Show Me The Death Certificate

. . . rigged death certificates guaranties a huge reduction in lawsuits:


You can bet your ass that Diarrhea Mouth wants liability protection for hospitals and their Service Employees International Union (SEIU) dues-paying members:

Unions worry Congress is one step closer to a liability shield
By Alex Gangitano
05/21/20 06:00 AM EDT
To Concart: In plain English even you should understand.

The corpses are real. The death certificates are fictional.

So again, how do you account for death tolls four times higher than the baseline? So far you seem to be avoiding that question.
So again, how do you account for death tolls four times higher than the baseline? So far you seem to be avoiding that question.

To Concart.
You will find your answer in everything I said in this thread and others. If the answer is too much for your reading comprehension skills try answering your own question.

I can respond to this in five words:

Why the US has the most reported coronavirus cases in the world
By Peter Sullivan
05/21/20 06:00 AM EDT

Democrat parasites and tax dollars.

To Concart.
You will find your answer in everything I said in this thread and others. If the answer is too much for your reading comprehension skills try answering your own question.

I can respond to this in five words:

Why the US has the most reported coronavirus cases in the world
By Peter Sullivan
05/21/20 06:00 AM EDT

Democrat parasites and tax dollars.

I accept your unconditional surrender.

Whether the story of Joshua is true or not:

the walls of coronavirus lies are falling down:

Perhaps inspired by the success of Coronavirus fearmongering in impoverishing the formerly prosperous West, global warming enthusiasts are beginning to agitate to list “climate change” as the cause of death on death certificates. The widely observed practice of listing Coronavirus as the cause of death for anyone who died with it, not necessarily of it, has worked wonders in scaring people into accepting previously unheard-of abrogation of constitutionally guaranteed rights.

The seed for this propaganda offensive was just planted in a spinoff publication of The Lancet, the formerly prestigious British medical journal that has fallen to the forces of political correctness. In a letter appearing the The Lancet Planetary Health (hat tip: Breitbart), researchers at The Australian National University write:

National mortality records in Australia suggest substantial under-reporting of heat-related mortality. Less than 0·1% of 1·7 million deaths between 2006 and 2017 were attributed directly or indirectly to excessive natural heat (table). However, recent research indicates that official records underestimate the association at least 50-fold.

Understanding the degree to which environmental factors affect human health is important if the impact of climate change is to be fully appreciated. As severe environmental events become more common, correct reporting and attribution is needed for effective evidence-based responses and to guide local, national, and global adaptation.

The Sydney Morning Herald eagerly picked up the story and transmitted it to a mass audience:

Climate change should be recorded as a cause of death on death certificates in Australia because heat-related mortality is so vastly unreported, according to commentary published in The Lancet Planetary Health on Thursday. (snip)

"Climate change is a killer, but we don’t acknowledge it on death certificates," co-author Arnagretta Hunter, from the ANU Medical School, said.

She said it was acknowledged that phenomena caused or exacerbated by climate change - such as drought, bushfires, floods and storms - had an impact on illness and death rates in Australia, but that there was no way to acknowledge these factors on death certificates.

Just wait for the headlines about "Millions killed by climate change." And "Climate change death toll mounts." If it bleeds, it leads.

Politicized science is now a fact of life in the Western world, undermining the very foundations of the technological and material progress that liberated the mass of humanity from permanent poverty, the normal state of affairs until the scientific and industrial revolutions changed the state of civilization. Stalin was the pioneer in bending science in service of a political agenda, and under him, Trofim Lysenko led the charge to corrupt science, which ended disastrously when agriculture was forced to accept practices based on phony science. Lysenkoism is the name given to the practice of bending science to politics.

Richard Baehr imagines all sorts of conversations once “climate change” is listed as a cause of death:
Honey I got the results from the doctor. it’s bad.

Cancer? Please say no


What then- heart problem?

No worse. Climate change.

OMG how awful. How long do you have?

Depends on emissions this summer.

Greta told me to be strong.

May 23, 2020
Latest warmist scheme: Record ‘climate change’ as cause of death on death certificates
By Thomas Lifson

58,000 died in Vietnam ---therefore I ask you all, can anyone attest here on JPP

whether they had personally seen automobile funeral possession driving down

main st anywhere during the years of the Vietnam War?
5,000 died in the 9/11 World Trade Towers + Shanksville PA + Pentagon ---therefore I ask you all, can anyone attest here on JPP

whether they had personally seen automobile funeral possession driving down

main st anywhere during the weeks after 9/11?
NOTE: There is no reliable proof that the coronavirus caused deaths being reported around the globe. Put it this way: A convicted murderer is hanged in Ulaanbaatar and his death is attributed to the coronavirus. A corpse is the only thing needed. Bottom line: A few million dollars out of billions will buy a lot of death certificates and government officials in foreign countries.

