Skinny Model Ban


JPP Modarater

MADRID, Spain (Reuters) -- The world's first ban on overly thin models at a top-level fashion show in Madrid has caused outrage among modeling agencies and raised the prospect of restrictions at other venues.

Madrid's fashion week has turned away underweight models after protests that girls and young women were trying to copy their rail-thin looks and developing eating disorders.........
lol. Actually banning them? Isn't this much like burning books that might be considered 'bad' for them too? It's pretty much exactly like trying to ban books with "gay" characters in them from a school library, it is exactly on the other side of it, but it is the same!
lol. Actually banning them? Isn't this much like burning books that might be considered 'bad' for them too? It's pretty much exactly like trying to ban books with "gay" characters in them from a school library, it is exactly on the other side of it, but it is the same!

yeah your right...its also kinda like haters in Colorado banning pitbulls...
This isn't a ban that is enforced by law its an organizations rules.

I don't mind in fact I'm pleased too many skinny chicks. A 90 lb 5'10 woman is not attractive. A 5'2 200lb woman would most certainly be turned away.
lol. Good thing we bring them over to my house to slaughter and then make dog food out of them. Wouldn't want those tasty Pit Bulls to be wasted!
My mistake looks like the local government was involved. Never mind because government is making the rule I oppose it.
This isn't a ban that is enforced by law its an organizations rules.

I don't mind in fact I'm pleased too many skinny chicks. A 90 lb 5'10 woman is not attractive. A 5'2 200lb woman would most certainly be turned away.
Ah... I thought it was a law. Then no, it is not the same thing.
This isn't a ban that is enforced by law its an organizations rules.

I don't mind in fact I'm pleased too many skinny chicks. A 90 lb 5'10 woman is not attractive. A 5'2 200lb woman would most certainly be turned away.

thought you were all about choice, but then i remember that you slaughter puppies in your spare time.
Once again this is the problem with government running things. Because government sponsors the fashion show they get to make the rules.

The same idea applies to public media or healthcare. Always remember this.
hought you were all about choice, but then i remember that you slaughter puppies in your spare time.

Before I read that is was the government's rule it appeared that the fashion agency was exercising its choice.
Yeah, Pit Bulls, Models...

"Won't Somebody Think of the Childreeeeennn!"

thats why liberals aren't really different than conservatives. They just have different areas of concern.
I think its great publicity. I now want to watch hte shows in Madrid. Kind of like that dove advertising a while back.
Rob do you know what a strawman is?

A strawman is assigning a stance to an opponent that is not accurate and then dismantling that.

If I said "Liberal communities sure like to ban things don't they?" there is nothing in that that has anything to do with conservative communities does it?

If I said "Liberal communities sure like to ban things don't they? Conservative communities don't do this." then you would have an argument.

I say this because the common perception is that it is conservative's mainly who seek to ban things. This is commonly accepted. Just shedding light on the idea that liberals like to as well.

Stop trying to say you've "owned me" or that you've caught me in a dishonest debating tactic. You won't succeed. You'd sooner drown Aquaman.
Banninng skinny models would not seem to be an issue over in the USA, our chillens just keep getting fatter....