Show Me The Death Certificate

A registry can be set up to create a memorial ---those seeking to get their departed listed on the wall simply need to send a notarized copy of the death certificate...


To bhaktajan: I cannot see a connection between doctored coronavirus death certificates, and the Vietnam War Memorial?

Here is my take on the ‘Wall’ if you have something else to say:

I have always been uncomfortable with the DESIGN of the Vietnam War Memorial. I felt that any criticism would be twisted by Lefties into a slur against the men and women whose names appear on the “Wall.” When I first posted my objection to the DESIGN on another board the Left’s perpetually outraged morality had a field day criticizing my take on the Wall’s DESIGN.

An article written by Duncan Maxwell Anderson 13 years ago is timeless:

What do these modern memorials to heroism and sacrifice have in common?

* The Vietnam Veterans' Memorial. Designed by college student Maya Lin, it was unveiled in Washington, D.C. on Veterans' Day 25 years ago. It's a black granite thingy-a long, plain wall that lines a big hole dug 10 feet into the ground. It lists the names of the war's 58,000 fallen Americans and . . . nothing else.

In her first proposal to build the memorial, Miss Lin explained its purpose: "We, the living, are brought to a concrete realization of these deaths." That's it. Not to honor what they did. Just a reminder that they're dead. Thanks.

* The Flight 93 National Memorial. The National Park Service has decided to erect the "Bowl of Embrace," in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, where United Flight 93 crashed to earth on September 11, 2001. Here's the plan: For their heroism in overpowering four Islamic hijackers and foiling their attempt to destroy the White House or the Capitol, the passengers are to be honored with . . . an empty field. It's little comfort that the field is surrounded by a stand of red maple trees planted in an arc that eerily resembles the crescent of Islam. The design's original name: "The Crescent of Embrace."

Like the Vietnam memorial, the monument itself has no inscription honoring anyone's actions-just 1970s-style wind chimes and the names of dead people inscribed on glass cubes.

* The National September 11 Memorial. On the spot where New York's mighty World Trade Center stood, the Lower Manhattan Development Corp.'s anointed designer, Michael Arad, decrees that there be . . . an American eagle? How about a statue of the three firemen raising the American flag over the rubble? Heck no. Just two huge, square, "reflecting" pools. Maybe you can gaze at your navel through them. In a complex slated to cost $1 billion, this urban swamp is called "Reflecting Absence."

These five sentences covered what I always felt:

Absence, indeed. What these modern war memorials have in common with each other is nothing. They portray nothingness. They have no people in them, never mind men carrying guns or swords, statues of Winged Victory, or even doves of peace. Just death and names -- grief without glory.

Oddly enough, for structures that are purposely barren, the promotional literature about all of them says their purpose involves "healing." By "healing," I infer they must mean "sitting in the corner, licking your wounds and whining pitifully." It may not be surprising that both 9-11 memorials have failed to attract more than a fraction of the private contributions they need in order to be built.

Where did such parking-lot-style art come from? On one level, you might say it results from a misunderstanding between the memorial-creating classes and the war-fighting classes.

In the early 1980s, when veterans proposed adding an American flag to Maya Lin's memorial design -- a design that did not originally contain the word "Vietnam" -- the artist complained that installing a flagpole would be "like putting a mustache on the Mona Lisa." I don't think she meant to compare herself to Leonardo. I assume she meant that a flag would get in the way of her Nothing.

That was more than a quarter-century ago, but the vocabulary of barrenness among the memorial artistes and their fans today sounds no different.

In a gushing update on the National September 11 Memorial in New York Magazine, Joseph Giovannini described the design as "an environment that scopes down in ever sharper focus on the inescapable fact of absence, monumentalized by the square, gigantically empty crater."

Much as the academics love this kind of talk and this kind of architecture, something in the public spirit reviles before it. We all die, so to offer voids to the memory of our heroes, and to list deaths without comment about what they did in life is an assertion of meaninglessness, of pointlessness. It is to say, "You sacrificed for others -- but that's not worthy of mention, because now you're just as dead as anyone else."

