Simple Healthcare Math

I pay enough for other peoples damn health care...medicare, medicaid, welfare..any able bodied American citizen has a duty to go to work and take care of themselves...
I don't need to PAY ANYMORE..

When the time comes are you going to turn down Medicare, even after paying into it all these years?
Speaking to you is not a problem. It's that listening thing you don't seem to like. :pke:

no, it's the condescending way you all who think yourselves more intelligent than me, is what I don't like or will put up with..
I might not speak with a college degree, but I do know what I am speaking about..If it's a subject I don't think I know about, I won't enter the thread..I am not some young punk that you are talking to, I've lived through many a Presidents..If you don't like what I have to say, you don't have to speak back at me...
When the time comes are you going to turn down Medicare, even after paying into it all these years?

Actually, I know many wealthy people who have paid into the system for years. When they retired, they refused to accept any payment. One will never get back what they paid into it.
A related factoid. If you are lucky enough to have retirement health care benefits those benefits become secondary to medicare once you become eligible for medicare benifits. In other words they become a medicare supplement plan.
both fanatics are wrong.
too many don't want health insurance, yet we can't sit around like Newt and do nothing.
both fanatics are wrong.
too many don't want health insurance, yet we can't sit around like Newt and do nothing.

why not? It seems to have worked fine for the health care industry and their lackies for around 30 years. Newt was leading the stall then and still is.
no, it's the condescending way you all who think yourselves more intelligent than me, is what I don't like or will put up with..
I might not speak with a college degree, but I do know what I am speaking about..If it's a subject I don't think I know about, I won't enter the thread..I am not some young punk that you are talking to, I've lived through many a Presidents..If you don't like what I have to say, you don't have to speak back at me...
Hey if you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
no, it's the condescending way you all who think yourselves more intelligent than me, is what I don't like or will put up with..
I might not speak with a college degree, but I do know what I am speaking about..If it's a subject I don't think I know about, I won't enter the thread..I am not some young punk that you are talking to, I've lived through many a Presidents..If you don't like what I have to say, you don't have to speak back at me...

LOFL, you might not speak with a college degree!!! PRICELESS:eek:
The other day I listened to the neocon hacks Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Crowley, Savage, etc. The constant theme regarding the healthcare issue was "Do you want some gov't bureaucrat dictating to you how you handle your personal healthcare?"

Now, overlooking the blatant distortion of the single payer option via gov't OPTION, the first thing that leapt to my mind was this; Are all these anti-Obama folk perfectly happy with accountants managing their healthcare all these years? Because I've been reading for years about people suffering and DYING because their HMO said NO!

Just a thought.
1 trillion over ten years; so an additional 100 billion a year. A tiny cost for saving thousands of lives in my book, but hey, conservatives may have different record keeping standards that put the value of a human life at much less. "Only" 16 million? I guess you are talking about legal citizens with a desire for health insurance and a desire to pay for it? Which is what George Will, a Conservative columnist, was whining about the other day. But whatever. I guess the debatepolitics virus can have its cake and eat it too.