SJJRSJJS is now a Moderate

Private research will probably eventually discover the cure for cancer, so they can issue a Cancer Cure Patent and rake in the big bucks, verdad? I for one don't want to wait, I want that cancer cure in the next 4 years, think of all the lives that will be saved if we do it in 4 years. Making money should not be the issue, saving lives should be.
Putting GovCo in charge, it will probably never get done. No, the profit motive is best. Always.
I am now declaring my true colors, I am a Moderate, and I have always been a Moderate, regardless of my postings. I am still very pro gun though, and to me, that is a huge issue. I am also "Pro Choice", because why should the Rich women be the only ones to get a medical assisted abortion, like Marylyn Monroe did, while poor women would end up going into a coat hanger alley, not right. I believe in helping the homeless on the streets, think about it, if they were crooks, they would not be homeless, now would they? When I see someone with a "Please Help Me" sign, I try to give them some money. There should not be any homeless in this rich USA. I want the next President to have an all out war to defeat Cancer, and whoever declares that will get my vote, either Democrat or Republican. I am changing my Avatar later.
Good, starting to catch on, what else do you have?
I have a lot more, and I will be posting my ideas on this thread, that is if the Mods let me. I am still a Capitalist, but with a heart is the way to go. The problem I have with Obama is that too many radicals are telling him what to do. The economy seems to be coming back, at least they are building houses around here again, especially The Audie Murphy Ranch builders near Canyon Lake, Ca.
And the profit-driven motive hasn't cured cancer yet...
Cured many cancers actually.
5 years for me!
With a treatment not available on the UK NHS.
Available in France and the USA though!
Six weeks, no side effects. CURED!!
Cost a few bob, worth it.
I am now declaring my true colors, I am a Moderate, and I have always been a Moderate, regardless of my postings. I am still very pro gun though, and to me, that is a huge issue. I am also "Pro Choice", because why should the Rich women be the only ones to get a medical assisted abortion, like Marylyn Monroe did, while poor women would end up going into a coat hanger alley, not right. I believe in helping the homeless on the streets, think about it, if they were crooks, they would not be homeless, now would they? When I see someone with a "Please Help Me" sign, I try to give them some money. There should not be any homeless in this rich USA. I want the next President to have an all out war to defeat Cancer, and whoever declares that will get my vote, either Democrat or Republican. I am changing my Avatar later.

As someone who has been a moderate, for all practical purposes, for much of my life, I can tell you two things:

#1 - What you declare yourself to be is irrelevant to most people. They classify you according to how you relate to their political views. DY calls me a 'liberal', while Zippy calls me a 'conservative'.

#2 - Wearing a label is up to you. But it only matters in the most trivial of circumstances.
Putting GovCo in charge, it will probably never get done. No, the profit motive is best. Always.

In the case of cancer, if a "cure" for a type of cancer is discovered, there is less profit in that than in long term treatments. Even those who have survived cancer ill continue to be rechecked more often.

Profit, as a motivator, is not always the best answer.
Every family that I know has been affected by Cancer, The US Government could coordinate a World War on Cancer using all this great Computer Technology, so that no two "Teams" are doing the same exact research. They cured Small Pox and Polio, and they can cure Cancer with a Team Effort, regardless of profits or Medicine patents. Everyone wants to cure Cancer, they just need to be organized and if that means the US Government doing it, then so be it.

Each type of cancer is different.

Each type of cancer may have numerous causes. THAT is what must be fought. In this age of chemicals, steroids & antibiotics is meats, pesticides, and a complete breakdown of good info on nutrition, cancer has become a major killer.

If you want a president who will seek a "magic bullet" cure for all cancer, you are barking up the wrong tree. We are a nation of fast food, ignorance concerning nutrition, disregard for the long term effects of the chemical laden world we are creating, and the idea that preserving life is always the best answer.
In the case of cancer, if a "cure" for a type of cancer is discovered, there is less profit in that than in long term treatments. Even those who have survived cancer ill continue to be rechecked more often.

Profit, as a motivator, is not always the best answer.

Where does this ignorance stem from? Seriously.

This whole "there is more profit in long term treatments than curing" is a complete crock of shit. With the exception of very few types of cancers, there are no long term treatments.

Breast cancer? Either cure it or die. They aren't getting treated for 20 years like someone with diabetes.

Jeebus. Do you people even know the genesis of cancer? If you did you wouldn't spout off some nonsense.

Hey don't forget this one. "if we can land a man on the moon......."
Where does this ignorance stem from? Seriously.

This whole "there is more profit in long term treatments than curing" is a complete crock of shit. With the exception of very few types of cancers, there are no long term treatments.

Breast cancer? Either cure it or die. They aren't getting treated for 20 years like someone with diabetes.

Jeebus. Do you people even know the genesis of cancer? If you did you wouldn't spout off some nonsense.

Hey don't forget this one. "if we can land a man on the moon......."

Hey nimrod, have you ever been around someone going thru cancer treatments? Did you see them go in and get "cured"? Or did you see them go thru round after round of chemo, and then surgery, and then radiation treatments?

And afterwards, did they celebrate being cured or did they make plans to go back and get checked and rechecked to make sure the cancer didn't come back?

A "cure" means it is gone. That ain't what we do now, and there is a LOT more money in the treatment we have now than in a single "cure".
Hey nimrod, have you ever been around someone going thru cancer treatments? Did you see them go in and get "cured"? Or did you see them go thru round after round of chemo, and then surgery, and then radiation treatments?

