Social Engineering: The Jobless Recovery

What is the goal of the economic policy makers?

To bifurcate society into elitists and victims.

How do they do this?

The jobless recovery.

They achieave a jobless recovery by throwing so much fiat capital at a limited set of individuals, such that they can consume so much they hide the gdp losses of those dying in the streets. This flows through even into the equities because that is the only place the the excess cash of the self monied elite can find a home.. you can only have so many paid off homes and maxxed out college funds for your little fascist offspring. Thus the elite cap blasts off from the rest of the society, which languishes in the street. They are forbidden even form growing a green chute of hope in the land they're dying on, because of green restrictions. Their mouths are taped shut by green hitler obama youth, because they cannot pay the carbon offset to justify their existence. Too small to succeed.

Instead of the reptoid/illuminant/Jewish/masonic global international fascist conspiracy hypothesis, I have an alternative. Unemployment is a lagging indicator. Discuss.
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Is it the minions of Nimrod, half human, half annunaki, remembering the powerlust of the initial empire, the power of war and dependance, seeking to reconvene their tower building insanities, to displace god, with god's people on earth? Ruling illegitimately against even the laws of nature?

Take this job and shove it.

It is impossible to rule against the laws of nature. The laws of nature have nothing to do with rule. And if it's possible to violate something, it's not a law of nature.
Is it the minions of Nimrod, half human, half annunaki, remembering the powerlust of the initial empire, the power of war and dependance, seeking to reconvene their tower building insanities, to displace god, with god's people on earth? Ruling illegitimately against even the laws of nature?

Take this job and shove it.

LOL, you are the most gullible person in existence. You believe there are half human half god hyrbirds ruling the earth now? Doesn't that clash with the reptoids? How many simultaneous groups can evilly rule the world at the same time?
LOL, you are the most gullible person in existence. You believe there are half human half god hyrbirds ruling the earth now? Doesn't that clash with the reptoids? How many simultaneous groups can evilly rule the world at the same time?

dude, You believe ECONOMISTS! Go beat yourself for being so stupid.
Economics is not science. It's zealotry.

Maybe so, maybe not.

But regardless...belief in reptoids is just plain crazy.

So this is what you're like when you're off your meds?

Reptoids and half human gods ruling from beyond the grave?

Wasn't that the plot of Big Trouble In Little China?
Maybe so, maybe not.

But regardless...belief in reptoids is just plain crazy.

So this is what you're like when you're off your meds?

Reptoids and half human gods ruling from beyond the grave?

Wasn't that the plot of Big Trouble In Little China?

Believing in reptoids is actually quite benign. The totalitarian bent of modern economic theory is provably harmful to any notion of freedom, egalite, or fraternite.
Instead of the reptoid/illuminant/Jewish/masonic global international fascist conspiracy hypothesis, I have an alternative. Unemployment is a lagging indicator. Discuss.

But the talking heads can't even decide amongst themselves if this is the case of jobs being a lagging indicator, or of the new phenomenon of the "jobless recovery".
yes, yes, and yes. Or a subset.

Really i was asking about money though. you must feel confident you will never be replaced with a starving bangladeshi getting paid 10 dollars a year.

No starving Bangladeshi and, for that matter, no starving American, can replace me. I have been retired for several years. Well, semi retired, I still do a little when the mood takes me.
But, please dont make the common mistake that $10.00 per year (I know thats exeggeration) necessarily puts the person in the starving class. Remember what Mr Micawber said.
No starving Bangladeshi and, for that matter, no starving American, can replace me. I have been retired for several years. Well, semi retired, I still do a little when the mood takes me.
But, please dont make the common mistake that $10.00 per year (I know thats exeggeration) necessarily puts the person in the starving class. Remember what Mr Micawber said.

Your false sense of security is funny.
What is the goal of the economic policy makers?

To bifurcate society into elitists and victims.

How do they do this?

The jobless recovery.

They achieave a jobless recovery by throwing so much fiat capital at a limited set of individuals, such that they can consume so much they hide the gdp losses of those dying in the streets. This flows through even into the equities because that is the only place the the excess cash of the self monied elite can find a home.. you can only have so many paid off homes and maxxed out college funds for your little fascist offspring. Thus the elite cap blasts off from the rest of the society, which languishes in the street. They are forbidden even form growing a green chute of hope in the land they're dying on, because of green restrictions. Their mouths are taped shut by green hitler obama youth, because they cannot pay the carbon offset to justify their existence. Too small to succeed. what is your solution to stop or fix this?