Or if you prefer, it echoes the jeers addressed to Christ on the Cross: "He saved others. But himself he cannot save." The essence of a hero is that, like Christ, he could save himself, but for the sake of others, he does not.

I don't wish to put excessive blame on the monument-creators. The generation that is producing these minimalist slabs was taught ideology and grant-writing in school, rather than how to draw or sculpt the human form. Their "manual illiteracy" is not unique to the monument game. The fashion industry is famous for turning out designers who can't sew. If you aren't taught to make things with your hands, you don't learn the feel of them and how they work with the human body. The result is clothes that make even 15-year-old models seem un-beautiful, and buildings that look like tombs.

The late Frederick Hart was a modern sculptor who could portray the human body with power. He created the figures of the three soldiers who now face Maya Lin's wall at the Vietnam Memorial. But even they look tentative, rather than determined. We owe better to the men who kicked the Communists' butts with one hand tied behind their backs, only to have their victory given away by anti-military Senators like John Kerry and Frank Church a couple of years later.

MinutemanThe contrast of our modern fare with Daniel Chester French's "The Minuteman," in Concord, Mass., erected in 1875 for the centennial of the battles of Lexington and Concord, could not be more devastating. "The Minuteman" is best seen in person. He is slightly larger than life-size, and set on a pedestal about 6 feet above the landscape. He's holding a gun, and he is obviously prepared to use it. Not only that, he still has his other hand on the plow. It means he's an ordinary man who must make a living, not a professional soldier or a robot. He steps up when it's time to risk his life violently for his country. He's determined. He seems to be in motion. He's dangerous. My wife describes the statue as having "sex appeal."

It is a crisis if our educated classes are at war with war. Nietzsche said: "I praise, I do not reproach, [nihilism's] arrival. I believe it is one of the greatest crises, a moment of the deepest self-reflection of humanity. Whether man recovers from it, whether he becomes master of this crisis, is a question of his strength!"

It is indeed a question of our strength. The current scandal is that this generation, which has produced some of the best soldiers and can-do-patriots in our history, has been stuck with the peace-love-and-drugs generation's leaders, and also their monuments.

I say to the Millennial Generation: How about it, dudes? Some blow-torches and backhoes could clear the decks nicely. Then let's put some real sculptors to work.

November 11, 2007
Monuments to Wimpdom
By Duncan Maxwell Anderson

There is a subliminal political message involved in Anderson’s “grief without glory” comment about the Vietnam War Memorial’s design. Traditional designs honor the sacrifice as well as those who made it. The Vietnam War Memorial is different in that the dead are listed, but the message is that their sacrifice was a waste. How many visiting the Wall remember that the Vietnam War was fought against Communism? That was not a waste.

The political message incorporated in the Vietnam War Memorial also justifies the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations by American Communists who did not, and do not, care one iota about the men and women who gave their lives fighting against Communism.

Since 2007, the worst people in our society have acquired a lot more political power than they had before they worked so hard to give America’s enemy in Vietnam a victory at any cost. Presidential wannabe, Senile Joe Biden, is one of that crowd, yet the media portrays him as an affable nice guy prone to gaffes.

The Democrat Party’s contempt for the thousands who died in Vietnam, and, indeed, contempt for most men and women who serve in the U.S. military was not a campaign issue in 2008, or 2010, or 2012, or 2014, or 2016, or 2018. It should have been because those Democrats who came to power in 2008 are the very people who despise the military unless it can be ordered to fight for the United Nations. (There are a few in the US military who agree with serving the U.N.)

I am not stretching it too far to suggest that Democrats believe that everybody who fought against Communism deserve the worst treatment possible. I would go so far as to suggest that if elected Democrats could get away with it they would deny benefits of any kind to every veteran who served in the military during the Vietnam War.

Parenthetically, peaceniks still claim that the Vietnam War Memorial’s design is an anti-war statement. Their message is that the men and woman listed on the Wall would be anti-war liberals were they still alive. That is an insult to those who knowingly sacrificed their lives fighting against Communist expansion in Southeast Asia.