Television parasites report that a person WITH coronavirus died. As far as I know, the cause of death should be recorded on the death certificate, yet I never heard a television mouth say the corpse died FROM coronavirus.


Incidentally, the elderly most often die from the illnesses brought on by old age. How immoral is it for medical industry parasites to say an elderly patient died from the coronavirus? —— especially when television's dirty little moralists are running interference for the scam.

In case you missed it, go back to the video and move the cursor to 2:15 for a word or two from Bill Gates who has more than a passing interest in vaccines and vaccinations:

NOTE: Never forget the evil made possible by forced vaccinations:

Software billionaire Bill Gates, who previously has advocated the reduction of the human population through the use of vaccines, and his wife Melinda marked the 100th year since the First International Eugenics Congress in London with a “family planning” summit with abortionists and the United Nations.

Bill Gates: World needs fewer people
Joins abortionists for 'family planning' conference on eugenics
Published: 08/19/2012 at 4:36 PM

Finally, the bloom is off AG Barr’s rose. He can redeem himself —— and the DoJ —— by investigating death certificates television mouths ascribe to coronavirus. This video is worth watching. Be sure to listen to Lou Dobbs’ commentary at 29:20:

You are over-thinking it!

Because you aren't very smart!
To Concart: Heart attacks, diabetes, cancer, drowning, old age, drug addictions, automobiles, suicides, murders, and everything else they can blame on coronavirus

To Concart: Chalk up another cause of death to coronavirus:

Autopsy report: George Floyd died from cardiopulmonary arrest, was positive for COVID-19
Charlie Wiese
Updated: June 03, 2020 08:01 PM
Created: June 03, 2020 07:00 PM
"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions."

For the interested reader but if you believe in the tooth fairy or Trump, please ignore, as you will be really really confused.

'*DEADLIEST ENEMY' p 291,292 Published March 2017

"When we asked about an influenza pandemic sometime in the indeterminate future, and how well prepared we are, he replied, "We know that influenza can cause a catastrophe. We know it because it has happened, and will happen again: that which is not prohibited is compulsory." This is a playoff a famous quote from T. H. White's The Once and Future King, and to me it means that if something is possible, in our kind of planning, it is inevitable.

"It's not a low probability," Simonson continued.

It is a high-probability, low-frequency threat. So it will happen; that is a given. The variables are when and how severe; and, of course, how prepared mankind will be to respond. As you know, Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions-at least that we understand-and no limit on the level of effort expended. Our most dangerous adversary will not originate in the tribal areas of Afghanistan or some other remote place. It is everywhere man and animal live in close proximity. Just ask the chickens. As we used to say at HHS: If you're a chicken, it's already a pandemic.

And for something like this, you can't turn on a dime. You have to have a ten-year runway. The problem is, with any of these threats, Congress gets worried, they appropriate a lot of money. What isn't obligated gets taken and put into the next threat, and the next."

There can be no greater bang for the buck than investing in what I call a game-changing influenza vaccine. In any given year, or even in any given decade, the probability of a major influenza pandemic is low. As a possibility for some unknown point in the future, it is virtually a dead certainty."

'Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs'
by Michael T. Osterholm, Mark Olshaker
Everyone knows that Scummy Joe Biden stole the election. Proof is superfluous.

It is time death certificates worldwide are examined for validity instead of analyzing ballots in Geogia.

NOTE: There is no reliable proof that the coronavirus caused deaths being reported around the globe. Put it this way: A convicted murderer is hanged in Ulaanbaatar and his death is attributed to the coronavirus. A corpse is the only thing needed. Bottom line: A few million dollars out of billions will buy a lot of death certificates and government officials in foreign countries.

Television parasites report that a person WITH coronavirus died. As far as I know, the cause of death should be recorded on the death certificate, yet I never heard a television mouth say the corpse died FROM coronavirus.

Notice that the United Nations employed the same technique to create the first International lie the same way Hollywood’s advertising created international fame for their moneymaking stars.

Europe is a Communist continent. Sad to say, America’s most reliable ally is throwing in with global liars:

Kudos to Jim Hoft for mentioning the FROM/WITH scam:

Almost a million people can’t leave their homes because one man died in his 80s.

This is insanity.

This is Australia.

This city of Sydney is locked down because one man died and 111 tested positive out of 80,000.
More… 82,000 tests, 111 positive is a .135% positive rate (with a number of those 111 possibly being a false positive. 1 death (not indicating if the death was from Covid or the 80 year old person died while having Covid) and they shut down the entire area.

Complete insanity.

Via Liz Harrington.

INSANITY: Almost a Million People Can’t Leave Home in Sydney Because Man in His 80s Died from/with COVID
By Jim Hoft
Published July 23, 2021 at 9:43pm