So, here's what happened.


Staff member
The database had a small corruption and it just got worse as it went along. I had to find a very old database backup to find one without the corruption. I do not know why it finally died, but when it did it was spectacular.

The server company worked very hard trying to find an uncorrupted backup. But they didn't have one. I had about a month's worth of backups but they were all corrupted. I found a few from earlier on, all but one were corrupted. So I restored the site to the latest uncorrupted database.

We've lost quite a few posts. For that I am sorry.
There will be some hiccoughs... Some users will have to sign up again, if you joined after May 3rd, 2014... Sorry. You have to start from scratch. There was no way that I know to save the user dbase... And if I reload it now it could cause issues for people.
If you are one of those who hate the groans/thanks and you didn't ask before then you will need to ask again. I don't have the old PMs either. If anybody was banned at that time they are likely re-banned for a bit.
There will be some hiccoughs... Some users will have to sign up again, if you joined after May 3rd, 2014... Sorry. You have to start from scratch. There was no way that I know to save the user dbase... And if I reload it now it could cause issues for people.

Thanks Damocles. You're the BEST!
Yeah, it's 15, then you have to wait for the forum to update itself. I think it does that every 15 minutes for that kind of thing.