Signs of doubt...

In other words, bad news for China means good news to the US.

And good news from Mama Grizzly is good news for gays?

"...Sarah Palin forwarded a message to hundreds of thousands of her followers from conservative talk show host, Tammy Bruce (above). The message, in the context of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” that Palin re-tweeted:

“But this hypocrisy is just truly too much. Enuf already–the more someone complains about the homos the more we should look under their bed,”

Is this a trial balloon, a big mistake, or something else? Palin’s sometimes uses unconventional or high-tech methods of making announcements: Facebook or Twitter. So far, the Facebook page is silent.

Bruce later followed up the Twitter posts with a hearty thanks:

“I think @SarahPalinUSA RT my tweet is her first comment on DADT, treatment of gays & attempts to marginalize us–thank you Governor,” …and… “I know Gov Palin & this “anti-gay” meme has been a lie–plain & simple. She’s a decent woman & friend to the community”...
In other words, bad news for China means good news to the US.

Nutt'n gits paast y'all, do it?

Once again you have rather missed the humour of my post but I shall refrain, with some difficulty, from typing 'whooooosh'.

There, now luk watcher dun made me do!

D'you think there are a million dummies in the US that'll buy this product? I reckon the factory might need to work overtime! You got a job, Dumb Yank? Reckon you could push a broom? We'll give you three meals a day, a bedroom (share) and some spending money. Time and a half for OT and two weeks off for New Year.
I'd use a leaf blower or vacuum, stupid chink.

A leaf blower would be really useful on a super flat coated factory floor... but provided that you supply your own and maintain it yourself you could try. Same with the vac. whereas you wouldnt have to pay for the broom.
When would you like to start?
Stupid chink? Well it can't be me you are addressing. But you yanks buy the stuff the Chinese sell so perhaps it is you who is the 'stupid chink'.
I dont buy yank made stuff.
Oh. I tell a lie. I bought some California wine when it was knocked down at a 2 for 1 offer. OK for cooking.
So, what wine do you prefer for drinking, Low - French? Italian? I'm not a wine drinker, but the Europeans actually do respect California wine.
So, what wine do you prefer for drinking, Low - French? Italian? I'm not a wine drinker, but the Europeans actually do respect California wine.

To be absolutely honest with you, I dont really care. I am, I suppose an 'anti wine snob'. Wine should be palatable, poured long and drunk deep.
However a very nice Bordeaux that I would recommend, if it is available to you, is Chateau Villars. I was given a few bottles of 2007 for services rendered and it is superb. It should be kept for a few more years I am told, but unless you can afford a dozen cases or so the temptation would be too much.
I haven't evolved yet to being a wine drinker. I am still a beer snob who likes to drink good microbrews and fine imports and make fun of cheap domestics.
I haven't evolved yet to being a wine drinker. I am still a beer snob who likes to drink good microbrews and fine imports and make fun of cheap domestics.

If you have two functioning hands and can operate a corkscrew you can be a wine drinker. I thought all beer snobs died at the end of the 'folk' era. Beer does not need to be expensive to be good, nor does it need to be imported unless, of course, you live somewhere like the antarctic where the water might be a problem.
Like food, local is very often pretty bloody good.
Food and drink are best judged with the mouth, not the price and not the bottle.
A leaf blower would be really useful on a super flat coated factory floor... but provided that you supply your own and maintain it yourself you could try. Same with the vac. whereas you wouldnt have to pay for the broom.
When would you like to start?
Stupid chink? Well it can't be me you are addressing. But you yanks buy the stuff the Chinese sell so perhaps it is you who is the 'stupid chink'.
I dont buy yank made stuff.
Oh. I tell a lie. I bought some California wine when it was knocked down at a 2 for 1 offer. OK for cooking.
The fact is I'm not too proud to clean up after others. I'll do what it takes to survive the Obamaeconomy.
The fact is I'm not too proud to clean up after others. I'll do what it takes to survive the Obamaeconomy.

Splendid, I'll put your name forward. If offered the job would you want to bring your family? Oh, and they do not offer re-patriation allowance so you might be pushing that broom for quite a long time.
Splendid, I'll put your name forward. If offered the job would you want to bring your family? Oh, and they do not offer re-patriation allowance so you might be pushing that broom for quite a long time.

Sure. We'll take turns sticking the broom up your ass.
I take it back, it isn't a cave you live in, it is the closet...

You'd know all about closets being a: closet alcoholic; closet spendthrift; closet dope fiend; closet internet stalker; closet fatty; closet shit stirrer...the list could just goes on and on~
Sure. We'll take turns sticking the broom up your ass.

Oh I wouldn't think so. We'll keep you too busy to even think. Besides you won't find me in any factory except for CNY when we might pop in to distribute Lai See.
Here's what gets me...
Liberals foam-at-the-mouth HATE her guts... don't know why.
Establishment and Bush Administration Republicans dislike her... don't know why.
Print media hates her... don't know why.
Broadcast media hates her... don't know why.
Moderates hate her... don't know why.
Libertarians hate her... don't know why.

But everywhere she goes, throngs of people show up and cheer her like she's a rock star. People wait hours, just to get a glimpse of her as she passes by. Crowds stand in line in the rain at book signings, just to get her autograph. Every poll that has been taken since the 2008 elections, shows her in the Top 3 potential candidates for president in 2012, for the GOP.

It's really odd.... almost like, there is a STARK DIFFERENCE between the media 'perception' of Palin, and the actual sentiment of the people with Palin. What is interesting is... talking head pundits from the Bush Administration, don't elect the president. Magazine editorial writers, don't elect the president either. SNL comediennes don't get to pick the prez. Nope... that's done by the PEOPLE... those same people who are standing in line for hours, showing up in mass numbers to hear her speak, and buying her books faster than they can be printed.

I just wonder, what would be the reaction, should Palin (who has been given NO chance) actually runs, and blows everyone out of the water in Iowa and NH? Will the righties who haven't been so keen on Palin, suddenly see the writing on the wall? There's getting to be a LOT of shit thrown, that is going to be difficult to take back. Will idiots like Good Luck really sit on their hands and refuse to vote for a candidate who promises to do everything he has always wanted a politician to do, with regard to conservative governance? And if this intense dislike of Palin is so strong, as to make conservatives forsake conservatism to avoid electing her, what is the reason for it?

Liberals don't "hate her guts". That's your projection.

Maybe it's that liberals are looking for signs of intelligence, knowledge and capability while those like you focus on her appearance and her ability to kill a moose.
Not good. That would mean that Americans would not have enough money and be too stupid to buy even the shoddy shit they presently are rich enough and stupid enough to buy from China.
Bad news. I am involved in planning the launch of a product which is forecast to sell millions in the states. If you want Palin as president, would you mind waiting till we have maximised our returns?
Thank you so much.

I'll buy one!

Unless it's some boring piece of mechanical equipment.
Liberals don't "hate her guts". That's your projection.

Maybe it's that liberals are looking for signs of intelligence, knowledge and capability while those like you focus on her appearance and her ability to kill a moose.

I don't even hate her guts, but I just wish she would go away! She is an embarrassment to Alaska, her program is so staged. It would have been more realistic to follow her mother in law! Now there is a REAL Alaskan!