SJJRSJJS is now a Moderate

Lib playing doctor!
I am not a Lib, I am a Moderate who has always tried to help People, what is wrong with that? I believe in the Capitalistic System, but with a heart... "Even a dog gets a warm piece of the sidewalk"(Donnie Brasco), there should not be any homeless in the US. My proposal would be that homeless people should have some system where they are able to get to a shelter, to be able to clean up, eat, sleep and maybe do odd jobs around the city like clean up trash, etc, to make some money again, and start paying for their keep at the shelter. Employers should be given some incentive to hire these homeless people from the shelters, who want to "get back in the groove". Out here, there was a Channel 13 woman news broadcaster who suddenly lost her job and within 4 months she ended up sleeping in her car in Parks, etc, too many "normal" people are vulnerable to being homeless. I know that there are Salvation Army places, but they are few and far between, we need more of them, so the Feds need to help build more shelters and let the Salvation Army run them. Also, they need buses/vans that systematically run around each city to pick up those homeless who need and want help. Many homeless do not want help, but at least give them a chance to get straightened out, right now they are so far out of the mainstream, that the gap/bridge is just too big to cross. Most of those homeless people have interesting stories to tell and are skilled at something, that we all might be surprised to hear about.
I am not a Lib, I am a Moderate who has always tried to help People, what is wrong with that? I believe in the Capitalistic System, but with a heart... "Even a dog gets a warm piece of the sidewalk"(Donnie Brasco), there should not be any homeless in the US. My proposal would be that homeless people should have some system where they are able to get to a shelter, to be able to clean up, eat, sleep and maybe do odd jobs around the city like clean up trash, etc, to make some money again, and start paying for their keep at the shelter. Employers should be given some incentive to hire these homeless people from the shelters, who want to "get back in the groove". Out here, there was a Channel 13 woman news broadcaster who suddenly lost her job and within 4 months she ended up sleeping in her car in Parks, etc, too many "normal" people are vulnerable to being homeless. I know that there are Salvation Army places, but they are few and far between, we need more of them, so the Feds need to help build more shelters and let the Salvation Army run them. Also, they need buses/vans that systematically run around each city to pick up those homeless who need and want help. Many homeless do not want help, but at least give them a chance to get straightened out, right now they are so far out of the mainstream, that the gap/bridge is just too big to cross. Most of those homeless people have interesting stories to tell and are skilled at something, that we all might be surprised to hear about.

Wow, well that is a surprising post sj.
I have had this idea for years...When people get sick, they go to the Doctor, who then has blood tests taken to see what is what. The Thyroid, Potassium, etc, etc levels are observed for changes. My theory is to go to the doctor when you feel your best, at your physical peak, say 25 years old and have the blood tests done, to see what your body "looks" like normally. The thyroid gland is particularly interesting because of the wide range of being considered normal, you may be your best at the lower range of the "Normal Scale" but your test shows you at the higher limits of the "Normal Scale" when you actually do not feel well. I say to take blood tests early to see if a pattern shows up of lets say increased Thyroid activity. The Thyroid gland can really mess a person up, if it overproduces or under-produces Thyroxin, which will affect everything in your body. Later on, when a person does not feel well, he/she takes their old Feel Normal Blood Test with them to the doctor and have it compared to the new feel bad blood test. I used to practice my golf putting with a Doctor who thought that this was a great idea, so here it is, and maybe they do it now, but most people go to the doctor when they feel bad, not good. Since the idea with this Forum seems to be to help people out, I have many more ideas, that may help people out, and I will post them later, that is if the Mods don't care. I know that some people will make fun of this idea, but I don't care unless it is a Moderator.

Actually, that's what we do with mammograms. One gets the first one at 35 or whenever - usually you don't have cancer then. Over the years, as one gets more done, they can be compared to the first one for changes.

Knowing the "normal" state -whether it's mammograms, temperature, red blood cell level, thyroid level, etc - is a good thing to know. Some people naturally run high or low temps; good to know that.
I know what I am talking about. I have spent hours upon hours sitting in hospitals with more than one patient getting treatment for cancer. It was never a short term proposition. Just because it is not a lifetime treatment proposition like diabetes or hypertension does not mean it is not a long treatment.

