Social Security is a rip off

Private companies always provide a better/ cheaper service that the government. If you want insurance, then take some of the money that you would be saving and buy it. By requiring citizens to pay into SS the government has eliminated private companies from providing a similar but higher level of service.

Wrong, prove it with some links and stats.
And not just first year figures either, but 2-3 yr old figures. our prison system was partially privitized a few years ago and now it is going to cost the taxpayers of KY tens of millions.

Sure privitize the federal reserve, citicorp can do it.
Right...uh huh........

Private companies always provide a better/ cheaper service that the government. If you want insurance, then take some of the money that you would be saving and buy it. By requiring citizens to pay into SS the government has eliminated private companies from providing a similar but higher level of service.

corporations are always looking out for the working man :rolleyes:...they will give you a hand up not a handout! Good Lord dude look at the fiasco in New Orleans alone after the Hurricane...the insurance companies balked on payouts and left alot of people out in the cold...if it were not for government intervention alot would have starved to death or been living in NYC getting handouts and getting heat from building exhaust...ya really need to rethink your anaylisis! imho mind ya!
Must agree with you on this comment.........

Wrong, prove it with some links and stats.
And not just first year figures either, but 2-3 yr old figures. our prison system was partially privitized a few years ago and now it is going to cost the taxpayers of KY tens of millions.

Sure privitize the federal reserve, citicorp can do it.

Nevada tried the privatization of the State Prison system a few years became full of fraud,graft,corruption...inferior qualifications for employees...not to mention a increase in sexual harrassment cases...and by the way the 'Federal Reserve' is already a private corporation always has been since inception!
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Nevada tried the privatiztion of the State Prison system a couple of years became full of fraud,graft,corruption...inferior qualifications for employees...not to mention a increase in sexua lharrassment cases...

Same in KY. jailers selling drugs to inmates, etc.

lol i'm learning more about you guys with every post :p

and we are learning more about you with every post...ya prefer 'Brat' dogs...but is that with or without saurkraut?...I like saurkraut....numa numa...and good for the body too!:cof1:
Wrong, prove it with some links and stats.
And not just first year figures either, but 2-3 yr old figures. our prison system was partially privitized a few years ago and now it is going to cost the taxpayers of KY tens of millions.

Sure privitize the federal reserve, citicorp can do it.

Fed-ex or UPS vs the US Post Office; private schools vs public schools. When an alternative is available, private companies, through competition in the market, step in and do a better job.

I'm obviously not talking about the Federal Reserve or the US Military, as those duties are specifically enumerated in the Constitution.

Why not allow private citizens to make a choice?
Private companies always provide a better/ cheaper service that the government. If you want insurance, then take some of the money that you would be saving and buy it. By requiring citizens to pay into SS the government has eliminated private companies from providing a similar but higher level of service.

Actually no. Not everyone is insurable, especially if they have a pre-existing condition or are in remission for something. If what they have can be said to be teh cause of their illness then they will be denied. Insurance companies are pure evil.
Actually no. Not everyone is insurable, especially if they have a pre-existing condition or are in remission for something. If what they have can be said to be teh cause of their illness then they will be denied. Insurance companies are pure evil.
Most people are insurable. For the small minority where this is a problem then the non-evil GuvCo can step in. ;)
Fed-ex or UPS vs the US Post Office; private schools vs public schools. When an alternative is available, private companies, through competition in the market, step in and do a better job.

I'm obviously not talking about the Federal Reserve or the US Military, as those duties are specifically enumerated in the Constitution.

Why not allow private citizens to make a choice?

we did and they elected Bush twice!

so much for that idea of yours.

besides how would they have a choice if it was privitized ? they would be stuck with a corporation.

Fedex delivers letters for under 1/2 dollar ?
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Fed-ex or UPS vs the US Post Office; private schools vs public schools. When an alternative is available, private companies, through competition in the market, step in and do a better job.

Actually I think our postal system does an excellent job and from my experience is the best in the world and it operates at a very low cost as far as I'm concerned. Personally I wouldn't want to privatize the post office.
we did and they elected Bush twice!

so much for that idea of yours.

besides how would they have a choice if it was privitized ? they would be stuck with a corporation.

Fedex delivers letters for under 1/2 dollar ?

Nope and even toying with privatizing the PO would probably end up to be disasterous.
we did and they elected Bush twice!

so much for that idea of yours.

besides how would they have a choice if it was privitized ? they would be stuck with a corporation.

Fedex delivers letters for under 1/2 dollar ?

In spite of your obvious hatred of the President, I'll address your issue: Elections are all or none, not so with a choice or retirement plans.

Fed Ex probably could if it wasn't illegal to deliver a letter in a US mail box. But the real issue, gain, is to give people a choice.

You may choose to have SS take out of your check, get a guaranteed poverty level income, and I would choose to put that money in a balanced portfolio and retire early with two homes, an H2 Hummer and a convertible.
Actually I think our postal system does an excellent job and from my experience is the best in the world and it operates at a very low cost as far as I'm concerned. Personally I wouldn't want to privatize the post office.
If it wasn't for competition from UPS/ FedEx and others you'd still be waiting three or four days for a letter to get across town.

If it wasn't for competition from UPS/ FedEx and others you'd still be waiting three or four days for a letter to get across town.

Please tell me you are not one of those UPS/FedEx...dudes who wear shorts in the dead of winter to impress the girls working the stores?:cof1:
In spite of your obvious hatred of the President, I'll address your issue: Elections are all or none, not so with a choice or retirement plans.

Fed Ex probably could if it wasn't illegal to deliver a letter in a US mail box. But the real issue, gain, is to give people a choice.

You may choose to have SS take out of your check, get a guaranteed poverty level income, and I would choose to put that money in a balanced portfolio and retire early with two homes, an H2 Hummer and a convertible.

But it is not only about you, no insurance is.