On the plus side, there is a danger inherent in the Left’s anti-war rhetoric whenever Communism is threatened. The danger might grow to include anti-revolution sentiments. Then where would Communists be?

Finally, I saw one small monument reminding people of the two million Christian Armenians slaughtered by Turkish Muslims in the waning days of the Ottoman Empire. There are probably a few monuments in this country built to honor the victims of totalitarian government that I have not seen. If so, they are erected with private donations. There is no national monument reminding future generations of the horrors inflicted on mankind by government.

I would like to see a national monument dedicated to the tens of millions who were murdered by totalitarian governments in the last century alone. Perhaps a national day of remembrance, too.

A Wall containing all of the names murdered by their own government would dwarf the Great Wall of China. I suggest NOT funding the project through the National Endowment for the Arts. You can guess the design government-approved artists would come up with.
To bhaktajan: I cannot see a connection between doctored coronavirus death certificates, and the Vietnam War Memorial?

Simply that the fallen will be counted. Thus to qualify to be put on a "REGISTRY" the deceased would need documentation
If it can be done for the Military...the civilians treating the dead of cornov19 can do it too.

The National Park Service offers these steps for locating a name: Look up the name in the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Directory of Names. These directories are located at both ends of the Wall and contain an alphabetical listing of all the names on the Memorial. Note the panel and line number for the name listed.
Simply that the fallen will be counted. Thus to qualify to be put on a "REGISTRY" the deceased would need documentation
If it can be done for the Military...the civilians treating the dead of cornov19 can do it too.

To bhaktajan: If a FALSE DEATH CERTIFICATE is accepted as your “. . . documentation. . .” you seem to be saying that Democrat liars can claim that a soldier killed in combat died from the coronavirus.

Democrats and their television mouthpieces already attribute every cause of death to the coronavirus. Adding combat deaths to their cozen will sure as hell jack up the number of deaths Democrat Party scare tactics must have in order to continue their pursuit of total control. In short: Democrats know that an honest count will wipe them out in November.

Please clarify your position if I am misinterpreting you.
Democrats know that an honest count will wipe them out in November.

Please clarify your position if I am misinterpreting you.[/B]

Yes. Democrats know that an honest count will wipe them out in November.

So to get an honest count...we propose that an official count be made.

Would there be complaints that an honest count is morbid?

Count them in the light that the quantity will be vetted and displayed.

LOL otherwise it would be a 'thought-tomb' of the 58000 unknown casualties.

What is a "Thought-Tomb"? [I just coined it sherlock holmes' "mind palace"?]
Limbaugh noted the word "with."

"If you die 'with it' but not 'because of it,' they’re still counting it as a COVID-19 death," he said. "If you die due to COVID-19, it's a COVID-19 death. If you have it but die from something else, they're still chalking it up as a COVID-19 death, and she admitted that."

Meanwhile, Dr. Scott Jensen, a Minnesota physician and state senator, said in an interview with KXJB-TV in Fargo, North Dakota, that he received a seven-page document from the Minnesota Department of Health advising him to fill out death certificates with a diagnosis of COVID-19, even if the person didn't die of the disease.

Famous Americans and show biz celebrities have more propaganda value than nobodies:

Ohio State University said Annie Glenn had moved to a senior living facility near her daughter, Lyn, and died of complications from COVID-19.

Coronavirus: Annie Glenn, an Ohio treasure, dies at age 100
Local 20 hours ago
By Laura A. Bischoff, Columbus Bureau

No disrespect to Annie Glenn, but Ohio’s number of deaths attributed to coronavirus just went up to 1,658:

Coronavirus cases in Ohio surged past 28,400 Monday afternoon as the death toll increased to more than 1,650.

As of 2 p.m., the Ohio Department of Health's COVID-19 website showed 28,454 cases and 1,657 deaths.

I would love to see how they fill out Annie Glenn’s death certificate.
Average NYC deaths per day = 158. On April 7th, 588 deaths in NYC were attributed to Covid-19. So what did they ACTUALLY die of?
In other words, you can't explain the tens of thousands of deaths in excess of the baseline. I already knew that. Those deaths are due to COVID-19.