Your own claim is that patients consider themselves in remission is the cancer has not shown back up in 5 years. That means 5 years of being checked over and over A "cure" would mean that was not the case.

The profit is in the treatment. It is not in a cure and it is not in preventative medicine.

If you are so knowledgeable about cancer, give us a ballpark idea of how many deadly cancers could be largely prevented by changes in diet? Any clue on that one?

Oh why didn't you say that you spent hours visiting people in hospitals with cancer. That is almost like being a fucking doctor. With that kind of expertise, shit you should be applying for a job at the NIH and getting on the ball with this magical cure for "CANCER".

Have you ever stopped to consider the boneheaded proposition your are making with SJJ? Apparently you think that people aren't interested in a cure because well there is just too much money in treating. Yup, you stumbled onto the conspiracy. There is a vault sitting in the deepest bowels of the drug companies that have the secret code to curing cancer, but each CEO throughout the years has had to take a blood oath to never let it see the light of day. Damn you are so fucking smart.

Now as for the notion that they get checked and checked and checked. Yes, they will have periodic checkups if they are fortunate enough to make it into remission. But, they aren't getting "treatments" throughout that time. If you think they are, you are dumber than I thought. Having a checkup is not the same as having treatment shit for brains.

Your last sentence is a complete nonsequitor. Prevention is a completely different animal than cures and treatments. First of all, diets in and of themselves do not predispose one to cancer. There has been a highly correlated genetic component in getting cancer. If one is predisposed then being exposed to certain things can heighten ones risk.

Here is a mind blower for you. EVERYONE gets cancer if you want to get technical about it. Cancer is nothing more than a cell that goes haywire. If you believe in evolution, one has to believe cancer is part of the evolutionary process (but I digress). Yes, everyone gets cancer. Cancer cells are being produced quite frequently. But, the genius of the human body as God created it is that we have cancer killing cells that seek out and destroy cancer cells before they can wreak havoc. I am over simplifying it so a person of your limited intelligence can comprehend. When those cancer killing cells get overwhelmed or aren't functioning properly the host gets cancer. The ticket is in the early diagnosis, which is not the same as prevention. I hate it when people conflate terms and use them interchangeably.

Yes, cancer is a devastating disease. But, to make these blanket comments like you and your new found friend SJJ are doing is complete ignorance. But, it looks like you are blissful so who am I to judge right?
Oh why didn't you say that you spent hours visiting people in hospitals with cancer. That is almost like being a fucking doctor. With that kind of expertise, shit you should be applying for a job at the NIH and getting on the ball with this magical cure for "CANCER".

Have you ever stopped to consider the boneheaded proposition your are making with SJJ? Apparently you think that people aren't interested in a cure because well there is just too much money in treating. Yup, you stumbled onto the conspiracy. There is a vault sitting in the deepest bowels of the drug companies that have the secret code to curing cancer, but each CEO throughout the years has had to take a blood oath to never let it see the light of day. Damn you are so fucking smart.

Now as for the notion that they get checked and checked and checked. Yes, they will have periodic checkups if they are fortunate enough to make it into remission. But, they aren't getting "treatments" throughout that time. If you think they are, you are dumber than I thought. Having a checkup is not the same as having treatment shit for brains.

Your last sentence is a complete nonsequitor. Prevention is a completely different animal than cures and treatments. First of all, diets in and of themselves do not predispose one to cancer. There has been a highly correlated genetic component in getting cancer. If one is predisposed then being exposed to certain things can heighten ones risk.

Here is a mind blower for you. EVERYONE gets cancer if you want to get technical about it. Cancer is nothing more than a cell that goes haywire. If you believe in evolution, one has to believe cancer is part of the evolutionary process (but I digress). Yes, everyone gets cancer. Cancer cells are being produced quite frequently. But, the genius of the human body as God created it is that we have cancer killing cells that seek out and destroy cancer cells before they can wreak havoc. I am over simplifying it so a person of your limited intelligence can comprehend. When those cancer killing cells get overwhelmed or aren't functioning properly the host gets cancer. The ticket is in the early diagnosis, which is not the same as prevention. I hate it when people conflate terms and use them interchangeably.

