Signs of doubt...


"Signs of doubt about Palin, from the right

The Wall Street Journal editorial page has taken Sarah Palin to task for her overreaction to Michelle Obama’s campaign against childhood obesity. This is not only notable by itself, but it has sparked similar criticism from other conservative sources. It’s interesting that she’s drawing this kind of fire from my fellow righties.

Palin, the Journal writes, sees a big government plot in Mrs. Obama’s campaign. On her reality show, she served her family “smores,” saying, “This is in honor of Michelle Obama, who said the other day we should not have desert.”

The Journal editorial drew echoes from a couple of the writers over at Commentary magazine’s blog, Contentions, including former Bush staffer Peter Wehner, who pointed out that Palin’s hip-shooting reaction could undermine the case for smaller government.

Wehner: “Mocking the First Lady and portraying her anti-obesity campaign as several steps on the Road to Serfdom is exactly the type of thing that will turn the public against the legitimate efforts by conservatives to rein in the reach and scope of government. Ms. Palin might consider this before she takes yet another unfair shot at Mrs. Obama.”

A few days earlier, there was a shot from another writer at Contentions, Jonathan Tobin, who noted her gratingly defensive response to columnist Charles Krauthammer’s remark that her reality show appearances are unpresidential. Palin’s reaction: “Oooh. Sorry that I’m not so hoity-toity.”

In Palin’s defense, Michelle Obama has gone much farther than merely urging parents to provide healthy food for their kids, as when she blurted out, “We can’t just leave it up to the parents.” This isn’t mentioned in The Journal editorial. Still, the point of the piece was valid: Palin overreacted, and in the process raised even more doubts among those (such as myself) who don’t believe she’s electable.

She is indeed a polarizing figure. Surveys show that up to 60 percent of respondents say they wouldn’t even consider voting for her. It’s also evident that she’s becoming a polarizing figure even on the right."
"Signs of doubt about Palin, from the right

The Wall Street Journal editorial page has taken Sarah Palin to task for her overreaction to Michelle Obama’s campaign against childhood obesity.

Give me a fuckin' break....a 2 second, tongue in cheek comment, said in jest, gets blown out proportion like it was a 2 hour speech on network prime time TV ......

A dig about kids eating smores around a campfire.

Talk about overreaction....the over reaction is the crazy rush to give Palin bad press at any fuck the WSJ editorial....and those of you take agree with it.

This is not only notable by itself, but it has sparked similar criticism from other conservative sources. It’s interesting that she’s drawing this kind of fire from my fellow righties.

Palin, the Journal writes, sees a big government plot in Mrs. Obama’s campaign. On her reality show, she served her family “smores,” saying, “This is in honor of Michelle Obama, who said the other day we should not have desert.”

The Journal editorial drew echoes from a couple of the writers over at Commentary magazine’s blog, Contentions, including former Bush staffer Peter Wehner, who pointed out that Palin’s hip-shooting reaction could undermine the case for smaller government.

Wehner: “Mocking the First Lady and portraying her anti-obesity campaign as several steps on the Road to Serfdom is exactly the type of thing that will turn the public against the legitimate efforts by conservatives to rein in the reach and scope of government. Ms. Palin might consider this before she takes yet another unfair shot at Mrs. Obama.”

A few days earlier, there was a shot from another writer at Contentions, Jonathan Tobin, who noted her gratingly defensive response to columnist Charles Krauthammer’s remark that her reality show appearances are unpresidential. Palin’s reaction: “Oooh. Sorry that I’m not so hoity-toity.”

In Palin’s defense, Michelle Obama has gone much farther than merely urging parents to provide healthy food for their kids, as when she blurted out, “We can’t just leave it up to the parents.” This isn’t mentioned in The Journal editorial. Still, the point of the piece was valid: Palin overreacted, and in the process raised even more doubts among those (such as myself) who don’t believe she’s electable.

She is indeed a polarizing figure. Surveys show that up to 60 percent of respondents say they wouldn’t even consider voting for her. It’s also evident that she’s becoming a polarizing figure even on the right."
While I in no way believe Palin should even run, and would not vote for her even if Satan himself were her opponent (I'd leave the presidential ballot blank like I did in '08), I have to ask how any reaction is an "over reaction" to someone who actually says "we can't just leave it to the parents"? I mean come ON! We have a person implying that government should have authority over parents in how and what to feed their children, and a snide comment about eating s'mores to honor that attitude is "over reacting"?