To Concart: How many death certificates have been examined to support “. . . thousands of deaths in excess of the baseline.”?
To Concart: How many death certificates have been examined to support “. . . thousands of deaths in excess of the baseline.”?

Seriously? You don't have to examine death certificates to figure this out. If 158 people die per day on average in New York City, and the death toll is suddenly four times that high, there are deaths in excess of the baseline. Those deaths are being attributed to COVID-19. You claim they aren't from COVID-19. So how do you explain the roughly 23,000 deaths in excess of the baseline over the last couple of months? What killed all those people?

To Concart: Heart attacks, diabetes, cancer, drowning, old age, drug addictions, automobiles, suicides, murders, and everything else they can blame on coronavirus —— and for as long as nobody is analyzing thousands of death certificates, or until the public believes Diarrhea Mouth's cure:

No, those would be part of the baseline. They did not cause deaths in NYC to quadruple. Unless you are suggesting that there was a sudden outbreak of heart attacks in NYC.
Where is the world are the most popularly known location of the old fashion Mafia?


New York City
By the mid-20th century, there were 24 known crime families operating in cities across the country, comprised of some 5,000 “made,” or inducted, members and thousands of associates. America's capital of organized crime was New York City, which had five major Mafia families. Oct 14, 2009


NYS Governor Cuomo's father had also been the NYS Governor. Mario Cuomo once famously said live on Radio:

"There is no such thing as the Mafia" [If I recall Mario also removed NYS's Death Penalty ---to be confirmed]

Denis Miller of SNL did a news report of Mario saying this [BTW, good luck finding the SNL segment. Rare to even find this on the web!]

Officials raise concerns about CDC counting systems
By Nick Valencia, CNN
Fri May 15, 2020

(CNN)The public health system by which Covid-19 deaths are reported to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is "antiquated" and "not timely," often lagging by up to three weeks, causing senior leaders at the agency to believe the current death count in the US could be significantly higher, two federal health officials tell CNN.

Both of the federal health officials said it is not clear just how much higher the Covid-19 death toll might be -- potentially thousands or tens of thousands higher. At issue is the way in which data is sent in from states, the officials said.
"Provisional death counts may not match counts from other sources, such as media reports or numbers from county health departments," the CDC says on its website. "Our counts often track 1--2 weeks behind other data."
When reached for comment, CDC spokesman Benjamin Haynes directed CNN to its provisional death counts for Covid-19 on its website.
As of May 15, CDC data indicates 60,299 deaths. CNN's US death count, fueled by Johns Hopkins University data, currently stands at more than 86,000.
When asked by CNN's Kaitlan Collins on Friday if he believes the death toll to be accurate, President Donald Trump said, "Those are the numbers that are being reported. I assume they're correct."
The CDC says states report at different rates. Currently, 63% of all US deaths are reported within 10 days of the date of death, but there is significant variation between states, the agency said.
"That's part of the problem, we don't know how far of a lag there is, but there definitely is a lag," one of the officials told CNN.
Currently, the data sent to the CDC is captured two ways, the officials said. The first is through clinicians on the frontlines and state health departments, which both officials told CNN was "not up to date for the year 2020" and is contributing to the lag.
"It's hard to say how far behind, but on the weekend it goes down. Monday and Tuesday, it goes back up. There is some natural lag," one of the officials said about the death counts being reported to the CDC.
"The data that CDC gets is only as good as the data submitted to the agency by the clinics on the frontline and the state health departments," the second official added. "There's varying degrees of states' abilities to use electronic systems to gather and share that data with the CDC."
Specifically, local health officials must physically write the death certificates and send them to the National Center for Health Statistics, causing what can be a two-to-three week delay in recording results accurately.
As a result of the lag, in mid-April the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists began a second way of collecting data on Covid-19 deaths, which included counting deaths due to Covid-19 from "actual confirmed cases as well as probable cases," one official said.
The CDC has been working on a major data modernization initiative to "spruce up the system," primarily by giving the state and local health departments the ability to gather data electronically in real time, the federal officials said.
The system, which would help digitize the data using modern technology, will not be up and running until later this year, one official said.
The officials are not the only ones raising concerns that America's true death toll might be much higher -- for a variety of reasons.
The CDC, in several reports, has found the nation's "excess deaths" have exceeded the coronavirus death counts. And at a Tuesday hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders told White House task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci that there are "some epidemiologists who suggest the number may be 50% higher."
Fauci responded that he wasn't sure about the 50% number, "but most of us feel that the number of deaths are likely higher than that number because given the situation, particularly in New York City, when they were really strapped with a very serious challenge to their health care system that there may have been people who died at home who did have Covid, who were not counted as Covid because they never really got to the hospital."
"So in direct answer to your question, I think you are correct that the number is likely higher. I don't know exactly what percent higher," Fauci said.
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Examining dead bodies and probing for a cause of death is rarely seen as a heroic or glamorous job. Rather, as the coronavirus pandemic has unfolded, all eyes have been on the medical workers and public health disease detectives fighting on the front lines ― and sometimes giving their lives — to bring the novel coronavirus under control.

