Social Security is not going broke .. because it can't

Hmm, what happened right after that? LOL Come on, you can't be serious.

When have the numbers ever improved (without a change in the program)?

The numbers are not based on short term fluctuations but rather long term ones which is why they have been slow in downgrading their projections.

The numbers are skewed to favor the SSA. It's going to be worse and there will not be any turnaround that is going to magically give us much more time.
As Social Security Turns 77, the Most Successful Program in American History Is Under Fierce Attack
Sen. Bernie Sanders

In the 77 years since President Franklin Roosevelt signed Social Security into law on August 14, 1935, the retirement program has been one of the nation's most successful anti-poverty programs. Before Social Security existed, about half of America's senior citizens lived in poverty. Today, less than 10 percent live in poverty.

Today, Social Security not only provides retirement security but also enables millions of people with disabilities and widows, widowers and children to live in dignity and security.

In these highly volatile economic times, when millions of Americans lost their life savings in the 2008 Wall Street crash, it is important to remember that since its inception, through good economic times and bad, Social Security has paid every penny owed to every eligible beneficiary.

Despite Wall Street and right-wing misinformation, Social Security, which is funded by the payroll tax, does not contribute to the deficit. In fact, the Social Security Trust Fund today, according to the Social Security Administration, has a $2.7 trillion surplus and can pay 100 percent of all benefits owed to every eligible American for the next 21 years. Further, unlike the huge commissions paid out to Wall Street firms, Social Security is run with very modest administrative costs.

Despite Social Security's popularity and overwhelming success, we are now in the midst of a fierce and well-financed attack against Social Security. Pete Peterson, the Wall Street billionaire, has pledged $1 billion of his resources to cut Social Security and other programs of enormous importance to the American people. Other billionaires and Wall Street representatives are also working hard to weaken or destroy Social Security and endanger the well-being of millions of Americans. We must not allow their effort to succeed.

Let us never forget that the current deficit of $1 trillion was primarily caused by two unpaid-for wars and tax breaks for the rich. These policies were strongly supported by "deficit hawks." The deficit is also related to a major decline in revenue as a result of the Wall Street-created recession. The deficit is a serious issue, but we must not move toward deficit reduction on the backs of the elderly, the children, the sick and the poor. This would not only be immoral, it is bad economic policy. At a time when the wealthiest people in this country are doing phenomenally well and their effective tax rate is the lowest in decades, the top 1 percent must begin paying their fair share of taxes. At a time when large corporations are enjoying record-breaking profits, we have got to eliminate the huge corporate loopholes which result in a massive loss of federal revenue. At a time when we have tripled military spending since 1997, we must take a hard look at a bloated and wasteful Defense Department.

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan has been a proponent of privatizing the retirement program by putting seniors' savings into risky Wall Street investments. Even before tapping Ryan as his running mate, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney said he wants to begin the process of privatizing Social Security. He also would gradually increase the retirement age to 68 or 69. And he favors slowing the growth of benefits for persons with "higher incomes." Under a plan floated by Romney's allies on Capitol Hill -- Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) -- someone making about $45,000 a year today who retires in 2050 would receive 32 percent less in annual Social Security benefits than under the current formula. By that definition, the top 60 percent of all wage earners would be considered "higher income."

President Barack Obama, meanwhile, was a staunch defender of Social Security in his 2008 campaign. So far this year, however, Obama has refused to stand behind his four-year-old opposition to cuts. In fact, the president has signaled that he may be open to lowering benefits by changing how they are calculated. In my view, it is long past time that the president told the American people in no uncertain terms, as he did in 2008, that he will not cut Social Security on his watch.

To keep Social Security's finances sound in the future I have introduced legislation -- identical to a proposal that Obama advocated in 2008 -- to apply the payroll tax on incomes above $250,000 a year. Under current law, only earnings up to $110,100 are taxed. The Center for Economic Policy and Research has estimated that applying the Social Security payroll tax on income above $250,000 would only impact the wealthiest 1.4 percent of wage earners.

Those who want to cut Social Security benefits are looking at a number of proposals. One of the most talked about ideas is moving toward a so-called "chained-CPI," which would not only impact seniors, but also military retirees and those who receive benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs. The "chained-CPI" approach changes how the Consumer Price Index is calculated, so that a person 65 years old today would earn $560 a year less in Social Security benefits once they turn 75. Benefits would be cut by nearly $1,000 a year once they turn 85. Instead, I have proposed legislation to base Social Security cost-of-living adjustments on a Consumer Price Index for the Elderly, a measure that would increase benefits because it would take into account the real-life impact of rising health care costs and prescription drug expenses paid by seniors.

