Show Your Support: FOR or AGAINST the $700 Billion Bailout?

FOR or AGAINST $700 Billion Bailout?

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Lets get everybody on the record...

As Watermark aka emogeek was saying that it was the extremists on both sides that didnt want the bailout and that the moderates want the bailout....

Well lets see it.... How would you vote?

Lets get everybody on the record...

As Watermark aka emogeek was saying that it was the extremists on both sides that didnt want the bailout and that the moderates want the bailout....

Well lets see it.... How would you vote?


Absolutely against the bailout as it stands now. Some government action would be adviseable, but not this $700 billion debacle.
I would argue its the moderates.... aka the ones that want to all get along, you rub my back I rub yours....

You vote for my earmark i vote for yours..... People who would rather make deals than stand on principles.....

People who sell out to make themselves rich..... These are the people that have failed America...

Not the people who take principled stands, either as liberal or as conservative against wasteful government standing....

Against it---they threw a bit of candy in there--but it won't effect the bottom line (accept hurt it a bit--it is earmarks again--some spending--some tax breaks). I think we need to let it go down--and learn form the failed socialization ideology. Our economy has been sabatoged with irresponsible world trade. Many companys do not employ many people here now--and the rest that stayed, are struggeling, and probably not looking for a loan anyway. I think--if people are getting loans, the economy for our citizens over the last 10 years would have been on the upswing. Personally--I don't know anybody that is looking to buy stuff on a loan. Their ability to pay has been sabatoged. I think this is a Y2K scare in sorts, but with inevitable trickle down consequenses of a smaller degree than warned. Their world trade economy with world banks will fail--- but I will stay in business. My employee will still work here. Bottom line---if you don't live on debt for existance--it won't effect you much IMO.

People not making payroll? So employees do not get paid for a week or two--then get paid with funds available. Just a shift of payments of a couple of weeks.

If that means people hurt---and learn to tighten their belts--remember---it did not have to happen--we let it happen. Other nations though--that depend on socialism--may starve (which will help save the planet). They don't know how to take care of themselfs any better then the citizens of Iraq.

Personally--I think I will be fine in a major depression--I learned to depend on a government as little as possible. Have a nice trip.
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Strongly against it! However, eventually one of these plans will pass..... :(
It is very likely, with both Presidential candidates voting for this as well as Biden, that this one will pass Congress without too much issue. They'll add a few more pages.

Page history of this bailout. Original had 3 pages, that increased to 42, then to a bit over 100, the Senate voted on a 451 page proposal. There are tax cut extensions, unfunded mandates on medical insurance forcing them to cover more psychological issues, there is political candy all over this. Had to grease those wheels.

I was for it.

I felt the economy was on the brink, lets hope it wasnt too little too late.
I would argue its the moderates.... aka the ones that want to all get along, you rub my back I rub yours....

You vote for my earmark i vote for yours..... People who would rather make deals than stand on principles.....

People who sell out to make themselves rich..... These are the people that have failed America...

Not the people who take principled stands, either as liberal or as conservative against wasteful government standing....


Ding, ding, ding!
It is very likely, with both Presidential candidates voting for this as well as Biden, that this one will pass Congress without too much issue. They'll add a few more pages.

Page history of this bailout. Original had 3 pages, that increased to 42, then to a bit over 100, the Senate voted on a 451 page proposal. There are tax cut extensions, unfunded mandates on medical insurance forcing them to cover more psychological issues, there is political candy all over this. Had to grease those wheels.


The huge donation to ACORN (a progressive voting community organization, that supports obama, that is under scrutiney in many states with pending investigations of voter fraud) was taken out. I can remember the amount, but I think it was in the hundreds of millions.

No wonder why obama did not show up. He was worried about himself and his friends at voter fraud ACORN. hmmmmmm

by the way--the leaders of ACORN say, if there is any voter fraud (has not been proven---yet--we are not talking about a clean Alaska gal here)--it is not their organizations fault--it is their employees fault.

what a bunch of "pointing fingers" leaders they are.
reluctantly for it. Dont forget the hundreds of billions we already spent on AIG (100?) Fannie and Freddy (hundreds)

This attacks what we think is root cause. Better then trying to bail out a never ending supply of bank-O-the-week-failures.
There is 192 million dollars in tax breaks for the makers of fucking RUM! There is a six million dollar tax break for the makers of toy wooden arrows! I am suprised there is not a free nights activities at the bunny ranch in Nevada, at least that way one american could have gotten fucked in a good way!
There is 192 million dollars in tax breaks for the makers of fucking RUM! There is a six million dollar tax break for the makers of toy wooden arrows! I am suprised there is not a free nights activities at the bunny ranch in Nevada, at least that way one american could have gotten fucked in a good way!

Well, I really like rum. A lot. And tequila. I would say that rum, tequila, and vodka are my three favorites.