I'll have to agree with the idea that some are a bit too eager for negative press against Palin - even if it did come from the right.

Give me a fuckin' break....a 2 second, tongue in cheek comment, said in jest, gets blown out proportion like it was a 2 hour speech on network prime time TV ......

A dig about kids eating smores around a campfire.

Talk about overreaction....the over reaction is the crazy rush to give Palin bad press at any fuck the WSJ editorial....and those of you take agree with it.

The problem isn't this one comment and you know it. The problem is that this woman has a brain the size of a bingo chip and her endless flow of stupid comments make the entire Republican party look bad.
The problem isn't this one comment and you know it. The problem is that this woman has a brain the size of a bingo chip and her endless flow of stupid comments make the entire Republican party look bad.
Come now...the fact that Sarah Palin is so much smarter and more accomplished than you is really irrelevant to the thread...

even the stupidity you (and Zappa) exhibit on this site day after day doesn't make the Republican Party look bad.... it only makes you pinheads look bad.

The simple truth is, anything and everything Sarah Palin utters will be characterized, mis-characterized, spun, quoted, mis-quoted, and lied about
if it seems it will give the lefty pinheads some sort of political gain, no matter how small or how improbable....

Her looks, her clothes, her husband, her family, her children, (even a handicapped baby) is fair game for the lefty pinheads that despise her without good reason, or just fear her for her political views, her fame and her celebrity.
Even the entire Democratic machine in partnership with msm and Hollywood entertainers can't seem diminish her popularity with normal citizens....

Its just the insanity of the left ...............

Bush's "brain power" was characterized as below par until is was shown that he was academically above Al Gore and John Kerry, those giants of the Democratic Party that ran against him at election time,
so it is that Sarah will continue to get attacked from pinheads that couldn't begin to fill her shoes themselves at any level....

We see it as a badge of honor for Palin and her family.

That said......carry on Christiefan...
Come now...the fact that Sarah Palin is so much smarter and more accomplished than you is really irrelevant to the thread...

even the stupidity you (and Zappa) exhibit on this site day after day doesn't make the Republican Party look bad.... it only makes you pinheads look bad.

The simple truth is, anything and everything Sarah Palin utters will be characterized, mis-characterized, spun, quoted, mis-quoted, and lied about
if it seems it will give the lefty pinheads some sort of political gain, no matter how small or how improbable....

Her looks, her clothes, her husband, her family, her children, (even a handicapped baby) is fair game for the lefty pinheads that despise her without good reason, or just fear her for her political views, her fame and her celebrity.
Even the entire Democratic machine in partnership with msm and Hollywood entertainers can't seem diminish her popularity with normal citizens....

Its just the insanity of the left ...............

Bush's "brain power" was characterized as below par until is was shown that he was academically above Al Gore and John Kerry, those giants of the Democratic Party that ran against him at election time,
so it is that Sarah will continue to get attacked from pinheads that couldn't begin to fill her shoes themselves at any level....

We see it as a badge of honor for Palin and her family.

That said......carry on Christiefan...

You nailed the bitch to the wall...well done!
....or just fear her for her political views...

Yes, you're finally starting to get it!!!:clap:

Have the WikiLeaks taught you nothing? We saw what happened when political people said whatever they wanted to say.

People find it so, so wonderful (?) that she "shoots from the hip". Politicians, leaders, people in, or considering positions of, authority do not shoot from the hip because their "shots" can and usually are misinterpreted and to make fun of or ridicule childhood obesity is something we'd expect from someone in middle school.

It goes along with her remarks, “Oooh. Sorry that I’m not so hoity-toity.”

Picture the embarrassment the US would experience with Ms. Palin on the world stage "shooting from the hip". Haven't you seen enough of the cowboy mentality in the past?

Sure, we all like a straight talker and a down to earth individual but most people also appreciate a bit of class and decorum in their leaders/representatives and in those things she's sorely lacking. Even the cowboys on the right are starting to realize that.


