Signs of doubt...

Did you ever go to school? Look up Hong Kong on the Internet. Read what you find, good bad and ugly. Then get back to me. OK?
Once again, since you seem to have a lot in common with goldfish. I am not Chinese. Got it? Shall I tell you again?

1.2 boys to every girl in PRC. Mmm. I feel sorry for American girls. They have plenty of males...but SO FEW MEN. A nation of chicken shit, scared of their own shadow, useless in a fight without a gun, wussies.

China will wait patiently while its petulant child, Hong Kong, flails about, then re-absorb her at a time of its choosing. A wuss with a gun will defeat six chinks with knives.
China will wait patiently while its petulant child, Hong Kong, flails about, then re-absorb her at a time of its choosing. A wuss with a gun will defeat six chinks with knives.

So when proven an idiot you slide away from the original point. Now we're supposed to be talking about guns and chinks??? Have fun, twat. Toodle-oo.
I'd rather this thread be about chicks.

But I didn't call her a chink. I called the chink a chink.

But, to my knowledge, fool, there are no 'chinks' posting on this forum at present. So perhaps all British people are chinks? Is that it? And since a fair percentage of Americans can trace their roots to the UK, they are 'chinks' too, huh?
You really are one fuckin' idiot.
But, to my knowledge, fool, there are no 'chinks' posting on this forum at present. So perhaps all British people are chinks? Is that it? And since a fair percentage of Americans can trace their roots to the UK, they are 'chinks' too, huh?
You really are one fuckin' idiot.

Hong Kong has them.
Hong Kong has them.

Certainly does. About 7 million actually. However there are several hundred thousand ex pats here also. American, Australian, British, Indonesian, Thai, Philipine. This week I have spoken to Americans from New York and Las Vegas, Mexicans, Peruvians, a very pretty Brazilian lady, Aussies, Ghanaians, Russians, Finns, French, Italians, Latvians and many more.
The rich panoply of life. Should you care to learn more I am sure you, too could start to enjoy your life as we do.
So glad I could help you.
Not at all. We're quite comfortable here.

That's nice. I guess its the other 299,999,997 who are up shit creek without a paddle.
Have faith in your president. He has good policies and doesn't seem to lie as much as the PNAC pea brains. (Now you are going to quote all the things he's said that you can spin into lies. OK. Mo men tai. Go ahead.) We think he's is the best hope your country has had in 10 years. You will disagree but then who would expect anything else from a narrow minded, right winger like you.