So how many liberals agree with this position?

Also, eliminating those deductions doesn't harm the state; it harms taxpayers.

Wait, isn't it the high taxes in the states that are harming the taxpayers?

Also, based on your comment, it would appear that the states do not have standing to sue and therefore the case will not have a chance of winning right?

If the State's won't be harmed, they have no standing correct?
Depends what state you're talking about and what districts you mean.

I note that you are keeping things very vague and general here. That's no accident.

Not really since the numbers are the only things that matter. You have 60% black population and 23% use of food stamps in that district.
Wait, isn't it the high taxes in the states that are harming the taxpayers?

No, because they're getting essential services back for the money they contribute while also doling out revenue to red state welfare states so they can keep their tax rate artificially low.

Also, based on your comment, it would appear that the states do not have standing to sue and therefore the case will not have a chance of winning right?

I don't really know or care about this. I don't think they should fight it; that way when it hits those voters, they'll never vote GOP again. If this was some grand plan to turn CA red by going after deductions, all it's going to do is shut Republicans out of any representation in CA (moreso than they already are) - the fact that the GOP isn't fielding a candidate in the CA-Sen race is proof that the Russia Tax Cut didn't turn CA against the Democrats; it turned CA even more against the GOP.

If the State's won't be harmed, they have no standing correct?

The states are acting -gasp- in the interests of their residents, as opposed to you guys who act in the interests of Russia.
Not really since the numbers are the only things that matter. You have 60% black population and 23% use of food stamps in that district.

Context matters and you're deliberately leaving that context out. Gee, I wonder why...
If you haven't lived around San Francisco or Seattle, your understanding of street junkies is very limited. Eventually, you won't be able to walk anywhere without stepping on a needle.


Study: Communities Most Affected By Opioid Epidemic Also Voted For Drumpf
Voting patterns show that areas where Donald Drumpf did well were also places where opiate overdoses and deaths occurred. NPR's Scott Simon speaks with Shannon Monnat who led the study.

You were saying?
Context matters and you're deliberately leaving that context out. Gee, I wonder why...

Facts matter and those percentages are fact. It's no wonder why you refuse to accept it. It would mean you'd have to acknowledge the truth that a very high percentage of blacks are freeloaders.

Study: Communities Most Affected By Opioid Epidemic Also Voted For Drumpf
Voting patterns show that areas where Donald Drumpf did well were also places where opiate overdoses and deaths occurred. NPR's Scott Simon speaks with Shannon Monnat who led the study.

You were saying?

Those people aren't destroying their community like this:
So, Hillary has no free will, and the Russians made her suck as a candidate, politician, and person? And you wanted a zombie to be president, why?

Also, I edited my above post to include a blue state tax revolt example.

And, woahhhh... I just realized you lobbed #WalkAway into that list. That is a bunch of disgruntled Dems who are in no way influenced by or connected to Russia. Don't be deliberately retarded!

This whole country is retarded when it comes to info. Half the populace suck off the most bogus sources of info. Problem is on the right they have been exemplifying it with an alternative facts president. The only real fact, is he shouts fake news when questioned, and the only Trump approved, non fake news, is what goes out of the way to excuse his behavior, and kiss up. It's crazy how many people that believed right wing conspiracies have stated Facebook, or infowars, etc as a source. Fox News was biased before, but they have about as much credibility as anyone else kissing up for favors anymore.