Yes, cancer is a devastating disease. But, to make these blanket comments like you and your new found friend SJJ are doing is complete ignorance. But, it looks like you are blissful so who am I to judge right?
Private researchers are fine, but they do not have access to the super computers that the Feds have, and they tend to be secretive and not share so much, since they mostly want to make the big bucks like with the patented Celebrex at more than $1.00 a pill, instead of the poor man's Ibuprofen. We all know that eventually there will be a cure for Cancer, so why not go balls out and speed it up, nothing ventured, nothing gained. If nothing happens, then so be it, but if they do find a cure, think of all the lives that will be saved, it's worth the gamble in my opinion. Money should not even be an issue in regards to this Cancer subject. The Feds should offer a $100+ million dollar reward for a Cancer Cure, but also that no one can hoard a Cancer cure to make money, that is BS. I am Right, no pun intended.
Private researchers are fine, but they do not have access to the super computers that the Feds have, and they tend to be secretive and not share so much, since they mostly want to make the big bucks like with the patented Celebrex at more than $1.00 a pill, instead of the poor man's Ibuprofen. We all know that eventually there will be a cure for Cancer, so why not go balls out and speed it up, nothing ventured, nothing gained. If nothing happens, then so be it, but if they do find a cure, think of all the lives that will be saved, it's worth the gamble in my opinion. Money should not even be an issue in regards to this Cancer subject. The Feds should offer a $100+ million dollar reward for a Cancer Cure, but also that no one can hoard a Cancer cure to make money, that is BS. I am Right, no pun intended.

You are speaking complete nonsense, but it is clear that you will not be dissuaded from your views. My sense is that you are just a troll as many have claimed.

BTW, here is the difference between Celebrex and ibuprofen. Nobody is making you take one or the other, but it is nice to have options isn't it? You can thank the free market for that. Not the gobblement.
Wow, well that is a surprising post sj.
Thanks, I actually believe in everything that I have said here and I have so many more ideas to help out, but other than this Forum, who will actually read them, and that is sad. Everything first starts with ideas, so this could be a start. I don't drink anymore, but honestly I did some of my best think while drinking a 6 pac, or two, well almost my best thinking if you know what I mean. I am off to go practice my Golf Game revoir
So it was closed for political reasons?

As if you didn't know.
McNamara thought the profit motive theory would produce more innovations.

This has been proven entirely wrong, since private arms manufacturers are only willing to innovate on weapons which have dual markets, civilian and military. Like most other moves by McNamara closing the armory was a terrible mistake.
I am not a Lib, I am a Moderate who has always tried to help People, what is wrong with that? I believe in the Capitalistic System, but with a heart... "Even a dog gets a warm piece of the sidewalk"(Donnie Brasco), there should not be any homeless in the US. My proposal would be that homeless people should have some system where they are able to get to a shelter, to be able to clean up, eat, sleep and maybe do odd jobs around the city like clean up trash, etc, to make some money again, and start paying for their keep at the shelter. Employers should be given some incentive to hire these homeless people from the shelters, who want to "get back in the groove". Out here, there was a Channel 13 woman news broadcaster who suddenly lost her job and within 4 months she ended up sleeping in her car in Parks, etc, too many "normal" people are vulnerable to being homeless. I know that there are Salvation Army places, but they are few and far between, we need more of them, so the Feds need to help build more shelters and let the Salvation Army run them. Also, they need buses/vans that systematically run around each city to pick up those homeless who need and want help. Many homeless do not want help, but at least give them a chance to get straightened out, right now they are so far out of the mainstream, that the gap/bridge is just too big to cross. Most of those homeless people have interesting stories to tell and are skilled at something, that we all might be surprised to hear about.

So why the big asshole act up until now?
You are speaking complete nonsense, but it is clear that you will not be dissuaded from your views. My sense is that you are just a troll as many have claimed.

BTW, here is the difference between Celebrex and ibuprofen. Nobody is making you take one or the other, but it is nice to have options isn't it? You can thank the free market for that. Not the gobblement.

You're the fucking troll douchebag, and it isn't a question, it is common knowledge.
Oh why didn't you say that you spent hours visiting people in hospitals with cancer. That is almost like being a fucking doctor. With that kind of expertise, shit you should be applying for a job at the NIH and getting on the ball with this magical cure for "CANCER".

