Simple Healthcare Math

The Washington Post reported that the CBO cost estimate for another draft version of the bill is $1.6 trillion. In the same story, Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) was quoted as saying the price tag easily could reach $2 trillion. For sake of argument, let's assume the middle estimate of $1.6T is valid and it would cover 16 million Americans.

I'd like to point this out as a case example of the logical fallacy of "false balance".
A quick scan of the Anthem Blue Cross website shows that society could get a much better deal in the private sector -- even without a 16-million person group rate. A Santa Monica, California 50-year-old male can get a $3500 deductible HSA policy for $172 per month. That includes drug coverage and no co-pay for office visits after the deductible is met.

A mere $3500 deductible?! How completely reasonable!
how come no one is talking about the doctors cartel
you can't have cheap healthcare when dr make several hundred thousand for showing up.