But as the crusade to test for the coronavirus and trace cases continues, medical examiners and coroners play a vital — if often unsung ― role. These “last responders” are typically called on to investigate and determine the cause of deaths that are unexpected or unnatural, including deaths that occur at home.

In the early days of the outbreak, a scarcity of tests often hampered their efforts. Now, as that equipment gradually becomes more widely available, these professionals may be able to fill in answers about how people died and if those deaths were related to the coronavirus.

Those changes won’t happen at once or uniformly across the country, experts predict. In addition, an increase in postmortem testing is likely to put coroners and medical examiners in the middle of a debate heating up about the true number of COVID-19 casualties.

Determining how many people the virus has killed is an ongoing bone of contention. Some defenders of the Trump administration’s response charge that death estimates are inflated, often because they include people who were presumed to have died of the disease but not tested for it. Administration critics counter that the chaotic rollout of testing and treatment led to thousands of needless deaths that aren’t represented in the official death toll.

Even now, months after the emergence of COVID-19 in the United States, the availability of test kits and testing materials, such as nasal swabs, remains inadequate in many places. Public health experts agree that broad-based testing is critical for people to safely emerge from lockdown and for businesses and other institutions to safely reopen.

“Some localities are prioritizing testing sick people over dead people, and that’s probably a good decision if they have limited testing available,” said Dr. Sally Aiken, the medical examiner for Spokane County, Washington, who is also president of the National Association of Medical Examiners.

As availability increases, however, stepping up postmortem COVID-19 testing could uncover important clues about the spread of the virus, experts say.

During the pandemic, many sick people have stayed at home and died there rather than seeking help at hospitals overwhelmed with coronavirus patients.

In April in New York City, for example, a reported 200 residents died at home each day, compared with 20 such deaths before the pandemic, a spokesperson for the city’s medical examiner told WNYC, the local public radio station.

Tests were not possible in many of those instances. But with more tests, such cases are now getting attention.

“Most of the ones we test are the individuals who die at home,” said Gary Watts, the coroner in Richland County, South Carolina, who is president of the International Association of Coroners and Medical Examiners.

If family or friends say the person had symptoms consistent with COVID-19, the coroner’s office will typically do a nasal swab to test for the virus, he said. If the test is positive and the office can determine the cause of death without an autopsy, one will generally not be performed.

Coroners and medical examiners have similar responsibilities but their backgrounds are often different. Coroners are typically elected officials who may or may not have a medical degree. Medical examiners are typically medical doctors and may have a specialty in forensic pathology.

Like Watts, Dr. Kent Harshbarger, the coroner for Montgomery County, Ohio, which includes the city of Dayton, said his office now has enough tests to determine if COVID-19 was involved in suspect deaths, unlike during the pandemic’s early days.

With more postmortem testing, “you can do better contact tracing,” he said.

A few medical examiners and coroners are now stepping up testing significantly, performing tests on all the bodies that are brought in, said Aiken.

“They’re surprised at some of the people who are positive,” including suicides and car accidents, she said.

