Some want 1st Amendment Rights G-O-N-E!


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One wonders if those who shouted loudest about the supposed impending loss of our 2nd Amendment will spend as much time defending the 1st amendment?

Fox News host proposes putting ‘listening devices’ in mosques after Boston bombing

After falsely painting the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing as frequent visitors to a local mosque, Fox News host Brian Kilmeade called for authorities to spy on mosques, despite evidence such tactics did not help any criminal investigations.

“I think that we should be able to put in listening devices in there,” Kilmeade said, before asking Peter Johnson Jr., a network contributor and trial lawyer, “Is that possible?”

Johnson quickly said no, pointing out an interview in which New York City police commissioner Ray Kelly said he would follow any lead regarding a terrorism investigation, but that it needed specific information about a “credible threat.”

Kelly’s department was heavily criticized for engaging in an illicit monitoring campaign against the local Muslim population, one that, as an August 2012 report showed, produced no significant leads in any investigations. A group of civil rights lawyers filed a suit in February 2013 accusing the department of breaking guidelines over the length and record-keeping measures it can use during an investigation.

Kilmeade did not cite any sourcing for his insinuation that the two suspects, Tamerlan and Dzokhar Tsarnaev, were frequent attendees at the Islamic Society of Boston Cambridge Masjid. But a mosque spokesperson, Yusufi Vali, told the Boston Globe that 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev was shouted out by congregation members in January 2013 after loudly questioning a sermon comparing Martin Luther King Jr. to the Prophet Muhammad. In a separate statement, the mosque described the two men as “occasional visitors.”

Fox News host proposes putting ‘listening devices’ in mosques after Boston bombing
Funny, I don't see YOU standing with Rand against internet taxation or CISPA.

Funny, I don't see YOU even attempting to discuss the topic of this thread...however just as I suspected, you'd rather try once again to change the subject than admit you care less for the 1st Amendment than you do the 2nd.
Funny, I don't see YOU even attempting to discuss the topic of this thread...however just as I suspected, you'd rather try once again to change the subject than admit you care less for the 1st Amendment than you do the 2nd.

Yes, the words of a pundit on TV are far more worrisome than legislation that a being voted on this week, and my opposition to that legislation is because I don't care about the 1A. Brilliant deductive reasoning.
Here's another example of Republicans against the First Amendment:
A Lee County community college stopped airing a radio talk show this month after a state lawmaker took issue with an online post a radio host wrote criticizing the lawmaker.

A legislative assistant for State Rep. Mike Stone, wrote the president of Central Carolina Community College on April 3 asking what the school’s affiliation was with “The Rant,” a weekly radio show hosted by three former Sanford-area journalists on the college’s FM radio station WDCC, 90.5. Stone is a Sanford Republican serving his second term in the state legislature.

The show’s hosts don’t plan on fighting the suspension, but will move to an online podcast format to shield the community college from negative pressure from Stone or others.

“We’re gracefully bowing out, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t think this is ridiculous,” said Billy Liggett, who started the show in 2008 as the then-editor of the Sanford Herald. “The fact that Mike Stone would be upset about this we find to be humorous and puzzling.”

The email from Stone’s office, obtained by N.C. Policy Watch through a public records request, had a link to a blog post “Good job Mike! (not really)” written by Gordon Anderson, one of the show’s hosts and another former Herald employee that questioned Stone’s introduction of three local bills at the N.C. General Assembly. Stone’s local bills would make school board and Sanford city elections partisan, require the county school district to pay for sheriff’s officers to be posted at schools, and strip the Lee school board of its appointees to the community college’s board of trustees to the Republican-dominated county commission.

It's almost like 1930's Germany here in the south...
One wonders if those who shouted loudest about the supposed impending loss of our 2nd Amendment will spend as much time defending the 1st amendment?

Fox News host proposes putting ‘listening devices’ in mosques after Boston bombing

After falsely painting the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing as frequent visitors to a local mosque, Fox News host Brian Kilmeade called for authorities to spy on mosques, despite evidence such tactics did not help any criminal investigations.

