Show Me The Death Certificate


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NOTE: There is no reliable proof that the coronavirus caused deaths being reported around the globe. Put it this way: A convicted murderer is hanged in Ulaanbaatar and his death is attributed to the coronavirus. A corpse is the only thing needed. Bottom line: A few million dollars out of billions will buy a lot of death certificates and government officials in foreign countries.

Television parasites report that a person WITH coronavirus died. As far as I know, the cause of death should be recorded on the death certificate, yet I never heard a television mouth say the corpse died FROM coronavirus.


Incidentally, the elderly most often die from the illnesses brought on by old age. How immoral is it for medical industry parasites to say an elderly patient died from the coronavirus? —— especially when television's dirty little moralists are running interference for the scam.

In case you missed it, go back to the video and move the cursor to 2:15 for a word or two from Bill Gates who has more than a passing interest in vaccines and vaccinations:

NOTE: Never forget the evil made possible by forced vaccinations:

Software billionaire Bill Gates, who previously has advocated the reduction of the human population through the use of vaccines, and his wife Melinda marked the 100th year since the First International Eugenics Congress in London with a “family planning” summit with abortionists and the United Nations.

Bill Gates: World needs fewer people
Joins abortionists for 'family planning' conference on eugenics
Published: 08/19/2012 at 4:36 PM

Finally, the bloom is off AG Barr’s rose. He can redeem himself —— and the DoJ —— by investigating death certificates television mouths ascribe to coronavirus. This video is worth watching. Be sure to listen to Lou Dobbs’ commentary at 29:20:

Here is the complete video. Move the cursor to 44:35 (after the commercial break) for Dobb’s commentary:

How come deaths from coronavirus have not been reported in the other 49 states?

Washington was the first state in America where people died from the virus.

Coronavirus death toll climbs to 10 in Washington state
Posted 11:22 AM, March 4, 2020, by Q13 News Staff, Updated at 11:23AM, March 4, 2020

I guess it is easier to buy death certificates in liberal Washington State:

NOTE: There is no reliable proof that the coronavirus caused deaths being reported around the globe. Put it this way: A convicted murderer is hanged in Ulaanbaatar and his death is attributed to the coronavirus. A corpse is the only thing needed. Bottom line: A few million dollars out of billions will buy a lot of death certificates and government officials in foreign countries.

Television parasites report that a person WITH coronavirus died. As far as I know, the cause of death should be recorded on the death certificate, yet I never heard a television mouth say the corpse died FROM coronavirus. [UNTIL TODAY]

Incidentally, the elderly most often die from the illnesses brought on by old age. How immoral is it for medical industry parasites to say an elderly patient died from the coronavirus? —— especially when television's dirty little moralists are running interference for the scam.
Incidentally, the elderly most often die from the illnesses brought on by old age. How immoral is it for medical industry parasites to say an elderly patient died from the coronavirus? —— especially when television's dirty little moralists are running interference for the scam.

Did Cuomo produce a death certificate?

ALBANY — Coronavirus has claimed its first life in New York.

A woman with underlying respiratory issues died in a New York City hospital, Gov. Cuomo announced this morning.

“We had last night a death in a New York City hospital of an 82-year-old woman who had coronavirus. She came into the hospital on March 3,” he said. “She contracted the coronavirus on top of emphysema, then she passed.”

First coronavirus-related death confirmed in New York State
By Bernadette Hogan
March 14, 2020 | 10:25am | Updated
Since when do people share the death certificates of their family members to prove shit to lunatics?

Go look for the certificates in the basement of Comet Ping Pong. :rolleyes:

Now you know why I want to see death certificates:

Despite medical officials having yet to issue a final cause of death for the infant, and his office admitting as much, Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont (D) [DEMOCRAT] declared to the nation Wednesday that his state had suffered what he described as “the first pediatric fatality in Connecticut linked to COVID-19,” the death of a 7-week-old who tested positive for the virus in the autopsy. In a video posted on social media Friday that has already racked up nearly 3 million views, conservative commentator Candace Owens demanded the governor resign for what she says she has confirmed to be a willful “lie.” On the same day Owens posted the video, the office of the state’s chief medical officer told the media they have yet to issue a final cause of death for the child.

April 4th, 2020
Candace Owens Accuses Governor Of ‘Lying’ About Newborn’s Coronavirus-‘Linked’ Death, Calls For Resignation
By James Barrett

Andrea Widburg’s informative article includes six tweets. This text is the crux of the matter:

. . . Governor Lamont had deliberately lied about the infant’s death.

. . . the infant died in a tragic accident at home that “had nothing to do with COVID-19.”


After Owens went public, a reporter asked Lamont about her contention. Lamont immediately handed the question to the state’s very nervous Director of Infectious Diseases, who explained in general terms that his office does not confirm the cause of someone's death.


