So how many liberals agree with this position?

Sounds like they're destroying them both at the same rate.

However, opioid addiction seems to be more prevalent in red states and rural areas than in blue states and cities.
Sure I did when I named the state. You missed that, too, huh?

If you can't provide I didn't, my statement stands as fact.

You dind't name the state at all. You've avoided that. In fact, you could have said the state each time you responded to my posts, or linked to your post where you said the state. But you've chosen to do neither; that's what makes me think it's bullshit.

In fact, you never even sourced your claim anyway.
You dind't name the state at all. You've avoided that. In fact, you could have said the state each time you responded to my posts, or linked to your post where you said the state. But you've chosen to do neither; that's what makes me think it's bullshit.

In fact, you never even sourced your claim anyway.

Prove I didn't. Since you can't, it stands that I did.
This whole country is retarded when it comes to info. Half the populace suck off the most bogus sources of info. Problem is on the right they have been exemplifying it with an alternative facts president. The only real fact, is he shouts fake news when questioned, and the only Trump approved, non fake news, is what goes out of the way to excuse his behavior, and kiss up. It's crazy how many people that believed right wing conspiracies have stated Facebook, or infowars, etc as a source. Fox News was biased before, but they have about as much credibility as anyone else kissing up for favors anymore.

Trump does have a very creative way of handling the media. All of my life, people have bitched to me about "corporate media," and many of them were on the left. It's hard to counter his fake news shtick when your heart isn't really in the game. The same goes for the Deep State rhetoric. People believe the worst things about the intelligence community, and federal law enforcement agencies. That makes them unlikely to repudiate Trump's rhetoric about it.
Trump does have a very creative way of handling the media. All of my life, people have bitched to me about "corporate media," and many of them were on the left. It's hard to counter his fake news shtick when your heart isn't really in the game. The same goes for the Deep State rhetoric. People believe the worst things about the intelligence community, and federal law enforcement agencies. That makes them unlikely to repudiate Trump's rhetoric about it.

Whose fault is that?? The guy spewing forth the rhetoric. And who else is to blame? The people who believe him.
So now you're backtracking, aren't you?

You never posted where you lived to me. You never even sourced your claim with a link.

It's obvious why.

It's you that is backtracking. I'm using the standard you set and now you run from it like a good little coward.

Keep hiding in Georgia, boy.
Whose fault is that?? The guy spewing forth the rhetoric. And who else is to blame? The people who believe him.

It is not just his base who believe his rhetoric. Of course, I'm one of those guys who typically shakes his head in the face of corporate and government conspiracy theories. I believe Oswald acted alone, which puts me in very small company. This all does wonders to feed my ego and sense of elitism.
It is not just his base who believe his rhetoric.

No, it's just his base.

Of course, I'm one of those guys who typically shakes his head in the face of corporate and government conspiracy theories. I believe Oswald acted alone, which puts me in very small company. This all does wonders to feed my ego and sense of elitism.

It's not a theory if it's true.
So, no one believed that the news is fake and a deep state is running amok in DC until Trump ran for president?

Apart from fringe weirdos, no.

But that changed thanks to Russian propoaganda, which was effectively targeted at people who were intellectually, morally, and ethically bankrupt. There's a reason why Russia targeted Conservatives and Trump voters; they made a keen observation that the Conservative movement was filled with frauds, hucksters, attention-seekers, and intellectual frauds, and that it would be easy for them to co-opt it.

Butina published an article in a conservative journal advocating close ties between Republicans and United Russia, the party of Vladimir Putin, citing shared values and the GOP's support from "social conservatives, businessmen and those that support an aggressive approach to the war against Islamic terrorism."
Trump does have a very creative way of handling the media. All of my life, people have bitched to me about "corporate media," and many of them were on the left. It's hard to counter his fake news shtick when your heart isn't really in the game. The same goes for the Deep State rhetoric. People believe the worst things about the intelligence community, and federal law enforcement agencies. That makes them unlikely to repudiate Trump's rhetoric about it.

The thing that makes it so stupid is history shows were this rhetoric spreads from. It's exactly what megalomaniac, and crooked leaders have done. Why can't America ever learn from history? I would laugh watching The Daily Show, when Trevor would play side to side, Trump, and the crooked leader from his birth country of South Africa. They did the same things with media, and sounded like they read from the same script. Delegitimizing the media is a mirroring of wicked, and corrupt leaders.
Apart from fringe weirdos, no.

But that changed thanks to Russian propoaganda, which was effectively targeted at people who were intellectually, morally, and ethically bankrupt. There's a reason why Russia targeted Conservatives and Trump voters; they made a keen observation that the Conservative movement was filled with frauds, hucksters, attention-seekers, and intellectual frauds, and that it would be easy for them to co-opt it.

Butina published an article in a conservative journal advocating close ties between Republicans and United Russia, the party of Vladimir Putin, citing shared values and the GOP's support from "social conservatives, businessmen and those that support an aggressive approach to the war against Islamic terrorism."

While the terms "fake news" and "deep state" are new to me, I have observed the sentiments my entire life, and in the bluest region of a blue state, no less.
So, no one believed that the news is fake and a deep state is running amok in DC until Trump ran for president?

I never heard of this deep state crap in my life. It seems to have stemmed at the Trump presidency. There's been plenty of other stuff, but not much of anything like this. The same people screaming deep state, were telling dems to accept the Hillary investigation, and cheering Comey. People believe what they want, even if they have to bottom feed to find a catering voice. I have too much integrity to go for the kiss ass sources, but it seems an unreal amount don't. America really is a fickle country, of willful fools.
I never heard of this deep state crap in my life. It seems to have stemmed at the Trump presidency. There's been plenty of other stuff, but not much of anything like this. The same people screaming deep state, were telling dems to accept the Hillary investigation, and cheering Comey. People believe what they want, even if they have to bottom feed to find a catering voice. I have too much integrity to go for the kiss ass sources, but it seems an unreal amount don't. America really is a fickle country, of willful fools.

Arguably, the British comedy show Yes, Minister, depicted a deep state when it showed a government run by the bureaucratic state rather than by the actual politicians who were supposed to be in charge.