Come now...the fact that Sarah Palin is so much smarter and more accomplished than you is really irrelevant to the thread...

even the stupidity you (and Zappa) exhibit on this site day after day doesn't make the Republican Party look bad.... it only makes you pinheads look bad.

The simple truth is, anything and everything Sarah Palin utters will be characterized, mis-characterized, spun, quoted, mis-quoted, and lied about
if it seems it will give the lefty pinheads some sort of political gain, no matter how small or how improbable....

Her looks, her clothes, her husband, her family, her children, (even a handicapped baby) is fair game for the lefty pinheads that despise her without good reason, or just fear her for her political views, her fame and her celebrity.
Even the entire Democratic machine in partnership with msm and Hollywood entertainers can't seem diminish her popularity with normal citizens....

Its just the insanity of the left ...............

Bush's "brain power" was characterized as below par until is was shown that he was academically above Al Gore and John Kerry, those giants of the Democratic Party that ran against him at election time,
so it is that Sarah will continue to get attacked from pinheads that couldn't begin to fill her shoes themselves at any level....

We see it as a badge of honor for Palin and her family.

That said......carry on Christiefan...
" bevy of conservative Republicans have taken Sarah Palin to task for blasting first lady Michelle Obama's campaign against childhood obesity.

Obama is "stating the obvious, that we do have an obesity crisis in this country," ex-Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who took off - and kept off - 100 pounds, told New York radio host Curtis Sliwa.

"With all do respect to my colleague and friend Sarah Palin, I think she's misunderstood what Michelle Obama is trying to do," Huckabee added.

Palin mocked Michelle Obama in a recent episode from her reality TV show "Sarah Palin's Alaska."

Then it bears repeating....I watched the show, vaguely remember the 2 second was a comment said in was supposed to be was hardly an attack on Michelle Obama...get a fuckin' life folks.
Give me a fuckin' break....a 2 second, tongue in cheek comment, said in jest, gets blown out proportion like it was a 2 hour speech on network prime time TV ......

A dig about kids eating smores around a campfire.

Talk about overreaction....the over reaction is the crazy rush to give Palin bad press at any fuck the WSJ editorial....and those of you take agree with it.
I thought it was a comment made near the fire on the camping trip, you say it was made in her made such a little impression on me that I really don't remember the setting....It was nothing, forgettable in the extreme.....but
I'm sure the pinheads have the scene burned into their inferior frontal lobes for eternity....

It only PROVES the conclusion I reach in my POST #6
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Come now...the fact that Sarah Palin is so much smarter and more accomplished than you is really irrelevant to the thread...

even the stupidity you (and Zappa) exhibit on this site day after day doesn't make the Republican Party look bad.... it only makes you pinheads look bad.

The simple truth is, anything and everything Sarah Palin utters will be characterized, mis-characterized, spun, quoted, mis-quoted, and lied about
if it seems it will give the lefty pinheads some sort of political gain, no matter how small or how improbable....

Her looks, her clothes, her husband, her family, her children, (even a handicapped baby) is fair game for the lefty pinheads that despise her without good reason, or just fear her for her political views, her fame and her celebrity.
Even the entire Democratic machine in partnership with msm and Hollywood entertainers can't seem diminish her popularity with normal citizens....

Its just the insanity of the left ...............

Bush's "brain power" was characterized as below par until is was shown that he was academically above Al Gore and John Kerry, those giants of the Democratic Party that ran against him at election time,
so it is that Sarah will continue to get attacked from pinheads that couldn't begin to fill her shoes themselves at any level....

We see it as a badge of honor for Palin and her family.

That said......carry on Christiefan...

"We see it as a badge of honor?" Do you have a mouse in your pocket?

The article was not about dems dissing her, in case you didn't read it, so your use of the word "we" speaks for a minority. She should be so lucky as to have Obama's poll numbers now.

You can be as rude and crude to me as this forum allows but it still doesn't change the fact that it's YOUR party finally wising up to Palin's deficiencies. If she actually had a working brain she'd take those falling poll numbers to heart and learn from her mistakes, instead of repeating them endlessly.