. . . the presence of COVID-19 in the deceased's body may have nothing to do with what caused the person's death.

By Saturday, Owens was able to give more information about how the infant died, and it definitely wasn’t COVID-19. Instead, a caretaker accidentally suffocated the poor baby and the police responded to a 911 call. With this kind of detail, says Owens, Lamont “KNEW” how the baby had died, and lied anyway, “because he wants more Federal money.”


. . . Owens started to receive word about other suspicious COVID-19 claims:


. . . we will be a broken banana republic, done in by Chinese and American lies.

April 5, 2020
Wow! Connecticut’s governor really should resign if he did this
By Andrea Widburg

Nothing pleases me more than pissing into the wind and having it blow back on the faces of healthcare industry parasites:

Are many of the deaths attributed to the coronavirus actually caused by other means?

That's a question raised a British doctor, John Lee, who contends it's still unclear just how deadly the coronavirus is, noted Rush Limbaugh on his nationally syndicated show Wednesday.

Those figures are important, because they form the basis for the unprecedented mass quarantine measures that have so severely damaged the economy.

Writing in Britain's Spectator, Lee, a pathologist and statistician, is concerned that coronavirus is being listed as a cause of death for many people who are not dying because of it.

Limbaugh noted that in New York and other places, there is a "shockingly low number of deaths" reported to have occurred because of other reasons.

"Like heart and cardiac arrest deaths are way down. Other standard, ordinary ways that people die every day are way, way down in New York — and the doctors are scratching their heads trying to figure it out," Limbaugh said.

"What’s happening? And they’re coming up with all kinds of wild guesses. 'Well, maybe people are dying in their homes and we don’t know why.'"

Limbaugh believes that what is happening is that "as many deaths as reasonably can be are being chalked up to COVID-19."

He noted that at Tuesday's briefing at the White House, Dr. Deborah Birx admitted that the White House is relying on figures that count people with underlying health conditions as a death from coronavirus.

"We've taken a very liberal approach to mortality," Birx said.

Limbaugh noted the word "with."

"If you die 'with it' but not 'because of it,' they’re still counting it as a COVID-19 death," he said. "If you die due to COVID-19, it's a COVID-19 death. If you have it but die from something else, they're still chalking it up as a COVID-19 death, and she admitted that."

Meanwhile, Dr. Scott Jensen, a Minnesota physician and state senator, said in an interview with KXJB-TV in Fargo, North Dakota, that he received a seven-page document from the Minnesota Department of Health advising him to fill out death certificates with a diagnosis of COVID-19, even if the person didn't die of the disease.

Jensen said he's asked the health department to disclose the assumptions behind its death numbers.

"I think people are starting to say, 'Hold it now. We need to have a deeper understanding of this, and we're not getting it," he said.

Deadliness of coronavirus questioned due to counting policy
By WND Staff
Published April 8, 2020 at 4:25pm
Does Flanders really believe the capitalist world is driving itself into large-scale debt for a fantasy? Does he think it's a Martian plot perhaps? It's going to have to be a bloody deep state to run the whole world of sordid thieves into this, really it is. American madness is truly remarkable.
"If you die 'with it' but not 'because of it,' they’re still counting it as a COVID-19 death," he said. "If you die due to COVID-19, it's a COVID-19 death. If you have it but die from something else, they're still chalking it up as a COVID-19 death, and she admitted that."

Meanwhile, Dr. Scott Jensen, a Minnesota physician and state senator, said in an interview with KXJB-TV in Fargo, North Dakota, that he received a seven-page document from the Minnesota Department of Health advising him to fill out death certificates with a diagnosis of COVID-19, even if the person didn't die of the disease.

Is asshole contagious? Carlos Garcia closed his article with this:

There are nearly 900,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the U.S., with more than 50,000 deaths.

So how many death certificates did Garcia and McCain verify for accuracy?

April 23, 2020
Meghan McCain refuses to host 'The View' with Elisabeth Hasselbeck over her coronavirus prayer comments
Carlos Garcia

"We've taken a very liberal approach to mortality," Birx said.​


April 4th, 2020
Candace Owens Accuses Governor Of ‘Lying’ About Newborn’s Coronavirus-‘Linked’ Death, Calls For Resignation
By James Barrett

Can you imagine how many coronavirus deaths are falsely reported in the heavily populated parasite states? —— NY, NJ, and California.

Instead, the death figure CDPHE has been providing for weeks is more accurately described as the number of people with COVID-19 who have died – for any reason. The number of people who have died and have COVID-19 listed on their death certificate is 24% lower: 878, according to CDPHE’s latest figures.

Colorado changes data amid complaints that it inflated COVID-19 deaths
By John Inhold and Jesse Paul
Saturday, May 16, 2020 7:03 AM

QUESTION: What did it take for climate change parasites to change the name of a Colorado agency?
