Signs of a Cult. Is Fox News a Mainstream Cult?

While I find many of the conspiracy theories ridiculous, then again our govt does do some odd things (i.e. Tuskegee experiment)

I don't think corporations have taken over yet - let's face it, some of them are even more dysfunctional than govt, so how could they? - I do think Citizens United was a bad step in that direction.

But what I mainly want to mention here is a book by Neal Stephenson and J. Frederick George called "Interface" - wow, talk about people using advertising and technology to take over! Short form: they put a chip in the head of one of the presidential candidates so they can control him; they use advertising/focus polls to see what he should be saying at any particular point.

Interesting book.

ps - I know people say anti-party is a troll, but in my short time here his postings, while I don't always agree with them, have seemed to reflect his positions; he hasn't been massively negative towards other people; and he doesn't get bogged down in back and forth arguments over some word or another. Not saying he hasn't trolled in the past, but I haven't noticed it yet.

tekkychick, by calling him a troll I know I came across as others shouldn't talk to him but it's a free board so I didn't meant to imply that. For me personally, when someone has no principles and argues one day as a conservative, the next day as a liberal and then pretending not to care about either (all under different names) I can't take them seriously. But that is just my unasked for opinion.
Thanks for the clarification, Cawacko.

Just compared to some of the others on this board, he's so much less insulting that he's a relief to read. I already have so many on ignore...
tekkychick, by calling him a troll I know I came across as others shouldn't talk to him but it's a free board so I didn't meant to imply that. For me personally, when someone has no principles and argues one day as a conservative, the next day as a liberal and then pretending not to care about either (all under different names) I can't take them seriously. But that is just my unasked for opinion.

Who said that he is legion though? You know, you have to be careful with that stuff. Between Tom, Yurt, and a couple of others they had most of the board convinced Rune was Legion. You can say you don't like someone, but marking them as a troll, and especially Legion who everyone here seems to cast as the bogeyman ( I never had a problem with him), should require a bit more evidence IMO.
While I find many of the conspiracy theories ridiculous, then again our govt does do some odd things (i.e. Tuskegee experiment)

I don't think corporations have taken over yet - let's face it, some of them are even more dysfunctional than govt, so how could they? - I do think Citizens United was a bad step in that direction.

But what I mainly want to mention here is a book by Neal Stephenson and J. Frederick George called "Interface" - wow, talk about people using advertising and technology to take over! Short form: they put a chip in the head of one of the presidential candidates so they can control him; they use advertising/focus polls to see what he should be saying at any particular point.

Interesting book.

ps - I know people say anti-party is a troll, but in my short time here his postings, while I don't always agree with them, have seemed to reflect his positions; he hasn't been massively negative towards other people; and he doesn't get bogged down in back and forth arguments over some word or another. Not saying he hasn't trolled in the past, but I haven't noticed it yet.

I never thought anti-party was legion. Wonder if the mods confirmed it.
Who said that he is legion though? You know, you have to be careful with that stuff. Between Tom, Yurt, and a couple of others they had most of the board convinced Rune was Legion. You can say you don't like someone, but marking them as a troll, and especially Legion who everyone here seems to cast as the bogeyman ( I never had a problem with him), should require a bit more evidence IMO.

I never thought anti-party was legion. Wonder if the mods confirmed it.

No, he's not Legion. He was banned from Political Forum and came over here.
The NEWS is the same on every network. I prefer the editorial content on fox. And haven't we been over this before?:bdh:
I talk to my Pastor about many things....politics included. My church is a small country church....everyone knows one it didn't seem odd to me.

I want to make a new post. I think most Christian children decided to be Left because that is what the bible teaches, yet not forced.
Fair enough. I've never experienced that at my church but obviously we all have different experiences.

Legion, aka Anti-Party, has been trolling this board for years under different names. Sometimes he's a conservative sometimes he's a liberal. At times it can be humorous but he's basically full of sh*t.

EVERY single Forum I go to people start saying I'm someone else and ban me. I never go back because I'm here to educate. I'm here to educate, not act like an all knowing source of education.

My views derive from long term debates. When I am proven wrong, I change my perspective and have.

Trying to make me look like someone I am not reminds me of politics. If you can't beat them, taint them. Where is Obama from again? Did Romney pay taxes?
Perhaps you’d like to articulate which of those laws if any are not relevant today? At what point do laws of common sense, common decency, moral attitude, guarantees of individual liberty and restrictions on the authoritarianism of government become irrelevant?

Oh yeah! Did you ever consider the fact that the Constitution has a provision in it that allows for amending of it? If the Constitution isn’t up to snuff, who’s fault is it? Would you rather the Constitution simply be ignored, (as it presently is), rather than lawfully amended?

What would you amend and why????

I LOVE that you are learning "*tears up* You never use to have such knowledge!
Who said that he is legion though? You know, you have to be careful with that stuff. Between Tom, Yurt, and a couple of others they had most of the board convinced Rune was Legion. You can say you don't like someone, but marking them as a troll, and especially Legion who everyone here seems to cast as the bogeyman ( I never had a problem with him), should require a bit more evidence IMO.

I'm not sure who Legion is but every forum I go to someone casts me out as some random bad guy. Generally it is because they don't have the brains to debate me and want me banned. In politics, no one wants a brainy debate, they just want the easy road.

More on the Corporatocracy. Fox News stating "where are we, China?" Which is widely known for it's Cancer villages and it's pollution for profit which we, Americans, CAPITOLIZE on.
Once again.... cryptic.

Fracking is not good for the economy when 1 in 20 wells are subject to immediate failures...clean ground water is not something to be trifled with.

I first stated that lots of American Right Winger Christians are becoming Left because the Bible teaches "share the wealth" and "equality". It absolutely teaches against throwing stones at sinners who sin different sins than YOU/ME such as the gays. We all sin, to point out sins and treat them more extreme than our own is simply passing the finger or "casting stones". But "Do not judge or be judged" holds higher rank in the sin category than whatever scripture said "do not be gay".

the other one

Oil Fracking and coal are absolutely good for the economy. Temporarily. The people in the surrounding area's have to die but who cares, profit is the deciding factor in America. Oil fracking video's show people lighting their tap water on fire and the Right only challenges this by, "well we know that any water in that region is flammable, not just the fracking area".....heh
He visited a land with no laws...........guess you didn't read past the title.......but that is a Right wing flaw.

And you called it a libertarian country, which it couldn't be, because it was lawless. If you don't understand libertarianism, don't try to talk about it. EDUCATE YOURSELF, BASIC STUFF, DONT BELIEVE YOUR PARTY LIES.