SOTU speech and rebuttal: Classics!

OMG! She was a total train wreck! Her own party is shaking their collective heads over her response to the SOU. If she wasn't a fucked up Republican hack, I'd feel sorry for her. Check this out:

What's hysterical to me is that a pontificating jackass like Charlie Kirk gives negative criticism to a fellow MAGA wonk. Britt's speech is living proof that just because you have academic prowess does not mean you have common sense smarts, much less decent morals.
Now we know that she lied in her story of rape under Biden's watch.

[h=1]TikToker Casts Doubt on Katie Britt’s Trafficking Anecdote from SOTU Response[/h]

BINGO! It's classic Trump .... you take a fact, twist and embellish it to the point where the new story is barely recognizable in relation to the original one. THANKS for this!

I find that Conservative women typically get elected in Red states because the male Republican voters lust after them. I'm not sure how anyone could lust after Geico Greene, but Stone does.

That little act was exactly how Red states want all women to present themselves.

In the kitchen, and hormonal.

There are two women I saw once on YouTube that do a series of take downs called "This Fucking Guy". They gave a facts only bio of Greene that clarifies to anyone with a brain how unqualified she is to be anywhere near a seat of power.

And it's only been magnified since trump usurped control of the party. He consistently degrades women based on their physical appearances.

Which I find to be grotesquely ironic.

Remember, Trump is just the symptom of a long festering disease in the GOP. It started with the Silent Majority, then it morphed into the new conservatives, then into the Tea Party, and now MAGA.
What's hysterical to me is that a pontificating jackass like Charlie Kirk gives negative criticism to a fellow MAGA wonk. Britt's speech is living proof that just because you have academic prowess does not mean you have common sense smarts, much less decent morals.

Kirk's not the only one. Many in the maga cult are scratching their heads over her performance since Thursday.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
What's hysterical to me is that a pontificating jackass like Charlie Kirk gives negative criticism to a fellow MAGA wonk. Britt's speech is living proof that just because you have academic prowess does not mean you have common sense smarts, much less decent morals.

Kirk's not the only one. Many in the maga cult are scratching their heads over her performance since Thursday.

Gotta love it.
Gotta love it.

It won't ruin Britt's career in the maga cult. Look at all the stupid shit Trump gets away with saying, like how "windmills cause cancer, or sinks don't work". The maga cult sees something stupid one of their cult says and when you think they can't go lower, one of them says, "hold my beer!".
There are two women I saw once on YouTube that do a series of take downs called "This Fucking Guy". They gave a facts only bio of Greene that clarifies to anyone with a brain how unqualified she is to be anywhere near a seat of power.
That's why her deep Red district loves her.
And MTG is someone for southern men to lust when wearing thick beer-goggles. Yech!


Kirk's not the only one. Many in the maga cult are scratching their heads over her performance since Thursday.
Ironic, since the same morons who wrote the copy, rammed it down her throat.

Now that it didn't land, they're leaving the room before the fart starts to stink.
Ironic, since the same morons who wrote the copy, rammed it down her throat.

Now that it didn't land, they're leaving the room before the fart starts to stink.

She's under fire right now for her blaming Biden in her "sex trafficker" story that actually occurred during the Bush Administration.

In her first interview since delivering her widely ridiculed rebuttal to Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech, Republican senator Katie Britt refused to apologize for invoking a story about child rape that she implied resulted from the president’s handling of the ongoing crisis at the southern US border – even though the abuse occurred years earlier in Mexico while her party controlled the White House.
Well, Uncle Joe just pulled a rabbit out the hat tonight! His State of the Union speech was beyond the usual pie in the sky proposals and promises that is the status quo for these events. He pulled little punches in pointing the finger at the MAGA GOP for essentially fucking up! When challenged by hecklers, he did a verbal jiu jitsu, with comebacks like "Oh, you want high tax breaks for the wealthy?" The rabid heckler screaming about his military son being killed in Kabul and not getting a mention didn't pan out like Brian Mast (R-FL) hoped it would, as Joe's pre-empted mention of resolve to stop Hamas and various like entities covered such. Nope, old Joe basically took it to the GOP, telling them to lay off Social Security, stop kissing corporate ass and do right by the people. Despite the frowns from Speaker Johnson and cat calls from Margie Green (who got put down SO beautifully by Uncle Joe), Biden was NOT the befuddled old man previously portrayed. Now the rabid right are whining that he's mean and angry and vindictive. Hmm, they need to make up their minds.

But for me the icing on the cake was the GOP response, done by Sen. Katie Britt (R-Al). This chick must've thought she was doing a screen test for Warner Bros.! All generalizations, regurgitation of talking points that Uncle Joe put to shame earlier, waving of the flag, accompanied by a well timed near tears, crocodile smiles and "heart felt" stares. She was so obvious, I said to my father as we laughed, "who does this bitch think she's fooling"? She assured everyone that she's for preserving IVF .... just as her state declares that a woman must give birth to a rape/incest conceived child. (:

Like it or not, my resident right wing crowd, Biden just gave Trump a hard act to follow.

:hand: :hand: :hand:

"he's mean and angry and vindictive." -- hilarious! Especially given that this is #TRE45ON's schtick, day after day after day. Interesting how it's okay for the (R) candidate to be a bellowing buffoon, but if the (D) candidate raises his voice, he's unhinged. Hypocrisy, thy name is MAGAT. :rofl2:
And I kinda enjoyed the comments directed at the SCOTUS Justices sitting right infront of him!

Joe Biden did a fine job last night...and deserves to be re-elected.

I suspect the GOP will not try to win the election. They almost certainly will be aiming to disrupt the Electoral College that the election gets thrown into the House, where Trump will win.

Putting a Trump in charge of the RNC's coffers seems to assure us that they're going to struggle with that. The latest Trump grifter has already promised to direct donations to pay for Daddy Trump's legal bills.
I was told that a kitchen was an appropriate place to give a SOTU rebuttal because moms like it.

Well I'm a dad, and this Britt broad could have given the rebuttal from a stripper's pole
and I still wasn't going to watch it.


She wanted to, but Boobert wouldn't give it up. :laugh:
I watched a couple of clips of her rebuttal and they were so fucking cringe-worthy! Holy shit!! LOLOLOL

The Republikkkans pander to women voters so obviously it's laughable. That's the only reason they picked that idiot to deliver the rebuttal. The kitchen backdrop was such a blatant touch it was almost like an SNL comedy sketch. You expected her to have a plaque on the wall saying Kinder, Küche, Kirche. :laugh: