret personal server and never being charged. Or, like Biden with classified documents and the whole thing is dropped.

Ahh but here's the thing: After being under the Teabagger cum MAGA microscope, the GOP came up with ZIP regarding Hillary. Worst case was nailing her for recklessness... a reprimand and nothing more.

Your orange faced god DEFIED AND LIED FOR OVER A YEAR. That's why he's on the carpet.

Ahh but here's the thing: After being under the Teabagger cum MAGA microscope, the GOP came up with ZIP regarding Hillary. Worst case was nailing her for recklessness... a reprimand and nothing more.

Your orange faced god DEFIED AND LIED FOR OVER A YEAR. That's why he's on the carpet.


No, the fix was in, just as it has been with prominent Democrat politicians for years now. Stuff that would get a Republican pilloried is swept under the rug went the perp is a Democrat.
Ivanka did it and the Trump brats lived off dad and you do not care. Do you know how many politicians' kids use their dads to make a better life for themselves? It is normal, not criminal.

Did she fly on Air Force one to go to business meeting?
No, the fix was in, just as it has been with prominent Democrat politicians for years now. Stuff that would get a Republican pilloried is swept under the rug went the perp is a Democrat.

Another way of saying Dems are just so much smarter and republiclowns so stupid, that even when you have the POTUS, the AG, the hand picked FBI leader, and control of the SC, all being republicans, the Dems are just so smarter that the republiclowns cannot catch them.

Imagine admitting republiclowns are this stupid and outmatched that even when given all the power they are outmatched and made hopeless when it comes to prosecuting Dem crime.

I mean, i agree with you that republiclowns and their voters are so bottom of the barrel hopelessly stupid as that is what you are saying right?
You are a Democrat hack that believes all the Biden lies. You probably can't even see how Biden has weaponized the DOJ and FBI and IRS

I am still waiting for someone to show me evidence of this "weaponization".

Just like I am still waiting for you to prove your claim that Hunter Biden's meeting was a business meeting like you claimed.
I am still waiting for someone to show me evidence of this "weaponization".

Just like I am still waiting for you to prove your claim that Hunter Biden's meeting was a business meeting like you claimed.

You won't accept evidence because you think Biden is above the law
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Ahh but here's the thing: After being under the Teabagger cum MAGA microscope, the GOP came up with ZIP regarding Hillary. Worst case was nailing her for recklessness... a reprimand and nothing more.

Your orange faced god DEFIED AND LIED FOR OVER A YEAR. That's why he's on the carpet.


No, the fix was in, just as it has been with prominent Democrat politicians for years now. Stuff that would get a Republican pilloried is swept under the rug went the perp is a Democrat.

Oh yeah, the Democrats "fixed" it so Trump took home a few hundreds of classified documents that he wasn't supposed to upon the end of his term in office, then they made him and his minions lie and deny to the White House and then the DOJ FOR OVER A YEAR about having them and then fully returning all of them.

My, my...I didn't know the Dems had such near mystical powers! :shock:

GMFAFB with this MAGA mook BS, will ya please?
You won't accept evidence because you think Biden is above the law

I have never once claimed I believe Biden is above the law and if you have any credible evidence that has been corroborated, I will absolutely accept it.

Your claim is just another attempt at diversion so you can continue furthering your nonsensical claims.
I have never once claimed I believe Biden is above the law and if you have any credible evidence that has been corroborated, I will absolutely accept it.

Your claim is just another attempt at diversion so you can continue furthering your nonsensical claims.

You show that is exactly what you do. You believe the Biden lies and the Democrats propaganda