Social Security is a rip off

I don't see why people get so angry over SS in general. Over the government spending the money that is supposed to insure people's futures, yeah. But over the idea?

I think that any person who relied on this for retirement has a totally different idea of what the "High Life" is, or they must....

I just see it as another tax on 15% of my income (7.5% from me, the other 7.5% from the employer to hide the real cost of SS from the uneducated), that is spent in the general fund and see SS as another line item on a bloated budget.
SS was supposed to be a seperate issue from the general budget and taxes.
Yes, but I dwell in reality. "Supposed to be" wasn't followed. SS is just another line item in the general funds both on the expense and the income sides.
Or, the stock market could take a dive, and you could lose everything. Or you could live until your 120, and your saving account would dry up. I'll bet you wish you had that guaranteed pension for life no matter what then - oh, but it's welfare!

1) He did not say invest in the stock market

2) At the time of retirement (using his example) the couple could take the $1.5 million and purchase an annuity (they could also add a rider for LTC). This would create a guaranteed income stream for life. The same as SS is supposed to be, yet, SS is NOT guaranteed. (note... the politicians are already talking about LOWERING benefits)

3) Using the above, you would also guarantee that your beneficiaries would recieve any unused portion of the assets rather than the government simply keeping them.
I don't see why people get so angry over SS in general. Over the government spending the money that is supposed to insure people's futures, yeah. But over the idea?

I think that any person who relied on this for retirement has a totally different idea of what the "High Life" is, or they must....

I just see it as another tax on 15% of my income (7.5% from me, the other 7.5% from the employer to hide the real cost of SS from the uneducated), that is spent in the general fund and see SS as another line item on a bloated budget.
Actually its 6.2% x 2. But you are correct, it is just another tax, and only a portion of the money is used to fund the actual program. Therefore the program is a lie. I typically get angry when lied to.:mad:
Umm the repubs were in control of congress for several years, and they seemed to do just what Bush told them to do.

Try another tack there Superhack.

YOU are calling me a hack. That is humorous considering the vast majority of your posts are one liners with little relevance to the thread at hand. Perhaps you should leave again and regroup. Maybe you could actually contribute something meaningful to the board.
1) He did not say invest in the stock market

2) At the time of retirement (using his example) the couple could take the $1.5 million and purchase an annuity (they could also add a rider for LTC). This would create a guaranteed income stream for life. The same as SS is supposed to be, yet, SS is NOT guaranteed. (note... the politicians are already talking about LOWERING benefits)

3) Using the above, you would also guarantee that your beneficiaries would recieve any unused portion of the assets rather than the government simply keeping them.

and if citicorp or whomever took a dive where would be your annuity ?
I can see it now the govt would have to bail out the pirvitized SS....
So we would wind up paying for it two times.
Well shit howdy.............

No I'm self employed and wear baggy ski bibs in the dead of winter to impress 'em.:)

sell USC some hot pants so his UPS career can get a good start...My daughter use to laugh at the UPS dudes wearing shorts in she has a BF who does...he also does celtic games...he is double my physical makeup....but he is a nice guy anyhoo..and has a sense of humor to boot...plays well in my house!
Actually its 6.2% x 2. But you are correct, it is just another tax, and only a portion of the money is used to fund the actual program. Therefore the program is a lie. I typically get angry when lied to.:mad:

and which president signed the bill into law that allowed that ?
which incidently helped fluff up his economy at the expense of the future.
Social Security isn't an investment program. It's a retirement insurance program. You're comparing apples and aardvarks.

Really? So this "insurance" program guarantees that the government cannot reduce payments? Extend the time you have to wait to become eligible? Guarantees that the money won't run out?

SS is NOT an insurance program. It is a ponzi scheme. Robbing peter to pay jane.
You do know that carrying packages around and running up and down stairs to avoid the elevator can make you hot even in the winter, right? Some of them are wearing shorts because they are fricking hot...

YOU are calling me a hack. That is humorous considering the vast majority of your posts are one liners with little relevance to the thread at hand. Perhaps you should leave again and regroup. Maybe you could actually contribute something meaningful to the board.

Maybe you should regroup there DD(or is that SF?)...I like USC he may be 180 degrees from my outlook but I give him credit where credit is do...he serveed in his experience is taken into consideration...albeit I disagree ...he is okay!:D
He's trying to put the discussion on the proper track. You are criticizing Social Security from an investment perspective when Social Security isn't an investment program. It's an insurance program.

What you need to comprehend is that insurance IS an investment. Once you get your mind around that very simple fact, perhaps you can join in on the discussion and actually ADD value.