President Obama's popularity ratings solid among Democrats; Sarah Palin's falling with Republicans

By Thomas M. Defrank

Tuesday, December 28th 2010, 3:13 PM

WASHINGTON - President Obama and Sarah Palin are heading in opposite directions - with their popularity.

A new CNN/Opinion Research poll shows the commander in chief has weathered a rough second year in office and the outraged howls from Democrats he irked by backing tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans...

...Meanwhile, the poll found that 51% of Republicans are not likely to vote for Palin if she runs for President in 2012.

That's a huge turnabout from December 2008, when only a third of Republicans said they probably wouldn't vote for her, while 67% thought they likely would.

Palin's "likely" rating is 10 points worse among Republicans than former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and 18 points worse than ex-Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.

The numbers suggest that despite her widespread name recognition since being picked as John McCain's running mate in 2008, Palin has lost ground in convincing even Republicans, much less crucial independent swing voters, that she's presidential timber.

Many senior GOP officials worry that a Palin candidacy will divide the party, making it easier for Obama to win reelection.

Read more:
You gotta love the loyal palinites.

Shit, if only Candidate X, whom I support, had such loyalists...
Palin won't run for any office, but she won't come out and say that....
shes playing her enemies like a violin....
shes making tons of money...
shes even got the media in a way....

dumb?....yeah, dumb like a fox.
Palin won't run for any office, but she won't come out and say that....
shes playing her enemies like a violin....
shes making tons of money...
shes even got the media in a way....

dumb?....yeah, dumb like a fox.

Ahhh, but that's just it. People are beginning to see Ms. Palin is only interested in Ms. Palin and that doesn't work when representing a party. Other Republicans are finally realizing Ms. Palin's allegiance is not to the Party but to herself.

What makes it all so humorous is selfishness is the basis of the Republican platform. Ms. Palin just carries it a bit further.

It's all coming together for the world to see.
Ahhh, but that's just it. People are beginning to see Ms. Palin is only interested in Ms. Palin and that doesn't work when representing a party. Other Republicans are finally realizing Ms. Palin's allegiance is not to the Party but to herself.

What makes it all so humorous is selfishness is the basis of the Republican platform. Ms. Palin just carries it a bit further.

It's all coming together for the world to see.
And thats why its so funny to watch the pinheads, both left and right, carry on about her.....they still think she's gonna run for president and it scares them both but for different reasons....

like ALL OF US, we ALL look out for ourselves and our families FIRST....just like Sarah....and anyone that denies that is just a liar, plain and simple.

She certainly doesn't owe the republican party any allegiance....but she might become a Tea Party biggie......
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Heard this joke yesterday:

A teacher asked her 6th grade class how many of them were Palin fans.

Not really knowing what a Palin fan is, but wanting to be liked by the
teacher, all the kids raised their hands, except for Little Johnny.

The teacher asked Little Johnny why he has decided to be different.

Little Johnny said, “Because I’m not a Palin fan.”

The teacher asked, “Why aren’t you a fan of Palin?”

Johnny said, “Because I’m a Libertatrian.”

The teacher asked him why.

Little Johnny answered, “Well, my Mom’s a Libertarian and my Dad‘s a Libertarian, so I’m a Libertarian.”

Annoyed, the teacher asked, “If your Mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot, what would that make you ?”

With a big smile, Little Johnny replied, “That would make me a Palin fan.”

I heard that joke, or variations of it naming Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, George Bush, John Kerry, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, even Obama ....

You gotta get out more.....that jokes older than Betty White.
""In Sarah Palin's new book, she says when she first laid eyes on her future husband, she said out loud, 'Thank you, God,' which is the same thing the Democrats said when they first laid eyes on Sarah Palin."

-Conan O'Brien
""In Sarah Palin's new book, she says when she first laid eyes on her future husband, she said out loud, 'Thank you, God,' which is the same thing the Democrats said when they first laid eyes on Sarah Palin."

-Conan O'Brien

Obsessed much?
"On Glenn Beck's radio show yesterday, Sarah Palin accidentally said, 'We have to stand with our North Korean allies.'

Then Palin was like, 'Wait. North Korea's the one in the south, right?'"

Jimmy Fallon

Yeah...Palin obsessed GOT IT~