Show Me The Crime

Hunter graduated from Georgetown and then Yale Law. He was a lobbyist and corporate lawyer. He was highly educated and had political connections. He was a prize for a company to bring on board.

Hunter was also a drug addict that got dismissed from US naval service for drug use, couldn't hold a regular job, lied on a federal form (a felony) to purchase a pistol, openly admitted to his drug use, and likely didn't do particularly well in college.

He was a waste of time and space to any company hiring him. He had ZERO knowledge of energy and anything related to engineering. His only value to any company was his family political connections, and that is confirmed by his utter and total lack of being hired for similar positions since the laptop and contents became public. That is, once his scamming, quid pro quo, and influence peddling became public he was of no value to any company that previously hired him for those reasons.
Hunter was also a drug addict that got dismissed from US naval service for drug use, couldn't hold a regular job, lied on a federal form (a felony) to purchase a pistol, openly admitted to his drug use, and likely didn't do particularly well in college.

He was a waste of time and space to any company hiring him. He had ZERO knowledge of energy and anything related to engineering. His only value to any company was his family political connections, and that is confirmed by his utter and total lack of being hired for similar positions since the laptop and contents became public. That is, once his scamming, quid pro quo, and influence peddling became public he was of no value to any company that previously hired him for those reasons.

It isn't the gun purchase that's the real issue here. It's his and his father's influence on foreign policy that's the issue.
You mean he used his dads political office to get rich

Ivanka did it and the Trump brats lived off dad and you do not care. Do you know how many politicians' kids use their dads to make a better life for themselves? It is normal, not criminal.
I'm not worrying.

I'm rather enjoying watching the GOP flail about making allegations they can't back up with proof.

The GOP does not care if they can PROVE the allegations. They know, generally up front these will all be nothing burgers, as the Dems are not like the GOp just over flowing with criminality.

McCarthy admitted the point of all the Benghazi investigations was to give Fox and other right wing news 'Headlines' based on speculation, to report, while they never report the nothingburger later. It worked for them to harm Hilary and they are doing the same with Biden and it is working. This will be the template for all time for every DEm POTUS or candidate going forward. Baseless accusations that go no where but that right leaning derps come to believe due to right media pushing the lies.

- Kevin McCarthy’s radical honesty: ‘Benghazi’ was about hurting Hillary
- "Look at the polling": James Comer brags that GOP's Biden crusade is boosting Trump's numbers

The GOP is a party over flowing with criminality which actually gets charged and convicted but sadly right media has their voters convinced the opposite is true based on investigations only that never go anywhere. The Durham investigation not only did not find the criminality (crime of the century) they had predicted, but Durham stated he is not recommending any changes to the FBI. So as about a complete nothing burger as you would ever see and yet Right Media is spinning it as if it proved something was wrong.

Ya, the Trump admin criminality just can't be found anywhere. It's "missing"... oh where or where could it be?


Oh ya...

Ya, the Trump admin criminality just can't be found anywhere. It's "missing"... oh where or where could it be?


Oh ya...


If anyone even hinted about investigating Obama, the left would be screaming "racist" through bullhorns. Prolly why there haven't been any.
It is criminal for someone who has no qualifications or any other reason to be hired other than providing political access on the family name to be selling access to foreign corporations and governments to family members highly placed in the US government.

No it is not you simpleton.

If you are the fuck up kid of next POTUS and someone wants to pay you a million dollars for your name and hoping that gets them access, that is not only NOT illegal, there is nothing we can do to stop you taking that money.

Your dad can say 'Son, you take that job, you better understand i will never discuss any of their business with you' and you the son can say 'ya i told them that but they want to hire me anyway' and NO ONE can stop it happening.

The only crime would be if the POTUS (Politician) broke laws giving improper access which NO ONE has shown an iota of evidence Joe Biden did. The GOP just knows people hate seeing grifter family members get rich simply for being in the family of powerful family members and they can weaponize that distaste.

It is not just family members who profit from proximity to power. IF the guy who becomes POTUS or Governor (Insert powerful position) was a lawyer in a firm, you suddenly see that firm register as lobbyist to get more business. If the person was a partner in a business, you often see that partner also become a lobbyist or a consultant. People know that if they are KNOWN to have proximity to power it can open doors. You cannot stop Hunter or any of them taking those jobs as it is not illegal. the only illegality is with the politician if they break laws in dealing with and it can be proved. And they got NOTHING on Joe.
So relax...if Joe's clean and Hunter did nothing wrong, stop worrying...

Not worried he will be convicted of any crime, but its just like what you fuckers did to Hillary Clinton, you screamed about crimes for so many years people believe it, even though no charges were ever filed and no convictions.

If Hillary were guilty of any crimes, why didnt Trumps justice department do its job?
They took 2 and a half hours to come to the decision.

Ya it took a lot longer than expected.