And afterwards, did they celebrate being cured or did they make plans to go back and get checked and rechecked to make sure the cancer didn't come back?

A "cure" means it is gone. That ain't what we do now, and there is a LOT more money in the treatment we have now than in a single "cure".

Yep. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Not surprised. It is common for folks like you to spout off about things you know nothing about. Knowing someone who has cancer doesn't mean you know what the fuck you are talking about. Just because a faggot rams a gerbil in his rump it doesn't make him a proctologist
Yep. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Not surprised. It is common for folks like you to spout off about things you know nothing about. Knowing someone who has cancer doesn't mean you know what the fuck you are talking about. Just because a faggot rams a gerbil in his rump it doesn't make him a proctologist

Oh? Sop you are saying that cancer patients don't go thru round after round in chemo? Or don't follow that up with surgeries?

Are you claiming that cancer patients either cure it or die in just a few visits to a Dr?

I know what I am talking about. YOur ignorance is woefully apparent when you claim otherwise.
Oh? Sop you are saying that cancer patients don't go thru round after round in chemo? Or don't follow that up with surgeries?

Are you claiming that cancer patients either cure it or die in just a few visits to a Dr?

I know what I am talking about. YOur ignorance is woefully apparent when you claim otherwise.

Nope I am not saying that at all. What i am saying and you are apparently so fucking stubborn or too stupid to comprehend is that treating cancer is not a long term proposition like treating hypertension, diabetes etc.

Yes, they have surgeries, yes they have radiation, yes they have chemo. Now is am sure y don't know the purpose of each like I do. That is why I am smarter than you.

Not all cancer patients get treated with surgery, radiation and chemo. It depends o. The type of cancer and the stage at diagnosis.

As I said earlier just generalizing the word cancer and saying find a cure is ignorant in the extreme.

I know what I am talking about. You do not. Stop being ignorant. Or if you want to keep looking stupid, I don't mind.

Here is a hint douche nozzle, we have found a cure for some cancers. Some have remarkably high cure rates. The rule of thumb is that a patient is in remission if the cancer is undetectable after 5 years. But many patients never consider themselves truly cured. I know way more about this than you do. As I said, just because you know somebody who had cancer doesn't mean you know what you are talking about. Idiots like you know just enough to sound pompous. But you don't know shit
Nope I am not saying that at all. What i am saying and you are apparently so fucking stubborn or too stupid to comprehend is that treating cancer is not a long term proposition like treating hypertension, diabetes etc.

Yes, they have surgeries, yes they have radiation, yes they have chemo. Now is am sure y don't know the purpose of each like I do. That is why I am smarter than you.

Not all cancer patients get treated with surgery, radiation and chemo. It depends o. The type of cancer and the stage at diagnosis.

As I said earlier just generalizing the word cancer and saying find a cure is ignorant in the extreme.

I know what I am talking about. You do not. Stop being ignorant. Or if you want to keep looking stupid, I don't mind.

Here is a hint douche nozzle, we have found a cure for some cancers. Some have remarkably high cure rates. The rule of thumb is that a patient is in remission if the cancer is undetectable after 5 years. But many patients never consider themselves truly cured. I know way more about this than you do. As I said, just because you know somebody who had cancer doesn't mean you know what you are talking about. Idiots like you know just enough to sound pompous. But you don't know shit

I know what I am talking about. I have spent hours upon hours sitting in hospitals with more than one patient getting treatment for cancer. It was never a short term proposition. Just because it is not a lifetime treatment proposition like diabetes or hypertension does not mean it is not a long treatment.

Your own claim is that patients consider themselves in remission is the cancer has not shown back up in 5 years. That means 5 years of being checked over and over A "cure" would mean that was not the case.

The profit is in the treatment. It is not in a cure and it is not in preventative medicine.

If you are so knowledgeable about cancer, give us a ballpark idea of how many deadly cancers could be largely prevented by changes in diet? Any clue on that one?
Yep. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Not surprised. It is common for folks like you to spout off about things you know nothing about. Knowing someone who has cancer doesn't mean you know what the fuck you are talking about. Just because a faggot rams a gerbil in his rump it doesn't make him a proctologist

I'll have you know I graduated college with dual degrees in animal husbandry and proctology.
Good, starting to catch on, what else do you have?
I have had this idea for years...When people get sick, they go to the Doctor, who then has blood tests taken to see what is what. The Thyroid, Potassium, etc, etc levels are observed for changes. My theory is to go to the doctor when you feel your best, at your physical peak, say 25 years old and have the blood tests done, to see what your body "looks" like normally. The thyroid gland is particularly interesting because of the wide range of being considered normal, you may be your best at the lower range of the "Normal Scale" but your test shows you at the higher limits of the "Normal Scale" when you actually do not feel well. I say to take blood tests early to see if a pattern shows up of lets say increased Thyroid activity. The Thyroid gland can really mess a person up, if it overproduces or under-produces Thyroxin, which will affect everything in your body. Later on, when a person does not feel well, he/she takes their old Feel Normal Blood Test with them to the doctor and have it compared to the new feel bad blood test. I used to practice my golf putting with a Doctor who thought that this was a great idea, so here it is, and maybe they do it now, but most people go to the doctor when they feel bad, not good. Since the idea with this Forum seems to be to help people out, I have many more ideas, that may help people out, and I will post them later, that is if the Mods don't care. I know that some people will make fun of this idea, but I don't care unless it is a Moderator.