Social Security is a rip off

Social Security isn't an investment program. It's a retirement insurance program. You're comparing apples and aardvarks.
It takes more than most people invest to actually have real money for retirement. Creating a program with a far better return would not be bad for the US.
It takes more than most people invest to actually have real money for retirement. Creating a program with a far better return would not be bad for the US.

I don't think it would be bad, but dismantling Social Security to do it would be bad. Social Security works. It may need some minor tweaking to ensure that projected benefits don't get cut, but it works.

I also don't think we necessarily need another government program to provide for retirement. What we have currently, with tax-favored retirement savings programs, is the way to go. Expanding those programs would be fine with me as long as you're not funneling money from SS.
Reprimand for Texas Teachers

As a teacher in Texas this is what i deal with:

"What about my own Social Security benefit? I have heard that there is also a restriction on how
much Social Security a TRS member may receive.
Yes, there is a restriction and it is important to understand both this limitation and the GPO before making a
retirement decision. The restriction on the Social Security benefit of a TRS member (or most people receiving a
retirement benefit from a state or federal plan) is called the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).
For individuals to receive a retirement benefit from Social Security they must have worked in positions covered
by Social Security (paying FICA taxes on wages) for a minimum of 10 years or 40 quarters. For members of
TRS to qualify for a retirement benefit from Social Security they too must have worked the required minimum
of years or quarters required by Social Security (paying FICA taxes on wages). The amount of benefit
calculated by Social Security is based on yearly income, age, and other factors. . However, after their benefit is calculated by Social Security, it will be reduced by application of the WEP. The reduction is based on the
number of years during which the TRS member paid into Social Security and the number of years the member
earned at or above the “substantial earnings” level set by Social Security."

I'd love to know what happens to the money i paid in from age 16-22. And collecting spousal SS??? Forget it...doesnt happen for texas teachers. Apparently we're overpaid or something ;)
Apparently you are unable to argue your position against this huge wall of facts that I have presented. :)

I am well aware of the "facts" as presented by some. The Bushies taught us that.
your facts are full of suppositions and estimates.

I seem to recall the war was only supposed to last 6 months at the most.
Medical prices are so high because doctors and pharmacueticals have gotten sued so often that they have to raise their prices, perform unnessasary testing, or have simply gone out of business. Tort reform is required to fix that, and the Democrats have dragged their feet on that as well, as they are beholden to the trail lawyers, John Edwards being the most blatent example. Regardless: separate issue.

Medical insurance is over- regulated and is screwed up by most of the same issues.

The 5x estimate is based on a typical SS income compared to the interest income calculated in the OP.

Is that Kool-aid cherry flavored or orange? Whatever it is, it must be good because you're lapping it up like a starved puppy.

1) Have you EVER ONCE bothered to question the fact that these insurance companies have billions upon billions in reserves yet pay outs end up being a substantially small fraction of that amount? Aren't you even marginally curious about the insurance black box of rates are calculated? Or are you under the misapprehension that the actuaries at these large ins companies have your best interest at heart.
Fact: Insurance costs a $hit load because insurance companies collectively c harge a $hitload and you seem to think they absolutely have to despite enormous reserves.

2) I'd like to see some references because even by your own fuzzy math its under 3.
agreed, but how to go about it is the issue.
And the one that people talk about. Nobody talks of getting rid of SS any longer except those few "stupid" people that Eisenhower spoke of. Everybody else just has opinions on how to make it work better.
And the one that people talk about. Nobody talks of getting rid of SS any longer except those few "stupid" people that Eisenhower spoke of. Everybody else just has opinions on how to make it work better.

It will become hotter when we have to start paying back what we stole from the SS surplus in a few years.
Damn our credit card government anyway.
coming up with 2 trillion or so from general revenues is going to be fun.
It will become hotter when we have to start paying back what we stole from the SS surplus in a few years.
Damn our credit card government anyway.
coming up with 2 trillion or so from general revenues is going to be fun.
No kidding.
Well, I know one place we can cut: The Iraq War. There's like 1/2 a trillion there.
Social Security isn't an investment program. It's a retirement insurance program. You're comparing apples and aardvarks.
I have proven that the SS program is a rip off no matter what you choose to call it. Where has all that money gone? What happened to freedom of choice? American workers do not have the abilty to opt out.
I don't think it would be bad, but dismantling Social Security to do it would be bad. Social Security works. It may need some minor tweaking to ensure that projected benefits don't get cut, but it works.

I also don't think we necessarily need another government program to provide for retirement. What we have currently, with tax-favored retirement savings programs, is the way to go. Expanding those programs would be fine with me as long as you're not funneling money from SS.
Why not let individuals decide if they want to "invest" in SS or not? Heck, I'd opt out now if I could, and I've paid those taxes for over 30 years.
I have proven that the SS program is a rip off no matter what you choose to call it. Where has all that money gone? What happened to freedom of choice? American workers do not have the abilty to opt out.

yeah I have paid car insurance for 30 years with no accident, I want my premiums back !
I am well aware of the "facts" as presented by some. The Bushies taught us that.
your facts are full of suppositions and estimates.

I seem to recall the war was only supposed to last 6 months at the most.

Nice attempt at deflection. But lets's discuss SS, OK?