Have you ever stopped to consider the boneheaded proposition your are making with SJJ? Apparently you think that people aren't interested in a cure because well there is just too much money in treating. Yup, you stumbled onto the conspiracy. There is a vault sitting in the deepest bowels of the drug companies that have the secret code to curing cancer, but each CEO throughout the years has had to take a blood oath to never let it see the light of day. Damn you are so fucking smart.

Now as for the notion that they get checked and checked and checked. Yes, they will have periodic checkups if they are fortunate enough to make it into remission. But, they aren't getting "treatments" throughout that time. If you think they are, you are dumber than I thought. Having a checkup is not the same as having treatment shit for brains.

Your last sentence is a complete nonsequitor. Prevention is a completely different animal than cures and treatments. First of all, diets in and of themselves do not predispose one to cancer. There has been a highly correlated genetic component in getting cancer. If one is predisposed then being exposed to certain things can heighten ones risk.

Here is a mind blower for you. EVERYONE gets cancer if you want to get technical about it. Cancer is nothing more than a cell that goes haywire. If you believe in evolution, one has to believe cancer is part of the evolutionary process (but I digress). Yes, everyone gets cancer. Cancer cells are being produced quite frequently. But, the genius of the human body as God created it is that we have cancer killing cells that seek out and destroy cancer cells before they can wreak havoc. I am over simplifying it so a person of your limited intelligence can comprehend. When those cancer killing cells get overwhelmed or aren't functioning properly the host gets cancer. The ticket is in the early diagnosis, which is not the same as prevention. I hate it when people conflate terms and use them interchangeably.

Yes, cancer is a devastating disease. But, to make these blanket comments like you and your new found friend SJJ are doing is complete ignorance. But, it looks like you are blissful so who am I to judge right?

Forgive me. I must have forgotten I was addressing the CEO of Cancer Treatment Centers of I Love America.

If you had better reading skills you would have seen that I did not say anything about restricting private research. My only point was that, due to the high profits in treatment, that claiming profit to be the only motivator for cancer research was bogus.

No, they are not getting treatments that entire time. But the treatments take a considerable amount of time and money. Ovarian cancer treatment can take 2 or 3 years.
As if you didn't know.
McNamara thought the profit motive theory would produce more innovations.

This has been proven entirely wrong, since private arms manufacturers are only willing to innovate on weapons which have dual markets, civilian and military. Like most other moves by McNamara closing the armory was a terrible mistake.

In other words, Mass unions made it impossible to compete.

How many guns got bought by Mass residents?
You are speaking complete nonsense, but it is clear that you will not be dissuaded from your views. My sense is that you are just a troll as many have claimed.

BTW, here is the difference between Celebrex and ibuprofen. Nobody is making you take one or the other, but it is nice to have options isn't it? You can thank the free market for that. Not the gobblement.
All of a sudden now, I'm a troll, whatever a troll is? Before I claimed my Moderate heritage, I was not a troll with Conservatives, but now I am, o well. I have had these views for over 10 years, nothing has or will change. I will vote for the President who best represents my views. Bill Clinton became sort of a Moderate with Welfare Reform, and I hope that Obama will stop listening to Valerie Jarrit and Axlegrease. Reagan passed the 1996 Illegal Alien Amnesty Bill, so he became a Moderate and so did Kennedy and Nixon. Radical Conservatism and Radical Socialism are not the way to go, in my humble opinion. Celebrex is easier on your stomach than Ibuprofen, I have taken both. I could snap and post a photo of a Celebrex bottle next to my big toe Right now, if I have to prove anything...LOL
So why the big asshole act up until now?
Maybe I saw the light, or I got tired of getting groaned so much. That little thing about my threatening President Obama was no joke. I am not a Liberal, but my Mom was, and my Dad was a Conservative, so I was introduced to both sides of the political fence, but I still lean Conservative, with reservations about certain things that I consider important for The People.
Maybe I saw the light, or I got tired of getting groaned so much. That little thing about my threatening President Obama was no joke. I am not a Liberal, but my Mom was, and my Dad was a Conservative, so I was introduced to both sides of the political fence, but I still lean Conservative, with reservations about certain things that I consider important for The People.

Or maybe you're lying right now...

Which is more likely...that the person you've been here for the past 6 months is a phony or this "new and improved" version is?

I'm guessing the new "moderate" SJ is the phony one.