While we often take Social Security for granted, we must not forget that Social Security today is providing dignity and security to tens of millions of Americans. It is a program that is working and working well. We must stand up today, on the 77th anniversary of this enormously important program. We must pledge to continue the fight against the right-wing Republicans, some Democrats and their wealthy backers who want to destroy the program.
I just wish the SS argument wasn't so ideological. It prevents clear thinking, and an honest discussion of what the best options are.

The bottom line is, most people are just looking at what protects security for seniors most effectively, even those who support the status quo. There are definitely Republicans who don't care, and who just want another gov't program cut - but I'd wager that most on the right still want seniors to be able to retire w/ some security.

Privatization should not be such a dirty word. It's working in other parts of the world. It's an option that is worth exploring if we want to keep benefits flowing for seniors, without cuts. I'm open to other options, but I haven't heard any yet that don't involve needing to raise revenues and take money from other programs.
Not deflection Darla... the answer is the same to both questions. You simply wish to ignore the inherent problems with SS. It too has a funding issue.

I don't get it.

If the solution is simply .. why are you trashing the most succesful and popular program in American history?

Shouldn't you rather be calling for the simple fix?

Americans are even willing to pay more taxes to preserve the program.
Just curious, but what exactly do you think the costs of privatization entail?

Well that'd depend on the plan wouldn't it? What's your plan? Are you going to phase in privatization? Let's say you had your wish and you could privatize SS. Would you partially privatize it? What would you do with a 25 yo right now?
I don't get it.

If the solution is simply .. why are you trashing the most succesful and popular program in American history?

Shouldn't you rather be calling for the simple fix?

Americans are even willing to pay more taxes to preserve the program.

The answer to everything can't always be "more taxes."

And it shouldn't be. We're a smarter country than that. Taxes can only pay for so much. For every problem we face - medical costs, debt, SS - the answer just can't be "more taxes."

Think creatively. There are ways to solve our problems that do not involve postponing solutions for a generation or 2.
The answer to everything can't always be "more taxes."

And it shouldn't be. We're a smarter country than that. Taxes can only pay for so much. For every problem we face - medical costs, debt, SS - the answer just can't be "more taxes."

Think creatively. There are ways to solve our problems that do not involve postponing solutions for a generation or 2.

So the solution isn't higher taxes, and it's not adding to the deficit right?

So your position is that privatization would not raise taxes or add to the deficit?
Nah, seniors won't see huge decreases in their benefits. We just disagree.

Either they change something or the benefits will be cut to 75%.

More than likely benefits will be cut one way or the other. Your proposal of lifting the cap cuts benefits (unless you are proposing that those affected get bigger benefits) as does sf's suggestion of raising retirment age. I am not saying I am opposed to either, but they will cut benefits.
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I want to privatize it, where it will work better & work indefinitely, and yield better returns for seniors so that they will better be able to keep up with cost-of-living increases that are inevitable as the years go by.

As a true progressive, it boggles my mind to see other progressives argue for the status quo on SS, which is clearly unsustainable in the long-run. In fact, the only way politicians will sustain it will be to cut into many other programs that progressives hold dear to pay for it.

ss is an insurance program

the true villain is lbj who converted ss from a vested plan to a pay as you go plan to help pay for the vietnam war

since my wife and i are retired and ss recipients a 25% cut will be devastating to us, however, i suspect that the government will borrow money to fully pay promised benefits, however we may be dead before the coming cut

oh well
ss is an insurance program

the true villain is lbj who converted ss from a vested plan to a pay as you go plan to help pay for the vietnam war

since my wife and i are retired and ss recipients a 25% cut will be devastating to us, however, i suspect that the government will borrow money to fully pay promised benefits, however we may be dead before the coming cut

oh well

I hear you. A 25% cut will be devastating for the vast majority of recipients, and yet I have repeatedly heard the argument that SS is sustainable up to 75% of the benefits past 2031. As though that's a good thing.

But I doubt politicians will cut it that much, if at all. They'll just start raiding other programs & other areas of the budget to pay it.
I don't get it.

If the solution is simply .. why are you trashing the most succesful and popular program in American history?

Where are you getting that I am trashing SS???

I have not done so. I am discussing ways to save SS.

Shouldn't you rather be calling for the simple fix?

Are you reading what I am writing? I have already proposed the simple fix. That said, I have discussed what will happen IF we do nothing as well.

Americans are even willing to pay more taxes to preserve the program.

which is precisely what I said needed to be done... though I did add in an adjustment for life expectancy.
Come on Onceler, I am setting SF up here and you walk into it? I get great pleasure out of trapping him, but not you.

weird given the fact that I am the one talking about raising taxes on SS as the easy fix. Also weird given the fact that you asked the question in response to his post.
weird given the fact that I am the one talking about raising taxes on SS as the easy fix. Also weird given the fact that you asked the question in response to his post.

That's true but I was still waiting for you answer my question above about the costs of privatization. In other words, I was answering Onceler but thinking of you. You know how we women are.