One reason for increasing testing is to protect the staff who are handling the bodies, said Dr. Judy Melinek, a forensic pathologist in the San Francisco area and CEO of PathologyExpert.

If a body at the morgue is positive for COVID-19, “you want to avoid doing an autopsy unless it’s absolutely necessary,” Melinek said, because of the risk of becoming exposed to the virus through aerosolized particles or blood. Plus, she noted, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends against performing autopsies in COVID-19 deaths.

Even if coroners and medical examiners aren’t doing extensive nasal-swab testing on the recently deceased, they can provide vital information later on, some note.

It’s standard practice to take blood samples from patients who are sent to the morgue, and coroners and medical examiners typically keep blood samples on hand for up to a year. Testing those blood samples for antibodies to the coronavirus, which would indicate a prior infection, could give public health experts a clearer sense of when the virus arrived in the United States and the extent of its spread.

It won’t identify every undiagnosed infection, since antibodies don’t show up until one to three weeks after infection occurs, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. People may die before then. Still, postmortem antibody testing could provide useful information, experts say.

“If we can figure out when [the virus] arrived in the U.S., we can figure out a lot more about how this virus came through and was undetected,” Melinek said.

Going forward, as public health experts and politicians contemplate decisions about reopening the country for business and the possibility of a resurgence of the virus, the more concrete information available the better, experts say.

“Postmortem testing is helpful and important when it is balanced by the logistical feasibility of doing it,” said Lorna Thorpe, a professor of epidemiology at New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine. “When politics enters this space, it’s nice to have confirmed cases so that it can’t be critiqued.”

This story was produced by Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent program of the Kaiser Family Foundation.
To Concart: Heart attacks, diabetes, cancer, drowning, old age, drug addictions, automobiles, suicides, murders, and everything else they can blame on coronavirus . . .

To Concart: I forgot to include the big one —— STAPH INFECTIONS. The coronavirus was a boon to hospitals. Everybody that dies of a staph infection in a hospital can forever be blamed on COVID-19. Note that hospitals write the death certificates. And lets not forget that rigged death certificates guaranties a huge reduction in lawsuits:

As bad as contaminated blood is, how many Americans know that staph infections picked up in hospitals kills more people every year than does AIDS? Today’s totals are hard to pin down because hospital lobbies, and United Nations charity hustlers, have a vested interest in awarding the title to AIDS; nevertheless, I doubt if anything has changed since 2007:

Oct. 16, 2007 -- It appears that more people in the U.S. now die from the mostly hospital-acquired staph infection MRSA than from AIDS, according to a new report from the CDC.

By Salynn Boyles
WebMD Health News

Before hundreds of billions more tax dollars are sent into the healthcare system —— hospital deaths caused by hospitals should be reduced to zero.

Aside from the other horrors the number of patients that die each year in hospitals from infections they picked up in the hospital is tragic beyond words.

One of my heartfelt reforms focused on hospital deaths caused by staph infections that patients pick up in unsanitary hospitals. Conditions will worsen after millions of parasites get jobs with lifetime tenure attached. Unions will see to it that no dues-paying, filthy, lazy bum will ever be fired.

J. R. Dunn puts deaths from iatrogenic "superbug" infection at 30,000 a year in Great Britain. This excerpt is from the same article about Sarah Plain:

The British National Health Service, the mother of all nationalized health systems, has had what amounts to a "death panel" system since 2005. Under the terms of the Mental Capacity Act, patients unable to communicate with hospital personnel are considered to be "due to die" and are removed from all forms of life support, including food and water. In other words, given the same treatment meted out to Terry Schiavo.

The most notorious recent case involving this act occurred last year when Mrs. Ellen Westwood, an 88-year-old retiree, entered Birmingham's Selly Oak hospital for shoulder surgery. While recovering she caught the inevitable iatrogenic "superbug" infection, a daily occurrence in British hospitals, and one which costs up to 30,000 lives a year. Without further ado, the Selly Oak doctors declared Mrs. Westwood "due to die" and began the process of shutting her down.