It was clear Trump was guilty when all his obvious lies came back to bury him. FLOL 'she is not my type'...'oh that is Marla'.

What a simpleton Trump is. Every Lawyer Trump has ever had, including White house counsel has stated you cannot let him testify as he lies constantly and is an idiot., He will make any case stronger when testifies when the jury hears him tell obviously provable lies, which he cannot help but do.

Jack Smith and Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis all know this. Trump cannot dare take the stand in any case to try and persuade the jury he is innocent as he will bury himself. How can Trump argue 'he really believes the Presidential Records act gave him the power to do X' or any of his other defenses when he dare not take the stand due to his stupidity? There are lots of smart criminals who can figure out how not to sink themselves in testimony. Trump is just too painfully dumb.
Ya it took a lot longer than expected.

It was clear Trump was guilty when all his obvious lies came back to bury him. FLOL 'she is not my type'...'oh that is Marla'.

What a simpleton Trump is. Every Lawyer Trump has ever had, including White house counsel has stated you cannot let him testify as he lies constantly and is an idiot., He will make any case stronger when testifies when the jury hears him tell obviously provable lies, which he cannot help but do.

Jack Smith and Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis all know this. Trump cannot dare take the stand in any case to try and persuade the jury he is innocent as he will bury himself. How can Trump argue 'he really believes the Presidential Records act gave him the power to do X' or any of his other defenses when he dare not take the stand due to his stupidity? There are lots of smart criminals who can figure out how not to sink themselves in testimony. Trump is just too painfully dumb.

It took 2 and a half hours because they had to come to 5 separate money decisions.

$2 million for the assault
$20,000 for punitive damages for the assault
$1 million for damages from the defamation
$1.7 million for reputation repair for the defamation
$280,000 for punitive damages for the defamation
Hunter was also a drug addict that got dismissed from US naval service for drug use, couldn't hold a regular job, lied on a federal form (a felony) to purchase a pistol, openly admitted to his drug use, and likely didn't do particularly well in college.

He was a waste of time and space to any company hiring him. He had ZERO knowledge of energy and anything related to engineering. His only value to any company was his family political connections, and that is confirmed by his utter and total lack of being hired for similar positions since the laptop and contents became public. That is, once his scamming, quid pro quo, and influence peddling became public he was of no value to any company that previously hired him for those reasons.


And people hate that. They hate seeing a grifter kid, any family member or friend get rich simply for who they know. The GOP understands that and how petty most people are that they hate that one person wants to give another person lots of money for who they know. They know they can weaponize that pettiness and jealousy. But it IS NOT illegal and there is nothing that can be done about it.
Ivanka did it and the Trump brats lived off dad and you do not care. Do you know how many politicians' kids use their dads to make a better life for themselves? It is normal, not criminal.

It is much worse than that as what Ivanka, and the other Trump kids and Jared did, absolutely looks to be illegal. They did not just profit off the Trump name, but also it seems clear they personally profited off of their government roles, and providing access/support to Trump as POTUS.

True illegality the GOP DNGAF about while screaming 'whatabout Hunter'.
Let's not forget that Jared Kushner was awarded 3 billion dollars by the Arabs.

And that Ivanka also was pulling in millions of dollar of personal business ventures from the Arabs, Mexico, and China while her daddy was in office.


Best Answer = Because they are lunatics, sore losers, bad sports, and TOTAL Hypocrites with a double standard for themselves- THAT'S WHY!


One day Biden has dementia and the next day he is the mastermind of a family crime syndicate.
If anyone even hinted about investigating Obama, the left would be screaming "racist" through bullhorns. Prolly why there haven't been any.

lol. More clown shoes.

Obama's admin was probably the most investigated prior to Trump of any admin. The GOP brags about how good those investigations were in damaging Hilary in the polls and helping Trump beat her.

The difference being ALL of them were actual nothing burgers and witch hunts that went no where, unlike the Trump ones which truly drained a corner of the swamp as Trump and his admin were rife with criminality.
It isn't the gun purchase that's the real issue here. It's his and his father's influence on foreign policy that's the issue.

Absolutely! The gun purchase is just indicative of the bias in the justice system to avoid charging those with the correct lineage and privilege. If you or I lied on that form, we'd be charged and tried ASAP because we don't get that privilege Bagman and the Biden family have.
Absolutely! The gun purchase is just indicative of the bias in the justice system to avoid charging those with the correct lineage and privilege. If you or I lied on that form, we'd be charged and tried ASAP because we don't get that privilege Bagman and the Biden family have.

like Trump with stealing classified documents not being charged instantly like anyone else hiding, moving and lying in sworn statements did?
like Trump with stealing classified documents not being charged instantly like anyone else hiding, moving and lying in sworn statements did?

Like the Hildabeast doing the same on an illegal quasi-secret personal server and never being charged. Or, like Biden with classified documents and the whole thing is dropped.