Sign the petition send a coat hanger..

the lefties are soooo genius.. maybe we can label them the "rusty hanger brigade..who the hell still uses wire coat hangers today, I thought plastic ones were all the rage..

Sign the petition
Send a Coat Hanger
Did 20 pro-choice Democrats forget what happens when women are denied access to abortion?
Why did pro-choice Democrats vote to approve the Stupak Amendment, the most serious assault on abortion rights in a generation?

According to, 20 of the 64 Democrats who joined Republicans to pass the measure are nominally pro-choice. We're telling these 20 Democrats -- all of them men -- to reconsider their vote and urge Congressional leadership to do everything they can to ensure the health care bill that comes out of committee does not take us back to an era of coat hangers and back alley abortions.

Sign our petition and we'll send a coat hanger to the 20 formerly pro-choice Democrats who voted to take away women's rights.
Sign this petition and send a coat hanger to the 20 formerly pro-choice Democrats -- all men -- who voted to pass the Stupak Amendment.

"We know what happens when women are denied access to reproductive health care including abortion. And we can't go back to an era of coat hangers and back alley abortions. Reconsider your vote on the Stupak Amendment. Tell House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid that the final health care bill that emerges from the conference committee can't turn the clock back on women's rights."

To quote the lunatic Mommy Dearest, Joan Crawford:

"$200 dresses and all I see are wire coat hangers!!!"
Tiller performed legal medical procedures.

The criminal who shot him killed him in cold blood and is in prison where he belongs.

Leave this county and move to one that agrees with your caveman view of the world.

Abortion will never again be illegal in this country.

Maybe what tiller did was not illegal, but it was morally wrong. Killing babies that were shown to be perfectly formed in the womb is murder. He got what he deserved. Planned Parenthood has done the same goddamn thing.
here is my question:

in the bible...when did humankind first became "living"

i don't ask science because science doesn't know

When God created Adam. After that life was given through him and Eve as orginal parents and science supports the fact that life begins at conception. You don't know the story?

Now we have a law of convenience that allows women to kill babies for a myriad of reasons, none of which considers the life of the baby, only that of the mother.

46 million and counting...and the beat goes on.
Yet you sickos still don't care about killing our children in bush's illegal, immoral war. In fact, you guys want Obama to throw more bodies into the fray, and to hell with all those Americans and Afghans who pay the ultimate price for it.

OMG lets get real here...we are talking about ABORTIONS..
Give up your sick dream of religious persicution.

Abortion will NEVER be Illegal in the US ever again.

Thank God For that, I am one that whole heartily approves of it. Think if it was not available, we would be overrun with blacks and latins, and all the other liberal retarded offspring. Why do you think abortion clinics are located mostly in minority neighborhoods? Too keep their numbers down.
Abortion will NEVER be illegal in the US EVER again.

When you have a prospective human and a Live breathing human and their interests are so intwined then the only logical thing is to allow the live breathing human to have control over their own body.

What you fools want to see is that the woman is relagated to second class citizen by vurtue of her reproductive organs.

Women have full rights over their own bodies no matter what you think your religion tells you.

Your ideas are archaic and only apply to you and others who think like you.

Heres a clue: Dont have an abortion and realize other people get to deside for themselves.
the lefties are soooo genius.. maybe we can label them the "rusty hanger brigade..who the hell still uses wire coat hangers today, I thought plastic ones were all the rage..

Sign the petition
Send a Coat Hanger
Did 20 pro-choice Democrats forget what happens when women are denied access to abortion?
Why did pro-choice Democrats vote to approve the Stupak Amendment, the most serious assault on abortion rights in a generation?

According to, 20 of the 64 Democrats who joined Republicans to pass the measure are nominally pro-choice. We're telling these 20 Democrats -- all of them men -- to reconsider their vote and urge Congressional leadership to do everything they can to ensure the health care bill that comes out of committee does not take us back to an era of coat hangers and back alley abortions.

Sign our petition and we'll send a coat hanger to the 20 formerly pro-choice Democrats who voted to take away women's rights.
Sign this petition and send a coat hanger to the 20 formerly pro-choice Democrats -- all men -- who voted to pass the Stupak Amendment.

"We know what happens when women are denied access to reproductive health care including abortion. And we can't go back to an era of coat hangers and back alley abortions. Reconsider your vote on the Stupak Amendment. Tell House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid that the final health care bill that emerges from the conference committee can't turn the clock back on women's rights."

I didn't need to send a coat hanger. I was perfectly capable of ripping Altmire a new one without the need for props.
When God created Adam. After that life was given through him and Eve as orginal parents and science supports the fact that life begins at conception. You don't know the story?

Now we have a law of convenience that allows women to kill babies for a myriad of reasons, none of which considers the life of the baby, only that of the mother.

46 million and counting...and the beat goes on.

7And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
7And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

And your point I am guessing is that until a baby takes a breath of air it is not alive? Well, sorry to disapoint, but God breathing life into the first man is not the same as the "air we breathe". God is not in the delivery rooms breathing the "breath of life" into each baby. Adam was not in a womb. He was formed from the dust and God animated him. That's the story. From that point forward they, he and Eve, were commanded to bear fruit and multiply. Monotheists believe that life and sin are all from Adam.
And your point I am guessing is that until a baby takes a breath of air it is not alive? Well, sorry to disapoint, but God breathing life into the first man is not the same as the "air we breathe". God is not in the delivery rooms breathing the "breath of life" into each baby. Adam was not in a womb. He was formed from the dust and God animated him. That's the story. From that point forward they, he and Eve, were commanded to bear fruit and multiply. Monotheists believe that life and sin are all from Adam.

i don't know and it doesn't seem anyone truly knows....all i know is that adam did not become a living soul until his first breath...

i am not saying i am right, just my take for the time being....
i don't know and it doesn't seem anyone truly knows....all i know is that adam did not become a living soul until his first breath...

i am not saying i am right, just my take for the time being....

You are certainly entitled to have that take...but it is not the theologically understood interpretation.

There are many other passages that deal with life in the womb. If you are not a believer then leave it to how science understands the beginning of life begins at conception.
The history of abortion is very long and legalizing it was the best way to save lives. Its facts and I know how you guys hate facts.

I'm glad you agree with me that history has a liberal bias like nearly all facts do.

I'm sorry evince....but once penicillin was available the deaths from both births and illegal abortions dropped, more women die from legal abortions that died from illegal abortions in the year before Roe v Wade.....
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And your point I am guessing is that until a baby takes a breath of air it is not alive? Well, sorry to disapoint, but God breathing life into the first man is not the same as the "air we breathe". God is not in the delivery rooms breathing the "breath of life" into each baby. Adam was not in a womb. He was formed from the dust and God animated him. That's the story. From that point forward they, he and Eve, were commanded to bear fruit and multiply. Monotheists believe that life and sin are all from Adam.

Over 50% of fertilized eggs (conceptions) either spontaneously abort or are absorbed by the woman's body. I find it incredulous anyone would believe a God creates human beings and then destroys them within minutes/hours.

If I thought my God did that I'd be looking for another God but that's just me. :whome:
Over 50% of fertilized eggs (conceptions) either spontaneously abort or are absorbed by the woman's body. I find it incredulous anyone would believe a God creates human beings and then destroys them within minutes/hours.

If I thought my God did that I'd be looking for another God but that's just me. :whome:

In a fallen world apple all kinds of bad things happens. I am able to thank God that in spite of it good can happen too...

You don't understand what the bible actually teaches about God and about man. So it's a given you always manage to say shit like this.