Based on populations alone, American hospitals are only slightly better than hospital-caused deaths in the U.K. America’s population is over 300,000,000 while the U.K. has a population of 61,000,000. The number of deaths caused by hospitals is higher in Great Britain. That will change due to the aforementioned protections the ACA will provide for parasite scum.

Even if you cite the number of deaths caused by US hospitals the number of deaths from staph infections in the U.K. is a condemnation of socialized medicine everywhere. Hospital-caused deaths is a fair argument to use against those who point to socialized medicine in the U.K. as a model of compassion and efficiency.

Incidentally, the lower number of deaths in US hospitals has a lot to with lawsuits, and the fact that cruel indifference is yet to reach the levels found in U.K. hospitals.

Stimulus for patients

The public is treated to a wonderful image of a successful industry saving lives. The public seldom hears about the filth that hospital patients are subjected to every day. I would not give another penny to the medical industry until that industry cleans up its act from top to bottom —— and I mean a provable permanent housecleaning. Before hundreds of billions of tax dollars are added to the healthcare system —— hospital deaths caused by unsanitary conditions should be reduced to zero.

The unsanitary conditions in existing hospitals has long been one of my complaints. Conditions can only worsen after the parasites dominate hospital staffs. My contention has been that single-occupancy rooms would go a long way towards reducing infections acquired in hospitals, not to mention improving overall patient comfort and care.

I suggested that existing hospitals be given five or so years to convert to single occupancy rooms. Any hospital failing to comply after the grace period has elapsed would lose ALL government reimbursements —— federal and state. Such a move toward reform on behalf of patients instead of reform designed to enrich insurance companies and Wall Street would spark a wave of new, “healthier” hospitals once the cost of new construction is compared to the cost of conversion.

Since hospitals are profit-making enterprises the owners could be given tax breaks to make the transition. I would not give them a penny of taxpayer money directly whether they build new, or convert existing hospitals. There is also a built-in financial stimulus to an economy that everybody in Washington always tells us needs fixing; a stimulus that actually helps everyone rather than just enriching insurance company executives and Wall Street sharpshooters.

Anybody who wants to followup can find plenty of medical horror stories out there that have nothing to do with lack of coverage. Here are two articles that will give you a good handle on where socialized medicine ends up:

JANUARY 8, 2009
Hospital Scrubs Are a Germy, Deadly Mess
Bacteria on doctor uniforms can kill you.


Deaths caused by hospital mistakes 'up 60 per cent in two years'
By Jon Swaine
Last Updated: 10:58AM GMT 06 Jan 2009
To Concart: Heart attacks, diabetes, cancer, drowning, old age, drug addictions, automobiles, suicides, murders, and everything else they can blame on coronavirus

To Concart: I forgot to include the big one —— STAPH INFECTIONS.

There is no mention of staph infections in this article:

More than 600 doctors signed onto a letter sent to President Trump . . .


The letter continues: "The millions of casualties of a continued shutdown will be hiding in plain sight, but they will be called alcoholism, homelessness, suicide, heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. In youths it will be called financial instability, unemployment, despair, drug addiction, unplanned pregnancies, poverty, and abuse.


"The vast majority of the people that contract this disease are asymptomatic or so minimally symptomatic that they're not even aware that they're sick. And so the denominator in our calculation of mortality rate is far greater than we think," he said. "The risk of dying from COVID is relatively small when we consider these facts."

Doctors raise alarm about health effects of continued coronavirus shutdown: 'Mass casualty incident'
By Tyler Olson | Fox News

p.s. There is no reason for President Trump to lower Old Glory. The actual number of Americans killed by coronavirus will never exceed 100,000. I doubt if it will exceed a few hundred when the truth is known:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer wrote to President Trump on Thursday to request federal flags be flown at half-mast to mark the number of coronavirus deaths.

The pair of Democratic leaders asked for the measure to mark “the sad day of reckoning” when deaths from the coronavirus in the United States cross the 100,000-person threshold.

Democrats want Trump to lower federal flags at 100,000 coronavirus deaths
by Susan Ferrechio
May 21, 2020 10:15 AM

Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi and Vomit Schumer have every reason to lower their flag on the day the coronavirus scam is finally uncovered for all to see:

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