“I think that we should be able to put in listening devices in there,” Kilmeade said, before asking Peter Johnson Jr., a network contributor and trial lawyer, “Is that possible?”

Johnson quickly said no, pointing out an interview in which New York City police commissioner Ray Kelly said he would follow any lead regarding a terrorism investigation, but that it needed specific information about a “credible threat.”

Kelly’s department was heavily criticized for engaging in an illicit monitoring campaign against the local Muslim population, one that, as an August 2012 report showed, produced no significant leads in any investigations. A group of civil rights lawyers filed a suit in February 2013 accusing the department of breaking guidelines over the length and record-keeping measures it can use during an investigation.

Kilmeade did not cite any sourcing for his insinuation that the two suspects, Tamerlan and Dzokhar Tsarnaev, were frequent attendees at the Islamic Society of Boston Cambridge Masjid. But a mosque spokesperson, Yusufi Vali, told the Boston Globe that 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev was shouted out by congregation members in January 2013 after loudly questioning a sermon comparing Martin Luther King Jr. to the Prophet Muhammad. In a separate statement, the mosque described the two men as “occasional visitors.”

Fox News host proposes putting ‘listening devices’ in mosques after Boston bombing

Who in hell is Brian Kilmeade? What seat in government does he hold? What legislation has Kilmeade presented to the Congress that violates the First Amendment?

I’ll defend to my death Kilmeade’s First Amendment right to express his opinion. I’ll oppose to my death everybody that attempts to violate the Second Amendment and everything else in our Constitution, especially fucking politicians.

Get the point?????
Who in hell is Brian Kilmeade? What seat in government does he hold? What legislation has Kilmeade presented to the Congress that violates the First Amendment?

I’ll defend to my death Kilmeade’s First Amendment right to express his opinion. I’ll oppose to my death everybody that attempts to violate the Second Amendment and everything else in our Constitution, especially fucking politicians.

Get the point?????

Are you so stupid to think this is something new? Ask Dubya about monitoring and spying on mosques.

A report that mosques in Los Angeles and San Diego are under federal surveillance has resurrected fears in the Muslim community about government monitoring and led two civil rights groups Wednesday to call for congressional hearings.

The request for public hearings followed a newspaper article last week that cited FBI and Defense Department files pertaining to surveillance of mosques and Muslims in Southern California.

And hasn't Peter King been wanting to monitor mosques forever?
Are you so stupid to think this is something new? Ask Dubya about monitoring and spying on mosques.

And hasn't Peter King been wanting to monitor mosques forever?

I oppose all attempts by all politicians to violated the Constitution Of These United States.

However the OP correlated the First Amendment Right of a non-politician citizen to express his personal opinion with politicians that have produced actual legislation to violate American’s Second Amendment Rights.

What legislation can you make us aware of being presented by the politicians you mention is there to violate the First Amendment’s rights of Americans?
Who in hell is Brian Kilmeade? What seat in government does he hold? What legislation has Kilmeade presented to the Congress that violates the First Amendment?

I’ll defend to my death Kilmeade’s First Amendment right to express his opinion. I’ll oppose to my death everybody that attempts to violate the Second Amendment and everything else in our Constitution, especially fucking politicians.

Get the point?????

Everyone already understands that Faux News is an extension of the RNC and spreads their talking points over the airwaves to the kool-aid guzzling masses so stop pretending he's a nobody that no one listens to...

Appearing on Fox News Republican talk show “Hannity” Monday night, right-wing columnist Ann Coulter said she’s sad that not only does she think the Boston bombing should shut down the nation’s immigration reform debate, she would like to see the alleged bomber’s widow in jail too, not for committing a crime but for “wearing a hijab.”

“I don’t care if she knew about this,” Coulter said. “She ought to be in prison for wearing a hijab. This immigration policy of us, you know, assimilating immigrants into our culture isn’t really working. They’re assimilating us into their culture. Did she get a clitorectomy too?”

And now another water carrier for the RNC voices her approval of the dismantling of the 1st amendment...